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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-12-20 共4922字


  摘 要


  本研究主要分为四部分。第一部分是本研究的绪论,包括研究的背景、研究的目的及意义、研究方法和文献综述;第二部分介绍高中历史美育研究的理论基础,首先对美、美学、美育等相关概念进行了界定,其次分别对高中阶段的美育研究和历史学科的美学与美育研究做了介绍;第三部分针对高中历史美育的内容进行研究,将其划分为历史的“真之美”、历史的“善与崇高之美”、历史的人物美和历史的着述美,并分别对这四种历史美感的形式和内容做了解释;最后一部分针对高中历史美育的教学策略进行探讨,先是以《普通高中历史课程标准(2017 年版)》将高中历史学习的基本内容分成的 24 个专题为纲对高中历史美育教学内容进行梳理,然后基于对高中历史美育发展的愿景,提出了以下六点对策与方向:一、铺就求真探索的历史之旅,即教师要精心打造教学设计,切实开展求真求是的教学。在求真探索的过程中,领略历史的“真之美”;二、重视历史悲剧美的教学,在欣赏悲剧时,学生的精神得到提升,心灵得到净化,教师应该思索提升悲剧美感染力的策略,教师在带领学生感受悲剧美之后,要妥善收尾,及时帮助学生思考悲剧背后的实质;三、不拘一格,把握历史教学中的人物线,在教学过程中努力将历史人物的理智与情感,光荣与梦想,奋斗与挣扎都呈现出来,不仅体现了浓郁的人文情怀,并取得良好的教学效果和审美体验;四、给学生更高质量的审美阅读体验,一方面要解构教科书,按照课标的要求对教材的内容进行创造性地整合,另一方面,鼓励学生开展增进历史美的感受性的课外阅读;五、提升教师语言表现力、感染力,高中历史美育一定要注意教师的语言美。历史教师的言语一定要是科学的,同时还应该是详尽、鲜明的,富有思想性和情感性的;六、要尊重学生的审美个性,教师应正视学生的差异,教学方法要有针对性。




  Aesthetic education is an imperative task in China's education We can promote anddeepen moral education and even the whole education through aesthetic education, includinghistorical aesthetic education The history class is also an important base for aestheticeducation Historical aesthetic education plays an important role in the whole education of ourcountry Many high school history teachers unconsciously cultivate students’ aesthetic abilityon their own posts, but rarely have a clear understanding of the concepts, contents andmethods of historical aesthetic education This study re-examines the historical aestheticeducation from the perspective of high school history teaching, and further analyzes the highschool history teaching methods, which not only helps to improve the teaching level ofteachers, but also helps to gradually establish the correct aesthetics and nobleness of highschool students' aesthetic taste This study aims to achieve the purpose of using the beauty ofhistory to cultivate sentiment, purify the soul, and cultivate a healthy personality of highschool students

  This study is divided into four parts The first part is the introduction of this study Theintroduction part includes the background of the research, the purpose and significance of theresearch, the research methods and literature review The second part introduces thetheoretical basis of high school history aesthetic education research Firstly, it defines therelated concepts of beauty, aesthetics and aesthetic education Secondly, it makes a study onthe aesthetic education of the high school and the aesthetics and aesthetic education of historydiscipline The third part is about the content of high school history aesthetic education, whichis divided into the historical "truth beauty", the historical "good and noble beauty", thehistorical character beauty and the historical writing beauty, and the form and content of thefour historical aesthetics are explained respectively The last part is to discuss the teachingstrategies of high school history aesthetic education Firstly, "General High School HistoryCurriculum Standards (2017)" divides the basic content of history learning into 24 themes

  Based on these 24 themes, this study analyzes the content of history aesthetic education inhigh schools And then based on the vision of the development of high school historyaesthetic education, the following six countermeasures and directions are proposed: First,pave a historic journey of seeking truth and exploring, that is, teachers should carefully createteaching design and practically carry out truth-seeking teaching In the process of seekingtruth, we will appreciate the "true beauty" of history Second, we should pay attention to the teaching of historical tragedy When we appreciate the tragedy, the spirit of the students isimproved and the mind is purified Teachers should think about strategies to enhance theappeal of tragic beauty After the teachers create a tragic classroom atmosphere, the studentsare guided in time to think about the nature of various tragic phenomena Third, not to stick toone pattern, grasp the character line in history teaching In the process of teaching, teachersshould strive to present the reason and emotion, glory and dream, fight and struggle ofhistorical figures This process not only reflects the strong humanistic feelings, but alsoachieves good teaching effects and aesthetic experience; Fourth, give students a higher qualityaesthetic reading experience On the one hand, deconstruct the textbooks, and creatively adaptthe content of the textbooks according to the requirements of the curriculum standards On theother hand, encourage students to carry out extracurricular readings to enhance the sensitivityof historical beauty Fifth, enhance the language expression and appeal of teachers Highschool history aesthetic education must pay attention to the language beauty of teachers Thewords of history teachers must be scientific, but also detailed, clear, thoughtful and emotional

  Sixth, respect the aesthetic personality of students Teachers should face up to students'differences, and teaching methods should be targeted

  Key Words: history class of high school; historical aesthetic education; teachingstrategies

  目 录

  第一章 高中历史美育研究的理论基础

  第一节 概念界定



  而美学(Asthetik)即为研究美的科学,这一术语最初产生之时着实有些尴尬,在使用上也没有形成统一的标准,黑格尔的大作叫“《美学》”,但他对于这个词的使用也持怀疑态度,他认为“美学”(Asthetik) 一词用于此处也并不是最合适的,他甚至认为这个词不够精深而流于肤浅。然而,“美学之父”鲍姆嘉通率先定下“Asthetik”一词且命名为“美学”,黑格尔也持认同态度,并最终将其用作自己的书名。











  第二节 高中阶段的美育研究
  第三节 历史学科的美学与美育研究

  第二章 高中历史美育内容
  第一节 历史的“真之美”
  第二节 历史的“善与崇高之美”
  第三节 历史的人物之美
  第四节 历史的着述之美

  第三章 高中历史美育策略分析
  第一节 结合新课标高中历史美育内容梳理
  第二节 高中历史美育对策探析

  结 语
  致 谢

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