摘 要
关键词: 输变电工程;水土保持;方案设计与分析;陕西省
Under the "western development" policy guidance, the power grid constructions inShaanxi Province has made great progress, it has a very important role to the economic andsocial development of Shaanxi Province. At the same time, the construction of powertransmission project will inevitably disturb the original topography and damage vegetationand soil structure, Therefore caused a certain amount of soil erosion. With the target of gridconstruction that is "creating the eco-type power transmission project", soil and waterconservation technology for power transmission programs not only implement both nationalsoil and water conservation laws and regulations concrete manifestation but also controlpower transmission project construction effective way to prevent soil erosion.
IIPower transmission project is typical of point or line engineering. Substationconstruction projects are point projects whereas construction of transmission lines is linearproject. The time of water and soil loss mainly centralize period of project construction .Manysubstation area excavation, leveling and basic processing, transmission lines tower foundationconstruction, engineering construction, sidewalk construction, the stretch field layout andother activities brings their erosion characteristics over time and space changes. This paperadopts a comprehensive analysis method as well as a typical example analysis to analyze theconstruction of water and soil loss in origin, characteristic and its influence factors for powertransmission project of Shaanxi province, moreover described the power transmissionengineering principles and methods of soil conservation monitoring. Meanwhile according toregional climate, topography, soil, vegetation, water, hydrological sediment and other naturalcondition characteristics, from an area of transmission project, volume of earth and stoneand the main project soil and water conservation programs comparison as well as mainly soilconservation monitoring. Combining power transmission project responsibility erosioncontrol and prevention district, and then considering the socio-economic conditions ofShaanxi Province divided into three types of ecological recovery mode on transmissionengineering soil and water conservation, that is, Sand hills and Loess Plateau in northernShaanxi, Guanzhong Plain area and Southern Rocky Mountain Area.
Based on these, proposing the system for the prevent construction of power transmissionproject include engineering measures, plant measures and provisional measures, Combiningthe characteristics of different areas of construction engineering, establishing system ofconstruction control measures on soil and water conservation district. Under rehabilitationcondition, sowing seeds of slash recovery program predict the soil erosion amount of typicaltower bit in Shaanxi. Through the power transmission line and substation project floor areas,the volume of earth and stone estimation and typical tower founder analysis and predict,assessing quantitatively the effect of soil and water conservation management of powertransmission project and other erosion control measures.
This study has a guiding significance for soil and water conservation measures selectionand even for preventing programming of power transmission projects. It not only promotesthe development of soil and water conservation technology for power transmission project,and also has a certain reference significance of water conservation measures to other similarprojects.
Keywords: Power transmission project, Soil and Water Conservation, Design and Analysis ofscheme, Shaanxi Province
目 录
摘 要……I
目 录……IV
第一章 绪论…… 1
1.1 研究背景…… 1
1.2 输变电工程水土保持国内外研究现状…… 1
1.2.1 国外输变电工程水土保持研究现状…… 1
1.2.2 国内输变电工程水土保持研究现状…… 2
1.3 陕西省输变电工程水土保持现状…… 3
1.3.1 陕西省水土保持现状…… 3
1.3.2 陕西省输变电工程水土保持研究现状…… 6
1.4 研究内容…… 6
1.5 技术路线…… 6
1.6 研究成果…… 7
第二章 陕西省输变电工程水土流失特征分析…… 8
2.1 输变电工程水土流失特点…… 8
2.1.1 地表扰动分散、呈点带线分布…… 8
2.1.2 诱发侵蚀的因素多样化…… 8
2.1.3 水土流失呈阶段性…… 8
2.1.4 土地扰动面积大…… 9
2.1.5 突发性和潜在危害性…… 10
2.1.6 其他流失特点…… 10
2.2 输变电工程水土流失影响因素…… 10
2.2.1 自然因素…… 10
2.2.2 人为因素……11
2.3 输变电工程水土流失危害……11
第三章 陕西省输变电工程水土保持方案设计…… 13
3.1 输变电工程占地…… 13
3.1.1 总体要求…… 13
3.1.2 变电站占地…… 13
3.1.3 线路工程占地…… 14
3.2 工程土石量…… 15
3.2.1 变电站土石方量估算方法…… 15
3.2.2 线路工程土石方量估算方法…… 15
3.3 输变电工程直接影响区范围…… 16
3.3.1 变电站站区、进站道路、施工生产生活区、供排水管线…… 16
3.3.2 输电线路塔基区、塔基施工场地…… 17
3.4 主体工程水土保持分析与评价…… 17
3.4.1 主体工程水土保持分析与评价要求…… 17
3.4.2 主体工程方案比选原则…… 17
3.4.3 主体工程方案比选主要考虑因素…… 18
3.4.4 水土保持工程界定…… 193.5 输变电工程水土流失预测 ……20
3.6 输变电工程水土流失防治措施布设 ……21
3.6.1 输变电工程水土流失防治目标 ……21
3.6.2 水土流失防治措施布设注意事项 ……21
3.6.3 水土流失防治目标及防治措施布设分析 ……22
3.6.4 输变电工程水土流失防治分区分析 ……23
3.7 输变电工程水土保持监测 ……24
3.7.1 监测内容、方法和频次 ……24
3.7.2 监测原则 ……25
3.7.3 监测点布设 ……26
3.8 陕西省输变电工程生态恢复模式区域划分 ……27
3.8.1 陕北风沙丘陵及黄土高原区 ……28
3.8.2 关中平原区 ……28
3.8.3 陕南土石山区 ……29
第四章 陕西省输变电工程水土保持技术措施及分析……30
4.1 变电站水土保持措施 ……30
4.1.1 设计、施工依据 ……30
4.1.2 工程措施 ……30
4.1.3 植物措施 ……32
4.1.4 临时措施 ……33
4.2 线路工程水土保持措施 ……35
4.2.1 设计、方法依据 ……35
4.2.2 工程措施 ……35
4.2.3 植物措施 ……38
4.2.4 临时工程措施 ……43
4.3 典型塔基水土流失预测分析 ……45
4.4 陕西省输变电水土保持施工控制措施体系 ……49
4.5 不同区域输变电线路工程水土保持措施分析 ……50
4.6 典型工程水土保持治理效果分析 ……53
4.6.1 水土流失治理度和土壤流失控制比 ……53
4.6.2 林草植被覆盖率和植被恢复率 ……54
4.6.3 扰动土地治理率 ……55
第五章 结论与建议……57
5.1 结论 ……57
5.2 建议 ……58
致 谢……59