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来源:上海师范大学 作者:王亚萍
发布于:2017-02-09 共2657字

【题目】 国际商事仲裁中合并仲裁制度面临的障碍分析
  With the rapid development of the economy, multi-party disputes occurfrequently, has caused attention of many legislatures and arbitration institutions, buttraditional separate arbitration approach in the face of this problem exist to overcomethe drawbacks of the, it is based on this, the multi-party dispute debate emerged tosolve the object of consolidated arbitration. However, there are many doubts about themerger of the arbitration system, that is, whether the combination of arbitration andarbitration is not the party autonomy principle and the principle of confidentiality.
  This has formed the contradiction between the practical demand and the theoreticalcontroversy and the legislation lag, therefore, the research and the arbitration, has theimportant theory value and the practical significance.
  In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four partsto carry on the research and elaboration.
  The first part mainly introduces the general theory of the merger arbitration, andthe dispute settlement object of the merger is the multi parties dispute: Multi singlecontract disputes, disputes chain, umbrella dispute, triangular controversy, it isbecause of such a complex multi controversy consolidated arbitration arises at thehistoric moment. The author further introduces the widely accepted and adoptedconsolidated arbitration theories and consolidated arbitration in legislation andPractice; And then the two chapter,it has the risk to break the basic rule, namely theautonomy of party's will and the confidentiality in arbitration. Besides, the conflictwith the New York Arbitration Convention of 1958 might make the arbitrationawards impossible to be enforced;Chapter third enumerates several samples of somenations' provisions, and rules of famous arbitration organizations;The forth chapterpresents the current situation of consolidation of arbitration in China, then putsforward lots of feasible suggestions of the establishment regarding the consolidationof arbitration in China in a systematic and reasonable way. Including in the legislativelevel, the establishment of the merger and arbitration system, the application of therules of the merger, the starting elements, the decision to merge the power ofarbitration, the arbitrator's designation and the final decision of the process design.
  Key words: multi parties dispute;consolidation of arbitration;  consolidation byconsent;  compulsory consolidation

  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题背景及意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 研究思路与研究方法
  1.4 创新与不足
  第 2 章 合并仲裁制度的确立与发展
  2.1 合并仲裁制度的确立-多方当事人争议的产生及解决
  2.1.1 多方当事人争议的产生
  2.1.2 多方当事人争议的解决
  2.2 合并仲裁制度的发展
  2.2.1 关于合并仲裁的理论质疑
  2.2.2 合并仲裁在立法与实践中的广泛接受与采纳
  第 3 章 合并仲裁的法理基础-困境与出路
  3.1 与意思自治原则的冲突及协调
  3.1.1 意思自治原则是仲裁法的首要原则
  3.1.2 对意思自治原则的理性分析
  3.2 与仲裁保密性的冲突及协调
  3.2.1 保密性是仲裁的特有优势
  3.2.2 合并仲裁后仍具有保密性
  3.2.3 保密性服从于公共利益
  3.3 与《纽约公约》的冲突及协调
  3.3.1 《纽约公约》的相关规定
  3.3.2 针对《纽约公约》的解决对策
  第 4 章 域外合并仲裁的立法与实践考察
  4.1 域外立法关于合并仲裁的规定
  4.1.1 荷兰法院强制合并仲裁
  4.1.2 美国承认有条件的强制合并仲裁
  4.1.3 新西兰仲裁庭自由裁量合并仲裁
  4.1.4 英国支持当事人合意合并仲裁
  4.2 国际仲裁机构仲裁规则关于合并仲裁的规定
  4.2.1 《国际商会仲裁院仲裁规则》
  4.2.2 《伦敦海事仲裁员协会条款》
  4.2.3 《比利时调解和仲裁中心仲裁规则》
  4.2.4 《香港国际仲裁中心管理仲裁规则》
  4.3 总结和分析域外的立法与实践现状
  第 5 章 我国合并仲裁制度的现状及构建
  5.1 我国合并仲裁的现状
  5.1.1 国内的立法现状
  5.1.2 我国的仲裁规则现状
  5.1.3 总结和分析国内合并仲裁现状
  5.2 我国合并仲裁制度的构建
  5.2.1 明确规范合意合并仲裁
  5.2.2 认可有条件的强制合并仲裁
  5.2.3 合并仲裁实务操作的具体程序
  结 语
原文出处:王亚萍. 国际商事仲裁中的合并仲裁问题研究[D].上海师范大学,2016.
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