【绪论 第一章】 《 画皮》故事渊源及改编史
【结语/参考文献】 《画皮》电影成功背后的男权文化研究结语与参考文献
摘 要
08 年和 12 年,两部新改编的《画皮》电影颇为轰动,在创造了票房奇迹的同时,也引发了人们的热议。本论文探究隐藏在这两部电影背后的男权意图和男权观念,全文共分为五部分,第一部分为绪论,简介两部电影的轰动情况和现有的研究现状,综述相关研究成果。
第一章,对《聊斋》中的“画皮”故事作溯源探究,揭示原故事由于具有恐怖、艳情、魔幻及道德教谕等元素,适宜“电影性”,因而“画皮”故事多次被改编为电影。本章介绍了电影史上的 11 次改编作品并对其中一些主要作品作了简介,例如鲍方版的《画皮》侧重恐怖,李翰祥版侧重艳情,胡金铨版则侧重魔幻动作等。
第二章,重点分析 08 年陈嘉上版和 12 年乌尔善版《画皮》电影的改编特征,揭示其通过“情节之变”和“人物之变”,例如将“猥琐书生变伟丈夫”、“獠牙鬼变可爱狐”,同时又谨守“永恒的贤妻”等,使得在惊悚诡异中进行传统道德教谕的原“画皮”故事,变成凄美感人的男女情爱故事并凸显了爱情至上,为爱牺牲的主题特征。
关键词:“画皮”故事 《画皮》电影改编 男权意图和男权观念
In 2008 and 2012, the two new adaptation of the movie Painted Skin cause asensation, the movie in creating the big ticket ,it has aroused heated debate at thesame time. This thesis explores the patriarchy and the patriarchal concept behind thetwo movies. The whole text include five chapters. The first part is introduction, whichmainly introduce the sensation and the existing research .And in this part, I alsoreviews the related research results.
In the first chapter, the thesis search the original story of Painted Skin, and revealthe original story have terror, erotic, magic and moral teachings elements. Because ofthese elements, it is appropriate to be adapted for film many times. This chapterintroduced the history of the adapted works and their respective features, forexample, Fong Pao's version of painted skin emphasis on terror, HanXiang Li'versionfocuses on erotic, King Hu version focuses on the martial arts, etc.
In the second chapter, the thesis focuses on analyzing adapted features of 2008and 2012 year's movie Painted Skin, I reveal the “change” of the plot and the“change” of characters, such as “obscene scholar” become “hero”, “fangs ghost”become “lovely fox”, at the same time the movie keep the “eternal good wife”, etc., itmade a thrill scary movie which express moral teaching change to a beautiful,touching love stories between men and women and highlight the supremacy of love.
In the third chapter, the thesis introduces some practical “new” content, such asthe mapping of modern family ties, derailment problem and the appearance problemsin the two adapted Painted Skin. Behind the new contents, the two works presentedthe character and thesis inclinations that is “good woman” is a woman who admireman, a beautiful young woman who could sacrifice herself for her man. So the twoadapted painted skin, is permeated by the patriarchal concept and patriarchal works,They are a new communication of patriarchal intention and the patriarchal concept,the directors use such mass media to spread such a strong idea, which produce moreextensive and hidden influence.
At last, we must identify culture meaning of male intentions in the two adaptedPainted Skin behind their sensation ticket. And two Painted Skin movies 's success isa reminder: the truly independent women liberation has a hard and long way to go.
Key words: Painted Skin, Painted Skin adaptation, patriarchy and patriarchal concept
第一章 《画皮》故事渊源及改编史
一 “画皮”原故事及其特征
二 《画皮》的电影改编史
第二章 两部《画皮》的“新”改编
一 陈嘉上版电影《画皮》的改编及其特征
(一) 剧情之变
(二) 人物之变
二 乌尔善版电影《画皮》的改编及其特征
三 对两部电影的两边倒的评价
第三章 花样翻新的男权意图和男权观念
一 文艺史上一贯传承的男权意图
二 两部《画皮》电影的男权意图
3. 妖狐和贤妻都是可为男人牺牲一切的“好女人”