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时间:2016-12-06 来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠 本文字数:2134字
第一章 第二章: 女大学生恋爱心理概述
  摘 要
  随着我国改革开放的进一步推进,教育体制改革的不断深化,大学生恋爱现象已经变的越来越普遍。2005 年教育部出台的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》中表示,不再禁止在校大学生结婚,也就是说我国在校大学生实现了婚姻自由。女大学生作为大学生中的一个特殊群体,在大学校园中占据着越来越重要的地位。目前我国在校女大学生比例已超过50%,受社会环境、家庭环境、学校环境以及自身性别角色的影响,女大学生的恋爱心理特点呈现多样性,即感性与理性交织、传统与现代结合、纯爱与功力并存;女大学生的恋爱心理也存在一些问题,即失恋挫折感强,承受能力较弱、恋爱动机功利化、恋爱心理盲从化、恋爱中传统道德淡化。其次,对女大学生恋爱心理存在的问题进行进一步的分析,从社会、家庭、学校及女大学生自身四方面的影响因素挖掘问题存在的根本问题,使我们从根本上认识到解决女大学生恋爱心理问题的重要性以及深远意义。最后,本文针对影响女大学生恋爱心理的因素,从内因及外因两个角度探讨解决女大学生恋爱心理问题的策略,外因即从社会文化、学校教育、家庭教育等方面入手,加强社会对女大学生恋爱心理的关注与关怀,努力为女大学生营造一个良好的学习生活环境;内因即从女大学生自身入手,提高女大学生面对恋爱心理问题的应对能力,理性的对待爱情、培养他们爱的能力、学会如何在恋爱中自尊与尊重他人、正确面对失恋,帮助女大学生提升自我、完善自我、发展自我,实现爱情、学业双丰收。
  With further promote China's reform and opening up, the deepening of education reform,love in college students has become increasingly common. 2005Ministry of Education issued a“general college student regulations” said college students are no longer banned in marriage,that means our college students to achieve the freedom of marriage. Female students as collegestudents in a particular group on campus occupied an increasingly important position. At present,the proportion of female students at school for more than 50%, by the social environment andfamily environment school environment and their gender roles impact, psychologicalcharacteristics of female college students love diversified, namely between Sense and Sensibility,tradition and modernity, pure love and sill coexist. There are also some problems of Femalestudents on love problems, namely romance strong frustration, affordability is weak, utilitarianmotives love, love psychology of blind obedience, love fade traditional morality. Secondly, thefemale students love psychological problems in further analysis, the fundamental problemexcavation problems from their own factors in four areas of social, family, school and collegestudents, so fundamental to our understanding of female college students love to solvepsychological problems The importance and far-reaching significance. Finally, the factors thataffect the female college students love psychology, both from internal and external anglesexplore solutions female students love psychological problems of strategy, external factors thatstart from the social and cultural aspects of school education, family education, and strengthenthe community of female college students Love psychological attention and care, and strive tocreate a good learning environment for female students; female students from their own internalstart improving female students face psychological problems capacity to respond in love andrational about love, and develop their ability to love, learn how to self-esteem and respect forothers in love, the right to face romance, female college students to help enhance the self,s e l f - i m p r o v e m e n t , s e l f - d e v e l o p m e n t , t o a c h i e v e l o v e , a c a d e m i c b u m p e r.
  Key words: female college students, love psychological problems, utilitarian, blindly, socialculture

  第一章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 研究意义
  1.4 研究内容、难点与创新
  1.5 研究方法
  第二章 女大学生恋爱心理概述
  2.1 恋爱及恋爱心理的相关概念
  2.2 女大学生恋爱心理的特点
  第三章 女大学生恋爱心理存在的问题
  3.1 恋爱挫折感强,承受能力较弱
  3.2 恋爱动机功利化
  3.3 恋爱心理盲从化
  3.4 恋爱中传统道德淡化
  第四章 女大学生恋爱心理的影响因素分析
  4.1 社会文化对女大学生恋爱心理的影响
  4.2 校园文化对女大学生恋爱心理的影响
  4.3 家庭因素对女大学生恋爱心理的影响
  4.4 大学生自身一些因素的影响
  第五章 女大学生恋爱心理教育的策略
  5.1 发挥社会文化的主导作用
  5.2 发挥学校教育的主体作用
  5.3 发挥家庭教育的主要作用
  5.4 克服女大学生自身恋爱心理的一些缺陷
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