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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-25 共1634字

【题目】 微电影《渴望》的创作全过程论述
  摘 要

  关键词 微电影;现场调度;制作过程
  The Old Boy by director Xiao yang and Wang taili is the first micro filmdomestically. As a film director Wang Xiao shuai said: “the script, lines and scene of themicrofilm is same as these of the big film, but the length of the microfilm is shorter, andwe should treat the big film and the microfilm in the same attitude.” This is also I insist inmaking micro film《Hope》。
  This thesis is about the artistic creation of the micro film 《Hope》。 I have carried outthe practice and summary of the related works according to the production process ofmicro film, in these creating aspects like lens, lighting, composition, angle, color, and thescene scheduling, I did comprehensive analysis in theory and practice.
  In this paper, at first, starting to expound from the early planning of the emotionaldrama《Hope》, there is a detailed description about the idea and creation of the emotionaldrama. Secondly, for the middle of the shooting, the description includes complexproblems and in the whole production process of 《Hope》 as well as how I dealt withthese problems at that time. Finally, for the production review of the micro film 《Hope》,I combined with the two year's film theory and all the courses of film production, andmade experience in director, performance, editing, art, recording, creation, etc.
  Looking back on the whole creating process, I realized that art creation is not easy. Italso makes me have a deeper understanding of the whole process in the film production byshooting the micro movie. I hope to be able to shoot an excellent work, and provide adviceand reference to people who are majoring films and who love films.
  Key words Microfilm,on-site adjustment and coordination, manufacturing processing offilm.

  目 录
  第 1章 绪 论
  1.1 微电影《渴望》的创作背景
  1.2 导演阐述
  1.2.1 影片主题
  1.2.2 灵感来源
  1.2.3 剧情简介
  1.2.4 影像风格
  1.2.5 音乐风格
  1.3 创作思路与方法
  1.4 论文组织结构
  第 2 章 微电影《渴望》的前期准备
  2.1 人物分析
  2.1.1 石可馨
  2.1.2 安老师
  2.1.3 石磊
  2.2 剧本创作
  2.2.1 影片叙事结构
  2.2.2 影片剧本
  2.3 演员及场地的选定
  2.3.1 演员的选定
  2.3.2 场景的选定
  2.4 分镜头设计
  2.4.1 分镜头概述
  2.4.2 分镜头脚本
  2.5 拍摄安排
  2.6 本章小结
  第 3 章 微电影《渴望》的拍摄及后期制作
  3.1 影片的拍摄
  3.1.1 设备器材
  3.1.2 拍摄中遇到的问题以及解决的方法
  3.2 后期阶段
  3.2.1 后期剪辑和调色
  3.2.2 音乐、音效、对白
  3.3 本章小结
  结 论
  致 谢
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