关键词: 防护体系 控制体系 地下空间
With the development of the international situation, theinternational environment around China has become extremely complicated,and the uncertain factors affecting China's strategic security haveincreased. The perfect civil air defense system is an important guaranteefor a country to improve its survivability and preserve its war strength,while urban civil air defense engineering The planning can guide theconstruction of civil air defense projects more effectively and ensurethat the construction of civil air defense projects has a focused andplanned implementation. It determines the level of urban civil airdefense development, construction priorities, layout and steps duringthe planning period. It can ensure the city's civil air defenseconstruction has a key, orderly and rational development, and can ensurethe implementation of urban infrastructure and key target protection,and build according to law. Use and management; can ensure that civilair defense construction and urban construction, especially thedevelopment of urban underground space, are basically synchronized andcoordinated.

Based on the actual situation of urban civil air defense projectplanning and construction in China, this paper refers to the example ofPingyu County civil air defense project planning, and analyzes themethods and contents of the civil air defense engineering system,including the overall urban protection layout principle, theestablishment and protection of key protection objectives. Measures,evacuation and sheltering methods for wartime personnel, methods forpredicting the amount of civil air defense projects, layout principlesfor urban civil air defense projects, establishment of near-term andlong-term construction goals, and models and priorities for thedevelopment and utilization of urban underground space, and summed upVarious types of land are used to construct the control standards forcivil air defense projects, and further exploration is made on thestandards and methods of communication control betKey 。
Words: Protection system, Control system, Underground Space
第 1 章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.1.1 社会背景
1.1.2 国外城市人防工程建设
1.1.3 国内城市人防工程建设及相关理论
1.1.4 问题的提出
1.2 研究的目的与意义
1.3 研究方法和框架
1.3.1 研究方法
1.3.2 研究框架
第 2 章 城市总体防护体系的建立
2.1 防护结构的建立
2.1.1 防护分区的确立
2.1.2 城市总体防护原则和城市建设中的总体防护要求
2.2 人员疏散
2.2.1 疏散目的、原则、时机
2.2.2 疏散对象和比例
2.2.3 疏散方案
2.3 避难场所的规划
2.4 重要目标的防护
2.4.1 重要目标确定原则
2.4.2 重要目标的防护措施
2.5 人员掩蔽
2.5.1 掩蔽原则和时机
2.5.2 掩蔽措施
2.6 组建专业队
2.6.1 组建原则
2.6.2 专业队职责
第 3 章 城市人防工程控制体系的建立
3.1 人防工程控制体系
3.2 城市人防工程建设量的需求预测
3.2.1 指挥工程的需求预测
3.2.2 医疗救护工程的需求预测
3.2.3 人员掩蔽工程的需求预测
3.2.4 防空专业队工程的需求预测
3.2.5 配套工程的需求预测
3.3 各类用地配建人防工程管控
3.3.1 结合居住用地配建人防工程
3.3.2 结合公共管理与公共服务设施用地配建人防工程
3.4 人防工程规划与布局
3.4.1 规划布局原则
3.4.2 适建性分析
3.4.3 人防工程布局规划
第 4 章 城市人防工程建设
4.1 人防工程与地下空间综合利用
4.1.1 综合利用原则
4.1.2 结合形式
4.1.3 人防工程平时功能利用引导
4.1.4 地下空间兼顾人防工程引导
4.2 连通控制
4.3 普通地下室临战加固
4.4 人防工程平战转换
第 5 章 案例分析—平舆县人防工程规划
5.1 规划范围、期限及人口
5.2 人防工程防护分类
5.3 城市防护结构
5.4 组织指挥体系
5.5 通信警报体系
5.6 人口疏散体系
5.7 避难场所规划
5.8 重要目标防护
5.9 专业队组建
5.10 人防工程需求预测
5.11 人防工程布局规划
5.12 近期人防工程规划
第 6 章 结论