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来源:学术堂 作者:秦老师
发布于:2017-10-18 共17693字
[18]Keyi Jin. A Rustic Opinion on the Problems and the Countermeasures to the Innovation in the Development of the Sports-culture Industry in China[A]. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA.Proceedings of 2014 4th International Conference on Education and Education Management(EEM 2014 V66)[C].Information Engineering Research Institute, USA:,2014:5.
  [19]Lei Wang,Bing Li. Volvo China open(Tianjin) analysis of event marketing strategy[A]. American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI;American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI.Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Sport Science and Computer Science(SSCS 2014) & The 2014 International Conference on Biomechanics and Sports Engineering(BSE 2014)[C].American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI;American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI:,2014:3.
  [20]Jinquan Zhou,Wenjin He. Sports Event Management and Integrated Marketing Communication: A Case of Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015 in Sanya[A]. Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute,Singapore.Proceedings of 2015 3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanity(ICSSH 2015 V76)[C].Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute,Singapore:,2015:6.
  [21]Yaokun Gong. On Practical Factors of Ethical Anomies in Competitive Sports[A]. Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute,Singapore.Proceedings of 2015 2nd International Conference on Education and Education Research(EER 2015 V8)[C].Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute,Singapore:,2015:4.
  [22]Liming Han,Ziqiang Wang,Dangyan Yan. On-line Marketing Strategies for Sports Products[A]. Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute,Singapore.Proceedings of 2015 2nd International Conference on Education and Education Research(EER 2015 V8)[C].Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute,Singapore:,2015:4.
  [23]Zhixiong Xiao. Research on the influence of marketing strategies on the leisure sports consumption based on construal level theory[A]. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA.Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Engineering(CIIE 2014)[C].Information Engineering Research Institute, USA:,2014:8.
  [24]Yongfeng He. Considerations on Further Development to China's Enterprises Using Sport marketing Strategies[A]. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA.Proceedings of 2014 2nd International Conference on Economic,Business Management and Education Innovation(EBMEI 2014 V35)[C].Information Engineering Research Institute, USA:,2014:5.
  [25]Lei Wang,Bing Li. Hung holdings analysis and study on the marketing strategy of limited competition[A]. American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI;American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI.Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Sport Science and Computer Science(SSCS 2014) & The 2014 International Conference on Biomechanics and Sports Engineering(BSE 2014)[C].American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI;American Applied Sciences Research Institute, AASRI:,2014:3.
  [26]Hongwei Fan,Hongxing Zhang,Wanling Liu,Lichun Yang,Wei Luo. Research on Investigation of CUBS Brand Marketing Strategy Implementation and Countermeasure[A]. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA.Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies,Technologies and Applications(SMTA 2015)[C].Information Engineering Research Institute, USA:,2015:6.
  [27]Li Wang. Study on Applying STP Theory in P.E. Teaching and P.E. Marketing[A]. Hong Kong Education Society.Proceedings of 2013 Fourth International Conference on Education and Sports Education(ESE 2013 V12)[C].Hong Kong Education Society:,2013:5.
  [28]Xiang Liu. Running Characteristics and Comparative Analysis of International Theoretical Journals on Sports Communication[A]. .International Journal of Intelligent Information and Management Science(Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013)[C].:,2013:4.
  [29]Donghua Zhou,Xing Yan. Management and Operation Strategy of Stadiums in the Context of the Internet Plus Sports[A]. Domodedovo Branch of Russian State University for the Humanities(Russia)、International Science and Culture Center for Academic Contacts(Russia)、Henan University Minsheng College(China)。Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Judicial,Administrative and Humanitarian Problems of State Structures and Economical Subjects(JAHP 2016)[C].Domodedovo Branch of Russian State University for the Humanities(Russia)、International Science and Culture Center for Academic Contacts(Russia)、Henan University Minsheng College(China):,2016:4.
  [30]Peng Cui. Research Tools for Understanding Sports Consumers[A]. University Mohamed Khider of Biskra, Algeria、同济大学。Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research( Volume 70)[C].University Mohamed Khider of Biskra, Algeria、同济大学:,2016:4.
  [31]Qigang LIU,Chengbo HU,Li SHEN. Research on Management of Chinese Stadiums[A]. International Informatization and Engineering Associations、Atlantis Press.Proceedings of 2014 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Information System[C].International Informatization and Engineering Associations、Atlantis Press:,2014:4.
  [32]Qiwu Liu,Guang Wei,Jia Shen. Research on impact of 3G technology on sports event marketing[A]. 国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会。第16届亚洲运动会科学大会论文摘要汇编[C].国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会:,2010:2.
  [33]Hong Lu. Sport presentation communication in sports mega-events[A]. 国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会。第16届亚洲运动会科学大会论文摘要汇编[C].国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会:,2010:2.
  [34]Liping Zhong. Classification of sports fans and marketing strategies based on motives and behavior[A]. 国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会。第16届亚洲运动会科学大会论文摘要汇编[C].国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会:,2010:2.
  [35]Yan Sun. Relationship between sports marketing and internet[A]. 国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会。第16届亚洲运动会科学大会论文摘要汇编[C].国家体育总局、第16届亚运会组委会、中国体育科学学会:,2010:2.
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