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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-11-24 共2184字

【题目】 甘肃中粮可口可乐饮料营销战略研究

  进入21世纪后,随着我国加入WTO,国际一体化程度越来越高,国民经济持续不断快速发展,城市化水平也随之不断提高,饮料市场的市场份额也随之不断扩大,国际着名的饮料品牌可口可乐、百事可乐相互之间一直进行着激烈的竞争,“两乐”迅速将营销战略扩张步伐引入我国西北地区,强势布局饮料市场的客户培养、传播、推动。不仅如此,在市场上其他饮料品牌的诸多新产品品类也相继出现在消费者的视野,如“康师傅” “娃哈哈” “统一”等,饮料业的竞争不言而喻且难分上下。本文选择甘肃中可营销战略作为论文研究课题,它的组建正是在这种大的竞争环境下进行,并希望把在MBA教育阶段学到的理论、方法结合自己在实际工作中的思考,为甘肃中可未来营销战略的制定锦上添花,以应对饮料市场激烈的竞争。同时,回顾甘肃中可在竞争市场釆用怎样的营销策略并分析这些策略的影响效果将有助于企业透彻认识快速消费品行业的发展之路,对本土企业具有相应的借鉴意义。
  Entering the 21st Century, with China's adhesion to the WTO? and its increasinginternationalization level,fast economical development and accelerated urbanization,the market share for beverage is enlarging. While engaging in fierce competition, theworld famous beverage brands such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi have extended theirstrategic steps into the northwestern part of China, to create a strong position todevelop, diffuse and promote tfie beverage's market. Meanwhile, new varietals ofother beverage brands such as “Kcmgshifu,、”Wahaha“ and ''Tongyi,,made theirappearance in the consumers' view,enforcing the already hot beverage market.
  This thesis has chosen the marketing strategy of Gansu Cofco Coca-ColaBeverage Co.,Ltd. as the research subject. Because its creation is realized againstthis competitive environment, and with the hope to combine what the author haslearned in theory and methods through her MBA education with her reflections inthe practical work,this thesis aims to provide references for Gansu Cofco Coca-ColaBeverage Co” Ltd. to confront the market competitions. Meanwhile, thesereflections on the marketing strategies and the analyses on their effects will help usto comprehend, correctly, the development path for fast consummation products,thus significant for domestic companies' development.
  The thesis,to discuss in a comprehensive manner the marketing strategy ofGansu Cofco Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd.,is divided into 5 parts. The first, chapteris the introduction, for the presentation of research background, significance andmain contents. The second chapter is the literature review,to summarize the relativemarketing strategy theories as well as some case analyses. The third chapter is forthe external marketing environment analysis with PEST frame work; the Porter'sFive Forces analysis deals with its industrial environment; and the internalenvironment analysis includes finance, human resource, equipment and technology.
  From the strength md weakness, the opportunity and threat for the firm will emerge.
  The fourth chapter is the optimization strategy for the firm by the implementationand perfection of marketing strategies for a sustainable development. The first twoparts are the foundation,the third is the key part and the fourth is the sublimationpart, for the marketing strategy's design and implementation.
  Keywords: beverage market; marketing strategy; Gansu Cofco Coca-Cola



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