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来源:沈阳师范大学 作者:罗玉玮
发布于:2017-02-16 共3259字

【目录】 农村贫困区域扶贫开发困境探析
  中 文 摘 要
  中国是有着 10 几亿人口的大国,贫困问题始终是阻碍我国全面建成小康社会的重要因素之一。党的十八届五中全会将精准扶贫作为重要内容进行阐述,更加突出我国扶贫开发工作的决心,我国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要指出,预计 2016 年要令已建档立卡的贫困人口实现脱贫。一直以来我国政府致力于减少贫困人口,促进政治稳定、经济发展,取得非常大的成绩,但是由于中国人口众多,幅员辽阔,贫困地域呈现分布多且不集中的特点,因此彻底解决贫困问题异常艰难,实现全面消除贫困,仍然任重道远且势在必行。
  Poverty is a worldwide problem. How to eliminate poverty has become a realityproblem of the world, which need to face together. Although the global economycontinues to flourish and develop, but the problem of poverty has not been completelyresolved, the gap between the rich and the poor in the country has an increasing trend,affect the harmonious development of the whole world.
  There are about 10 hundreds of millions people in China. Poverty has always beenone of the important factors that hinder our country to build a well-off society in anall-round way. The Fifth Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the CommunistParty of China took the precise poverty reduction as an important content andelaborated, more prominent determination of poverty alleviation and development workin our country, the 13th Five-Year plan for national economic and social developmentin China pointed out, in 2016 will achieve about 50 million poor people who have beenfilling files and cards out of poverty. All the time our country is committed to reducingpoverty, promote political stability and the development of economy. During the 12thFive-Year we reduced more than 100 million rural poor people. But because of the largepopulation and China is a huge country, the characteristics of the poor areas are toomany and not concentrated, so it is very difficult to solve the problem of poverty.
  Although China's anti-poverty work has gone after 60 years, get great achievement, butthere are a lot of problems in it, to achieve a comprehensive elimination of poverty, ithas a long way to go.
  This paper is divided into four chapters. The first part mainly expounds thepurpose、significance、domestic research status、research ideas and innovation pointsin this paper; in the second part, make the basic theory about the poverty and povertyalleviation development as the basic point, summarize the theory of poverty, includingthe definition of poverty, the division of poverty line, the type of poverty and the way todetermine the village, and on the theory of poverty alleviation development, includingthe basic theory of poverty alleviation develop, China's main mode of povertyalleviation development, the important significance of the development of China'spoverty alleviation, lay the theoretical foundation for this article; the third partdescribes the process and achievements of China's rural poverty alleviation anddevelopment work, make summary of China's poverty alleviation development workexperience, on the basis of this, the relevant data of China's poverty alleviationdevelopment work is integrated and analyzed, to explore the outstanding problems inthe rural areas of China, and make analysis of the causes of the problems; the fourthpart of the current poverty alleviation development work in China's rural alleviation,separately from the poverty alleviation funds supervision、comprehensive quality ofpopulation in poverty stricken areas、participation of all sectors of resources、povertyalleviation development team building、poverty alleviation and ecological protection offive angles to be in-depth exposition, put forward to the work of rural povertyalleviation development work useful suggestions.
  Key words: rural work, poverty alleviation development,countermeasure

  目 录
  中 文 摘 要
  目 录
  第一章 引言
  第二章 贫困和扶贫开发的理论阐述
  第三章 中国农村扶贫开发的概况及问题分析
  第四章 我国农村扶贫开发的对策研究
  (二)推动 NGO 发展,培育多元扶贫主体
  (三)落实生态移民,缓解人口饱和…… 43
  结 论
  参 考 文 献
  致 谢
原文出处:罗玉玮. 我国农村扶贫开发问题及其对策研究[D].沈阳师范大学,2016.
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