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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-20 共4114字

【第1部分】 一汽大众新车型自主研发流程优化设计研究

  摘 要






  而产生这些问题的原因有,产品开发工作流程本身不够完善;产品开发项目管理组织结构方面不够细化,工作分工不够明确;新产品开发过程中的项目管理缺少有效的 IT 系统的支持。





  建立和完善各类 IT 信息系统平台,用于固化流程,借助于信息技术,将流程通过系统来实现,固化人们的工作习惯,通过信息技术的支持,流程体系在形成和实施的效果上会更加迅速和有效。





  The competition of the automobile market is becoming increasingly fierce,product development strategy becomes increasingly important, FAW – VW's R & Dsystem is gradually converted from the business to strategy oriented leading, and iscommitted to building the independent research and development strategiccapability.Improve the ability of research and development in relation to the futureof the enterprise, and the core work of the R & D ability promotion is to build astrong set of process support system and optimize the business process.

  Product development process of FAW-VW is mainly transformed andtransplanted from the German Volkswagen Company product development process .

  For a long time, FAW-VW produced only the production of Volkswagen's maturebatch models. For the product development process, the main work is focused on thepreparation for mass production stage, some tasks belonging to batch developmentstage. Through continuous summary of practical experience, the batch developmentstage and batch preparation phase of the process is quite perfect, perform moreeffective, the operation effect is good. But for the model project of independentresearch and development, although FAW-VW draw lessons from GermanyVolkswagen to develop the corresponding product development work process, butthe process is too rough, and there are a lot of problems.

  In this paper to investigate the existing problems in the process of FAW-VWindependent research and development of new models and put forward thecorresponding optimization of independent research and development strategy offlow system and the solution.

  The main problems existing in FAW-VW new car development projects are:

  product development cycle is longer, the development cost is relatively high, it isdifficult to guarantee the development quality. Which leads to the long developmentcycle, tardy progress mainly has four aspects: one is the design schedule can not becompleted on schedule; two is due to the characteristics of the joint venturecompany, decision rights of parts and the rights of recognization of independentresearch and development are in the German Volkswagen hands, so lead tocomplicated process, involving not only the domestic, but also relates to the German,the communication process is not of an ideal state.

  The high cost of development embodied in the vehicle itself, on the one hand,the cost of materials beyond the target. On the other hand, because the projecttardiness, frequent changes caused by technology, lead to the sharply rise ofdevelopment costs, change cost and production investment. The project processcontrol, on the one hand, conzept development stage work led by the R & Ddepartment, other department's participation degree is not high; on the other hand,different departments are not as an organic whole to communicate and collaborateefficiently .

  The reasons for these problems are, the product development work processitself is not perfect; the organization structure of project management is not detailedenough, division of labor is not clear enough; to support project management of newproduct development in the process is lack of effective IT systems.

  In summary, to enhance the independent research and development level,FAW-VW must continue construct its independent research and development ofprocess system, constantly optimize the business process:

  With reference to the German Volkswagen mature development experience,refine organization, that task division more clear, more close to the German massorganizations, improve the efficiency of communication, reduce the communicationcost, so as to promote the smooth implementation of product development project.

  Scientific planning of R & D team, enhance the ability of personnel ofresearch and development, accelerate the construction of R & D team.

  Improve the main process of new product development project, improve thevarious functional areas in the development of new products process, specialize themicro flow, to supplement and improve the guidance document of new productdevelopment project.

  To establish and perfect the IT information systems, curing process, with thehelp of information technology, will achieve the process through the system, curingpeople's work habits, through the support of information technology, the effect of theprocess in formation and implementation will be more rapid and effective.

  Build the prototype and test center, construct the professional vehicle testfield ,develop the basic test facilities for product development, to upgradetechnology development department.

  Collect the guidance document with enterprise and product features, collectthe technical requirement and specification formed in the development process, todevelop into the company's own corporate standards. At the same time, in order tomake the product development work more standardization and orderly, greatlyreducing the development of product design errors, enhance the speed of productdevelopment, the company should pay full attention to the standardization work ofproduct development process.

  Keywords:independent research and development, process, FAW – VW, automobile,information system

  目 录

  摘 要……5


  第 1 章 绪论……1

  1.1 研究背景……1

  1.2 研究意义……2

  1.3 研究方法与内容……3

  第 2 章 一汽-大众公司自主研发现状和问题分析……4

  2.1 公司自主研发概况……4

  2.2 公司自主研发现状评价……9

  2.3 公司自主研发存在的问题原因分析 ……14

  第 3 章 一汽-大众公司自主研发流程体系优化设计……18

  3.1 公司自主研发组织和研发人员规划 ……19

  3.2 公司自主研发流程优化……26

  3.3 公司自主研发信息系统及基础设施构建 ……34

  3.4 公司自主研发标准制订……37

  第 4 章 一汽-大众公司自主研发流程实施和保障……39

  4.1 公司自主研发流程的实施 ……39

  4.2 公司自主研发流程实施的保障措施 ……40

  结 论……42


  致 谢……46

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