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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-11 共3101字

【第1部分】 小学新生学习习惯问题与养成路径

  摘 要







  Habit plays an important role in the formation of one's characteristics, and even thedevelopment ofa person's whole life. And once one's habit has been formed, it becomes a partof people's characteristics and it's hard to change just like one's nature. People's learninghabit also has those characters. Primary education is the beginning of compulsory educationand it is also the key period in developing a good learning habit. Therefore, at the beginningof the freshmen entering the primary school, both teachers and parents should pay specialattention to their development of a good study habit. Because only in this way can westimulate those pupils' interest in learning and improve their lea rning efficiency. Goodlearning habits are prerequisites for improving their ability in learning new knowledge,dealing with new things as well as developing their intelligence. The formation of a goodlearning habit has an important impact on not only the current status of students learning butalso the future development of those students.

  This paper was wrote on the basis of the psychological characteristics of those first gradestudents, their learning characteristics and also their existing study habits. It also takes thewriter a lot of time in learning those existing study results in both domestic and abroad.

  According to the reality of actual teaching that the author has taken part in, the writer hasdiscovered some problems in those first grade pupils' learning habits. Through the study thewriter found that those primary freshmen has many problems in terms of learning habits, suchas they can't concentrate on what they are doing, they have not formed the habit of listeningcarefully, they did not have the habit of thinking while the are reading, and they also didn'tobserve the intrinsic motivation in learning, etc. Then the writer analyzed the reasons whythose students haven't formed a good learning habit from the four aspects suchas their family,the school, the society as well as those students themselves. So as to promote the formation ofgood learning habits in them. During the study, through in-depth analysis of the problems inthose student's learning habits and the causes of them, combined with the author's workpractice, the writer has discovered some strategies in developing good learning habits in thosestudents. Those strategies include independent reading, good thinking, data collection,learning to listen, the encouragement of asking questions, carefully writing, self operatingself-assessment and peer assessment, cooperation with others as well as the cultivation offinishing their own job. First grade students had just entered the school, so the capacitydeveloping good learning habits has not yet been mature, and in these areas, they still need tobe guided by teachers. Only in this way can those students form good learning habits andimprove their interest in those pupils' whole-life studying. Through the study of thosestrategies, the writer aimed at giving some inspiration in the formation of good learning habitsand through the cultivation of good habits, can we promote the long-term development ofthese students.

  Key Words:First grade students; Learning habit; Developstrategies

  目 录

  摘 要 …… i

  Abstract …… ii

  目 录 …… IV

  第一章 引言 …… 6

  1.1 研究缘起 ……6

  1.1.1 信息化时代背景下课程改革的需要 ……6

  1.1.2 学习习惯养成关键期的需要 ……6

  1.1.3 已有研究的不足之处 ……6

  1.2 研究现状 ……6

  1.2.1 国内研究现状 ……6

  1.2.2 国外研究现状 ……7

  1.2.3 研究意义 ……8

  1.3 研究对象和研究方法 ……8

  1.3.1 研究对象 ……8

  1.3.2 研究方法 ……9

  第二章 研究的理论基础…… 11

  2.1 概念界定 ……11

  2.1.1 习惯 ……11

  2.1.2 学习习惯 ……11

  2.1.3 小学生学习习惯 ……11

  2.2 理论基础 ……12

  2.2.1 操作性条件反射理论 ……12

  2.2.2 关键期理论 ……12

  第三章 小学新生学习习惯存在的问题及原因…… 13

  3.1 存在问题 ……13

  3.1.1 注意力不集中 ……13

  3.1.2 缺乏认真倾听的习惯 ……13

  3.1.3 缺乏边读边思考的习惯 ……13

  3.1.4 缺乏认真作业的习惯 ……14

  3.1.5 缺乏学习的内在动力 ……14

  3.2 分析原因 ……14

  3.2.1 家庭原因 ……14

  3.2.2 学校原因 ……14

  3.2.3 社会原因 ……15

  3.2.4 学生自身原因 ……15

  第四章 小学新生良好学习习惯的养成策略…… 16

  4.1 自主读书 ……16

  4.2 善于思考 ……16

  4.2.1 找准切入点,激发学生的学习兴趣 ……17

  4.2.2 设置游戏情境,让学生在游戏中学习 ……17

  4.3 资料搜集 ……17

  4.3.1 引导学生了解搜集信息的用途 ……17

  4.3.2 培养学生处理与运用信息的能力 ……18

  4.4 学会倾听 ……18

  4.4.1 倾听的重要性 ……18

  4.4.2 集中注意力的重要性 ……19

  4.5 敢于提问 ……20

  4.5.1 尊重学生,让他们敢于提问 ……20

  4.5.2 训练学生,让他们勤于提问 ……20

  4.5.3 激励学生,让他们乐于提问 ……21

  4.6 认真书写 ……22

  4.6.1 积极发挥教师的示范作用 ……22

  4.6.2 加强提高学生书写功底的训练 ……22

  4.6.3 贵在坚持 ……22

  4.7 动手操作 ……22

  4.7.1 把握时机 ……23

  4.7.2 加强反思 ……23

  4.8 自评互评 ……23

  4.8.1 加强对小学入学新生自评能力的培养 ……23

  4.8.2 教师要为学生的自我评价创造环境 ……24

  4.8.3 加强对小学入学新生互评能力的培养 ……24

  4.9 与人合作 ……24

  4.9.1 学会欣赏他人 ……25

  4.9.2 学会理解和沟通 ……25

  4.9.3 学会分享 ……25

  4.10 作业完成 ……25

  结语 …… 27

  参考文献 …… 28

  致 谢 …… 30

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