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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-03 共3267字











  (6) 完成了翻转课堂理念的初中信息技术网络课程开发与应用。介绍了系统的开发、运行环境,依据第四章网络课程的设计实现了各模块的功能,最后对该网络课程进行测试与应用。




  present, the flip classroom teaching mode has been popular in the United Stateand set off a new wave in the domestic which caused great attention to scholars bothhome and abroad. At the same time in this way they study theory and practice, there aremany more likes Chong Qing JuKui Secondary School integrated multidisciplinary theflip classroom teaching mode is adopted to improve teaching. The teaching modeaccelerates the speed of information technology in education.Information technology of Junior high school is a basic theory and skill course.

  How to make the effective teachings under guidance of the flip classroom teachingphilosophy; How to design the teaching contents and resources; How to make teachingactivities in true sense, has become a pressing issues many teachers are concernedabout. Flip classroom teaching is to let students in the class online learning platform,under guidance of teachers, according to the special teaching video as the main form oflearning resources, In the classroom, students of difficulties encountered in the learningprocess of question, teachers and students together this topic contents were analyzedand discussed. Turn over the implementation of the classroom to be done with aid ofnetwork teaching before class link to realize teaching activities.

  Under the guidance of the flipped classroom philosophy, according to the surveyresults which is that the learning ability of the second grade junior middle schoolstudents and present teaching situation of teachers. Combining with the informationtechnology book and develop teaching resources and design a program which fit theflipped classroom. Develop network course platform to support the teaching programs.

  In this paper, the main work carried out as follows:

  (1) According to the literature research. The author has conducted the researchstatus of the flipped classroom and information technology network course of juniorhigh school. to the domestic and overseas, to ensure the study’s value and significance.

  (2) To turn the classroom related theoretical foundation and development ofnetwork curriculum theory has carried on the system research.

  (3) Through questionnaire investigation and interview method, according to thesurvey results which is that the learning ability of the second grade junior middleschool students and the present teaching situation of teachers.

  (4) Under the guidance of the flipped classroom philosophy, according to theInformation technology of Junior high school. The author analyzed the networkcurriculum, Including of network course database and information technology of thelearning resources.

  (5) According to the junior middle school information technology network courseand the purpose of principle design with flip the classroom teaching activities. Thepaper introduces the network curriculum system architecture design, system functionmodule design, database design and course design of management with the user.

  (6) Based on the guidance of the flipped classroom philosophy, The authordevelop the network teaching platform. And each module of the system has been testedand application successfully.

  The results prove that the study has achieved good teaching effect.. Under theguidance of the flipped classroom philosophy, this study provided a clue for design ofinformation technology teaching and course resource.

  【Key words】 Flip classroom,Junior high school Information technology,Teachingresources,Network courses

  目 录



  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景与研究意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.2.3 研究现状总结

  1.3 研究目的

  1.4 研究思路与研究内容

  1.4.1 研究思路

  1.4.2 研究内容

  1.5 研究方法

  第二章 翻转课堂理念和网络课程概述

  2.1 翻转课堂理念及相关理论基础

  2.1.1 翻转课堂定义

  2.1.2 翻转课堂教学模式

  2.1.3 翻转课堂教学理论基础

  2.3 网络课程概述

  2.3.1 网络课程内涵

  2.3.2 初中信息技术网络课程

  2.3.3 网络课程开发的关键技术

  2.3.4 网络课程教学模式

  第三章 初中信息技术课程教学现状调研

  3.1 调查设计与实施

  3.1.1 问卷设计

  3.1.2 调查目的

  3.1.3 调查过程

  3.2 数据处理与分析

  3.2.1 调查结果

  3.3 现状总结与解读

  第四章 基于翻转课堂理念的初中信息技术网络课程设计

  4.1 系统功能需求分析

  4.2 系统设计目的

  4.3 系统设计原则

  4.4 系统功能模块设计

  4.4.1 登录界面

  4.4.2 管理员功能模块

  4.4.3 教师功能模块

  4.4.4 学生功能模块

  4.5 数据库设计

  4.6 课程管理与用户人员设计

  4.7 翻转课堂教学活动设计

  第五章 基于翻转课堂理念的初中信息技术网络课程开发与应用

  5.1 开发环境

  5.2 运行环境

  5.3 模块功能实现

  5.3.1 登录界面

  5.3.2 管理员模块界面

  5.3.3 教师模块界面

  5.3.4 学生模块界面

  5.4 系统功能测试

  5.5 系统教学应用

  第六章 总结与展望

  6.1 研究成果

  6.2 研究创新

  6.3 研究不足与后续研究


  致 谢

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