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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-13 共3100字
  摘 要
  Mohists Environmental Ethics contains profuse ecological theory, is animportant ecological thoughts which the Cultural Heritage also can learn in ancientChina. Harmonious ecological environment destruction have become increasinglyprominent, the deteriorating relationship between man and nature today. Analyzingand interpretting of Mohists Environmental Ethics, drawing Mohists EnvironmentalEthics can help us make solutions to the current ecological problems and build thesociety which development sustainable and friendly.
  This paper combine with historical data and make use of of logic and historicalmethod, Environmental Ethics of Mohism were studied comprehensive analysis andsystems. Firstly, we examine the relationship between Mohists EnvironmentalEthics and Mohism along with the status of Mohists Environmental Ethics inMohism, explain historical and cultural background along with PhilosophicalFoundation of Mohists Environmental Ethics. Next dissert the basic content ofMohists Environmental Ethics from two aspects: the fundamental principles and thespecific content of Mohists Environmental Ethics in detail, then reveals thecharacteristics of Mohist Environmental Ethics. on this basis, comprehensivedescribes the relationship between Mohist Environmental Ethics and Mohism, andthe formation of Mohist Environmental Ethics, and analyzed the philosophicalfoundation of Mohists Environmental Ethics in the way of outlook, values andepistemology. Finally, elaborate the important significance of MohistsEnvironmental Ethics for solving problems of modern society, getting rid of theecological dilemma and the importance of the construction of ecological civilizationwith Chinese characteristics.
  The paper's conception and characteristics is that compares with similarstudies this paper is more systematic and contemporary. At present, there is fewstudies on the ecological thought in Mohists, mostly discuss on individual aspects ofMohism and based Mohists ecological thinking at an angle one-sided, which lack ofcomprehensive systems and detailed in-depth study through. This paper carefullyanalyze Mohists Environmental Ethics, including elaborate the fundamentalprinciples from three aspects of “love poor”, “heaven and man”, “the world'sinterest” and elaborate the specific contents from the aspects of “fraternity”, “non-offensive”, “festival with”, “saving the funeral” and “ no music”. Thereby concludedthat Mohists Environmental Ethics has people nature, pragmatic and sustainabilityfeatures. Finally investigate the contemporary significance of Mohist environmentalethics from the aspects of the establishment of the ecological value of the system,the construction of ecological civilization, the construction harmonious societywhich offers a way to excavate its prolific resources and practical significance,sothat other researchers may come up with valuable opinions.
  Keywords:Mohism, Environmental Ethics, contemporary significance

  目 录
  摘 要
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 课题的提出及研究的目的和意义
  1.1.1 课题的提出
  1.1.2 课题研究的目的和意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状及分析
  1.2.1 国内研究现状
  1.2.2 国外研究现状
  1.2.3 国内外研究现状简析
  1.3 主要研究内容和研究方法
  1.3.1 主要研究内容
  1.3.2 主要研究方法
  第 2 章 墨家环境伦理思想的形成及其哲学基础
  2.1 墨家环境伦理思想与墨学
  2.1.1 墨学述略
  2.1.2 墨家环境伦理思想与墨学其他
  2.1.3 墨家环境伦理思想是墨学的理论精华
  2.2 墨家环境伦理思想形成的历史文化背景
  2.2.1 墨家环境伦理思想形成的地域背景
  2.2.2 墨家环境伦理思想形成的时代背景
  2.2.3 墨家环境伦理思想形成的文化背景
  2.3 墨家环境伦理思想的哲学基础
  2.3.1 尊天崇地的世界观
  2.3.2 志功合一的价值观
  2.3.3 言必立仪的认识论
  2.4 本章小结
  第 3 章 墨家环境伦理思想的基本内容及其特点
  3.1 墨家环境伦理思想的根本原则
  3.1.1 爱无差等的指导思想
  3.1.2 顺天应人的理论前提
  3.1.3 天下之利的价值目标
  3.2 墨家环境伦理思想的具体内容
  3.2.1 “兼爱”的互爱互利思想
  3.2.2 “非攻”的反战思想
  3.2.3 “节用”、“节葬”、“非乐”的节俭思想
  3.3 墨家环境伦理思想的总体特点
  3.3.1 墨家环境伦理思想的民本性
  3.3.2 墨家环境伦理思想的务实性
  3.3.3 墨家环境伦理思想的可持续性
  3.4 本章小结
  第 4 章 墨家环境伦理思想的现代意义
  4.1 墨家环境伦理思想与生态价值体系的确立
  4.1.1 有助于确立人与自然协同进化的生态世界观
  4.1.2 有助于确立人类价值与自然价值相统一的生态价值观
  4.1.3 有助于确立环境意识与环境保护相结合的生态实践观
  4.2 墨家环境伦理思想与和谐社会的构建
  4.2.1 墨家环境伦理思想构成人与自然和谐相处的精神动力
  4.2.2 墨家环境伦理思想构成人与社会协调发展的思想源泉
  4.2.3 墨家环境伦理思想构成国际关系有序推进的理论基础
  4.3 墨家环境伦理思想与生态文明的建设
  4.3.1 墨家环境伦理思想有利于资源节约型社会的建设
  4.3.2 墨家环境伦理思想有利于环境友好型社会的形成
  4.3.3 墨家环境伦理思想有利于全民族生态文明意识的普及
  4.4 本章小结
  结 论
  致 谢
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