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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-05 共4103字

【题目 】 房地产项目质量控制问题探析
  摘 要
  随着我国经济的不断增长,市场化程度的加深,我国各个领域都进入了快速发展、激烈竞争的阶段,这既带来了机遇同时也使各企业面临挑战,怎样在市场化的环境中赢得挑战,需要企业从各方面全面提升综合实力。对于建筑企业特别是房地产企业同样面临考验,不仅要将企业做大做强,对于产品的质量更要严格把关,在保持住原有优势的同时不断提高自身的竞争能力。为此,本文以 A 房地产工程项目为例,深入分析了房地产项目在建设中的质量管理问题。
  本文通过对 A 房地产项目的全面研究,发现虽然该项目在工程实施过程中建立了比较全面的质量管理模式,但仍然存在一些不足,比如机构的设定,产品的质量把控等等,为此,文中针对 A 房地产项目质量管理中的问题有针对性的提出了相关政策和建议,这也为其他房地产企业今后的发展提供了借鉴,这不仅有助于房地产企业提高自身的竞争力,更有助于提高我国建筑企业整体的质量水平。
  房地产企业质量管理水平的完善是建筑行业得以发展的必要因素,也是确保企业在激烈竞争的市场环境中得以长久生存的基本保证。从目前国内的研究情况来看,虽然部分学者已经开始研究房地产企业质量管理问题,但大部分仅从理论上加以阐述,没有从实际项目中深入全面分析,而本文以 A 房地产项目为核心,紧紧围绕该项目的设计、实施到完工的整个过程,详尽的分析了整个工程存在的不足,并有针对性有建设性的提出了解决对策。
  在对国内外相关研究概述的基础上,总结了目前关于质量管理的基本情况,接下来介绍了 A 房地产工程项目的基本情况,包括质量管理模式、质量管理体系等,在此基础上总结了 A 房地产工程项目在质量管理中存在的问题;并针对存在的问题,提出了 A 房地产工程项目质量管理的改进方案;最后,提出了 A 房地产工程项目质量管理的保障措施。具体文章分为五章:第一章,对本文的研究背景做了简要的概述,并介绍了目前国内外的研究情况,同时对本文的研究意义及研究内容与方法做了阐述。第二章,主要介绍了与本文研究相关的理论知识,分别介绍了工程质量管理和可靠性工程的相关理论。第三章,对 A 房地产工程项目质量管理现状做了分析,对 A 房地产项目总结做了介绍,包括工程的基本概况,建筑设计概况,结构概况以及工程地基情况,并且分析了该项目的工程重点和难点。
  然后阐述了 A 房地产工程项目质量管理模式以及 A 房地产工程项目质量管理中存在的问题。第四章,是 A 房地产工程项目质量管理改进方案,具体包括 A 房地产工程项目质量持续改进的原则,建立健全工程项目质量管理体系的思路以及工程项目质量管理改进方案。第五章,提出了促进 A 房地产工程项目质量管理的保障措施。
  Along with our country economy continues to grow China's economic development,constantly improve the market, promote the deepening of the economic system reformpace, China will enter an omni-directional, multilevel and wide-range of open a newdevelopment stage. The arrival of this phase will make China's enterprises in the fiercemarket competition environment at once. It provides an unprecedented equalcompetition for the enterprise market and increasing the scope of operation space, moremake our enterprises facing the challenge of competition. How to continuously improvethe comprehensive strength of enterprises, to keep the advantage position in marketcompetition, has become our country enterprise must consider the question.
  This article through to A real estate company in-depth study of A real estate project,found A real estate company on the basis of IS09000 quality control, in accordance withthe method of total quality management to establish the engineering quality control, andin the local actual project operation combined with the quality of the “comprehensivemanagement” management model, for real estate projects in the people, materials,equipment, construction of the four elements of detailed and comprehensive qualitycontrol, the quality control of the real estate enterprises in our country has brought newinspiration; At the same time, the establishment of A real estate company quality controlhelps to enhance the level of the quality management of real estate enterprises in Chinaand improve the efficiency of enterprise operation, to enhance the core competitivenessof the real estate companies, to be able to bring the sustainable and healthy economicbenefit, make enterprise in an impregnable position in the competitive marketenvironment. In theoretical research, due to domestic specifically for A single real estateenterprises quality management model research literature is not too much, instant thereis A small part, also only stay on an overview of the whole management system, there isno comprehensive in-depth, this study with A real estate company quality control as themain line, analyses the quality control method of the project, which also make up for thedeficiency of the research in this field in China.
  Based on the theory of project quality management both at home and abroad issummarized, on the basis of this paper introduces the basic situation of A real estateproject, including quality management mode, the quality management system, and theowner of survey and design units, supervision units, the implementation of qualitymanagement measures, such as contractors and analyzes the quality of A real estateproject management problems that exist in the; For A real estate project qualitymanagement problems, put forward the improvement scheme of project qualitymanagement; finally, put forward A real estate project quality management guaranteemeasures. Specific article is divided into five chapters: the first chapter, the researchbackground of this article made a brief overview, and introduces the current researchsituation at home and abroad, the research significance and research content of thispaper and the method to do in this paper. The second chapter, mainly introduced in thispaper, we study related theory knowledge, respectively introduces the engineeringquality management and relevant theory of reliability engineering. The third chapter, thequality of A real estate project management status, A summary of A real estate project ispresented, including the basic situation of the engineering, architectural design, profilestructure and engineering gay love situation, and analyzes the important and difficultproject engineering. Then expounds A real estate project quality management mode andA real estate project quality management problems that exist in the implementation. Thefourth chapter, this paper puts forward the improvement project of A real estate projectquality management, including the principle of A real estate project quality continuousimprovement, establish and improve the quality of the project management system ideasand improve the project quality management plan. The fifth chapter, this paper putsforward the safeguard measures to improve the quality of A real estate projectmanagement, including the owner of the quality improvement safeguards, contract thequality improvement of safeguard measures and quality supervision party safeguardmeasures of the quality improvement.
  Key Words: Project quality management; Real estate project; Total qualitymanagement

  目 录
  摘 要
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状分析
  1.3.1 国外研究现状
  1.3.2 国内研究现状
  1.4 研究内容和研究方法
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 研究方法
  1.5 论文的创新之处
  第 2 章 相关理论与研究综述
  2.1 房地产项目管理的主体与对象
  2.2 房地产项目质量
  2.2.1 房地产项目质量的内涵
  2.2.2 房地产项目质量的特点
  2.2.3 房地产项目质量的影响因素
  2.3 房地产项目质量管理
  2.3.1 质量管理的发展及主要内涵
  2.3.2 全方位的质量管理模式
  2.3.3 房地产项目质量管理定义及其管理特点
  2.3.4 房地产项目质量管理的原则
  2.3.5 房地产企业与其他承包商项目质量管理的区别
  第 3 章 A 房地产工程项目质量管理现状分析
  3.1 A 房地产工程项目简介
  3.1.1 工程基本概况
  3.1.2 建筑设计概况
  3.1.3 结构概况
  3.1.4 工程地基情况
  3.2 A 房地产工程项目质量管理模式
  3.3 A 房地产工程项目质量管理实施中存在的问题
  3.3.1 质量管理体系不健全
  3.3.2 采购过程质量管理较片面
  3.3.3 勘察设计阶段疏于质量管理
  3.3.4 施工过程质量管理较薄弱
  第 4 章 A 房地产工程项目质量管理改进方案
  4.1 A 房地产工程项目质量持续改进的原则
  4.2 建立健全工程项目质量管理体系的思路
  4.3 A 房地产工程项目质量管理改进方案
  4.3.1 完善质量管理体系
  4.3.2 采购流程的质量改进
  4.3.3 勘察设计阶段的质量改进
  4.3.4 施工单位的质量改进
  第 5 章 A 房地产工程项目质量管理改进方案的实施策略
  5.1 业主方质量管理改进方案的实施策略
  5.2 承包施工方质量管理改进方案的实施策略
  5.2.1 提高人员素质,增强质量意识
  5.2.2 完善项目质量责任制
  5.3 监理方质量管理改进方案的实施策略
  5.3.1 强化质量信息收集
  5.3.2 强化质量监管
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