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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-24 共2931字
  关键词:非营利组织 财务管理 问题 原因 对策 X 慈善会
  When accelerating social reform is mentioned in The Eighteenth Conference of theCommunist Party of China National People's Congress , speeding up the formation of amodern social organization according to the law of self-government system in whichgovernment agency is separate from the social organizations and the responsibilities areclear is clearly required. Establishment of a modern system of social organization so as topromote the healthy and orderly development of social organization and development ofnon-profit organizations are closely related. Since the reform and opening up, China'snon-profit organization continues to develop, becoming a government's useful supplementin basic public services, playing an important role in economic and socialdevelopment.However, financial management issues have long been ignored in thenon-profit organizations, financial management of non-profit organizations is far behindthe non-profit organizations' own development. Many non-profit organizations slow thepace of development because of the financial aspects, some are even difficult to sustainas financial management problems.
  Based on this background, on the basis of summary of domestic and foreign theories,the essay summarizes the main problems of the financial management of non-profitorganizations in our country as below: financing capacity is weak, internal financialmanagement system is not perfect , increasing the value of a single way, imperfectfinancial information disclosure and other issues. Following is the explores of the causes ofproblems from two angles of external factors and internal factors. Then the experience infinancial management of non-profit organizations of the US and Germany is introduced .
  Based on the analysis of the reasons, combined with financial management experience ofdeveloped countries, the writer focuses on financial management problems of non-profitorganizations and put forward ideas and countermeasures from seven aspects including thetransformation of government functions, improve relevant laws and regulations andmanagement system, improve the tax code to encourage donation, expand financingchannels improve nonprofits hedge funds, value-added, non-profit organizations toimprove internal financial management system to improve transparency. Finally, the writerselects S City X charity as a actual case, and analyses the financial management problemsof X Charity,and based on the conclusions the forgoing, the writer designs a X-charityfinancial management program from four aspects: the efficient financing, planning andreasonable investment patterns, improvement of internal financial management system,and improvement of financial disclosure information.
  Key words: non-profit organizations financial management problems causescountermeasures X Charity

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.3 国内外研究综述
  1.3.1 国外研究现状
  1.3.2 国内研究现状
  1.4 研究的内容和方法
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 研究方法
  1.5 本文的创新点和不足
  1.5.1 本文的创新点
  1.5.2 本文的不足
  第 2 章 非营利组织的理论基础和相关概念
  2.1 非营利组织产生理论
  2.1.1 政府失灵理论
  2.1.2 合约失灵理论
  2.1.3 第三方管理理论
  2.2 非营利组织的定义和分类
  2.2.1 非营利组织的定义
  2.2.2 非营利组织的分类
  2.3 非营利组织财务管理基本理论
  2.3.1 非营利组织的财务特征
  2.3.2 非营利组织财务管理的目标
  2.3.3 非营利组织财务管理的内容
  第 3 章 我国非营利组织财务管理存在的问题及原因分析
  3.1 我国非营利组织概况
  3.2 我国非营利组织财务管理存在的问题
  3.2.1 筹资能力较弱
  3.2.2 会计基础工作薄弱
  3.2.3 投资机制不完善
  3.2.4 财务信息披露不完善
  3.3 我国非营利组织财务管理问题的原因分析
  3.3.1 外部因素
  3.3.2 内部因素
  第4章 国外部分发达国家非营利组织财务管理的经验借鉴
  4.1 美国非营利组织财务管理经验
  4.1.1 美国非营利组织概况
  4.1.2 美国非营利组织在财务管理方面值得借鉴之处
  4.2 德国非营利组织财务管理经验
  4.2.1 德国非营利组织概况
  4.2.2 德国非营利组织在财务管理方面值得借鉴之处
  第 5 章 完善我国非营利组织财务管理的对策
  5.1 转变政府职能,加大对非营利组织的扶持力度
  5.2 完善相关法律法规及管理制度
  5.3 完善税法鼓励捐赠行为
  5.4 拓展筹资渠道
  5.5 提升非营利组织资金保值、增值能力
  5.6 完善非营利组织内部财务管理制度
  5.7 提高财务信息透明度和质量,增强社会公信力
  第 6 章 案例分析:S 市 X 慈善会财务管理问题研究
  6.1 S 市 X 慈善会简介
  6.1.1 X 慈善会基本情况
  6.1.2 X 慈善会财务情况
  6.2 X 慈善会财务管理现状分析
  6.2.1 资金来源匮乏
  6.2.2 内部财务管理制度不健全
  6.2.3 投资渠道单一
  6.2.4 财务透明度低
  6.3 X 慈善会财务管理方案设计
  6.3.1 重视筹资管理,进行高效筹资
  6.3.2 规划合理投资模式
  6.3.3 完善内部财务管理制度
  6.3.4 完善财务信息披露制度
  结 论
  致 谢
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