2015 年初始,兰州火锅行业中出现了一种新的用餐模式--回转火锅。其代表品牌为兰州北家姓回转火锅餐饮有限公司。在不到两年的时间里,北家姓回转火锅已在兰州开设直营店 8 店、连锁加盟店 37 家,取得了骄人的成绩。虽然取得了开门红,但火锅作为传统行业中的一员,如果在经营思路和理念上,固守陈规,按部就班,很难发展壮大并成为一项长久的事业。在互联网思维盛行的今天,面对同行业的效仿竞争,消费群体的品质提升,自身思路的短浅不足,如何利用互联网思维培育其品牌优势,打造其核心竞争力,制定适合企业的发展战略、出台迎合顾客的营销策略,进一步改进经营理念,与时俱进,已成为公司的当务之急。
本文以北家姓回转火锅餐饮管理有限公司为研究对象。先介绍了北家姓回转火锅的运营情况和存在的问题。然后,运用 PEST 分析法、波特五力竞争分析法、SWOT 分析法,对本项目内外部环境,竞争态势进行了分析,确定了项目的营销战略,即以互联网思维为主要的营销策略,结合公司实际情况与当前市场的营销环境,进行了市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位,配合 4C 和 4P 营销组合,制定一套适用于北家姓回转火锅的营销策略、营销渠道。并介绍了营销策略的实施步骤及实施过程中的关键性因素。以期能为传统餐饮行业的长远生存,发展壮大,抵御市场竞争,迎合市场发展,适应新形势、新思维、新商业模式提供参考和借鉴。
The beginning of 2015, the trade of hot pot in Lanzhou appeared a new meal patterncalled--Rotary hot pot. This type of representative brand is Lanzhou Beijiaxing Rotary hot potCo.,Ltd. In less than two years, Beijiaxing has opened 8 directly-managed stores and 37 chainstores in Lanzhou,which have obtained proud achievements.Hot pot as a member of thetraditional industry, Beijiaxing made a good start, but it is difficult to develop and become along-term career if the business ideas and concepts stick to stereotypes and follow the prescribedorder. In the age of the Internet today, Facing the same industry imitate competition, improve thequality of consumer groups, the lack of their own ideas, how to use the Internet thinking tocultivate their brand advantage and promote core competitiveness, make the suitable customer'smarketing strategy, to further improve the business conception, has become a pressing matterof the company.
This paper takes Beijiaxing Rotary hot pot Co.,Ltd as research target. First,introduce thepresent managenment status and problem of Beijiaxing Rotary hot pot,then,analyze the externalenvironment by PEST analytic method; internal medium by Porter's Five Forces Model, strategicsituation analyze by SWOT analysis .Next ,confirm the marketing strategy of this project,whichis use internet thinking as the Marketing Strategy ,combine the fact of enterprise and presentmarket, analyze Marketing situation ,use 4C and 4P Marketing Strategy ,making a marketingstrategy for Beijiaxing Rotary hot. Finally,introduce the steps to implement and marketingimplementation process should pay attention to.Hope to provide reference for the traditional foodindustry for further live,develop and grow, Resistance to market competition,Cater to marketdevelopment,and adapt to the new times,new thinking,new business modelKey words:rotary Hot pot;thinking of Internet ;Marketing Strategy
目 录
(一) 研究背景和问题提出
(二) 研究的目的和意义
(三) 研究思路与研究方法
(四) 研究框架图
(一) 互联网思维理论
(一) 北家姓回转火锅公司简介
四、 互联网思维下北家姓回转火锅市场营销环境分析
(五)SWOT 分析
五、 北家姓回转火锅营销策略的制定
(五)基于 4C 与 4P 的整合营销策略