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来源:四川师范大学 作者:龚晓梅
发布于:2019-03-11 共3433字
  心理复原力是面对一定程度的困扰、压力等逆境的情景下,能够合理利用内外部影响因素保持健康心理状态的动态适应的心理能力。本文以成都市天府新区219 名农村初中班主任为对象,采用杨立状、吕兖周在 2008 年翻译修订的 Friborg等人编制的成人心理复原力量表,同时依据各维度内容,自编访谈提纲进行调查;分析不同背景变量农村初中班主任的心理复原力量表各维度的得分情况。
  而婚姻、生育、班主任形式、班级人数四种背景变量心理复原力各维度上不存在显着差异。在调查问卷的同时,对 15 名不同学校、不同年龄、不同性别的农村初中班主任以录音的方式进行了访谈,通过归类分析找出心理复原力提升的有利因素与不利因素。
  关键词:农村 初中班主任 心理复原力
  The teachers in junior middle schools in rural areas play a leadingrole in the healthy growth of students, and their physical and mental health directlyaffects the physical and mental health of students. However, in the reality of work,teachers in rural junior high schools play multiple roles, who are both educators andmanagers and very busy under a huge pressure. This paper does the research on thepsychological resilience, focuses on the current situation of the psychologicalresilience of teachers in rural junior middle schools and puts forward the correspondingstrategies to improve the psychological resilience.

  Psychological resilience is the psychological ability to rationally use internaland external factors to maintain a healthy state of mind to have dynamic adaption inface of a certain degree of distress, stress and other adversity scenarios. This papertakes the 219 rural junior middle school students in Tianfu New District of Chengdu asthe object, and uses the adult psychological recovery force scale revised by YangLizhuang and Lv Yanzhou in 2008 and compiled by Friborg et al And this papercompiles interview outline for investigation according to the dimensions of the content,and analyzes the scores of the the dimensions of the psychological recovery force scaleof rural junior middle school teachers with different background variables.
  The results show that the mean value of psychological resilience (M = 5.15) is themiddle level. There are significant differences in ten background variables in thedimensions of psychological resilience, which are the gender, education, age, teachingage, years of being headteachers, class nature, numbers of classes, teaching subjects,monthly income and titles. There is no significant difference in four backgroundvariables in the dimensions of psychological resilience, which are marriage, birth, classteacher forms and the number of students in class.In the questionnaire at the same time,the fifteen different schools,different age and gender of the countryside junior middle school teacher in charge in the form of recording the interview, through the classifiedanalysis to find the psychological resilience the favorable factors and unfavorablefactors of ascension.
  Finally, the paper tries to put forward the strategies of improving teacher'spsychological resilience in rural junior high schools. The teacher in rural junior highschools can fully understand themselves, reasonably vent negative emotions, studyactively, have plans to work, cultivate hobbies, establish good social relations tomaintain physical and mental health. Schools and education departments shouldimprove the evaluation systems, pay attention to humanistic care, reduce the workload,carry out cultural and sports activities, increase special investment, provide trainingopportunities, and have actively psychological counseling, etc. to enhancepsychological resilience. The understanding and support from families, friends,students’ parents play an important role in maintaining the physical and mental healthof teachers in parents of rural junior high schools.
  Key words: rural; headteachers in junior middle schools; psychologicalresilience
  目 录
  1 绪论

  1.1 问题的提出.
  1.2 研究的意义.
  1.2.1 理论意义
  1.2.2 实践意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状分析.
  1.3.1 农村初中班主任的相关研究
  1.3.2 心理复原力的研究现状
  1.4 研究目标
  1.5 研究内容及拟解决的问题.
  1.6 研究方法
  1.7 研究工具
  1.8 课题的创新性
  2 结果与分析 .
  2.1 研究对象基本情况
  2.2 农村初中班主任心理复原力数据统计分析.
  2.2.1 农村初中班主任心理复原力总体情况 .
  2.2.2 性别对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.3 婚姻状况对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.4 生育情况对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.5 学历对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.6 年龄对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.7 教龄对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.8 班主任年限对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.9 班主任形式对心理复原力及各维度差异情况 .
  2.2.10 班级性质对心理复原力及各维度差异情况
  2.2.11 班级人数对心理复原力及各维度差异情况
  2.2.12 班额对心理复原力及各维度差异情况
  2.2.13 学科对心理复原力及各维度差异情况
  2.2.14 月收入对心理复原力及各维度差异情况
  2.2.15 职称对心理复原力及各维度差异情况
  3 讨论与分析.
  3.1 心理复原力总体情况及不同变量各维度的情况分析 .
  3.1.1 农村初中班主任心理复原力总体情况分析 .
  3.1.2 性别对农村初中班主任心理复原力的差异分析 .
  3.1.3 学历对心理复原力各维度的差异情况分析
  3.1.4 年龄、教龄对农村初中班主任的心理复原力各维度的差异分析
  3.1.5 担任班主任年限对农村初中班主任的心理复原力各维度的差异分析
  3.1.6 班级性质对农村初中班主任的心理复原力各维度的差异分析 .
  3.1.7 学校班额对农村初中班主任的心理复原力各维度的差异分析 .
  3.1.8 任教学科对农村初中班主任的心理复原力各维度的差异分析 .
  3.1.9 月收入、职称对农村初中班主任的心理复原力各维度的差异分析 .
  3.1.10 婚姻、生育、班主任形式、班级人数对农村初中班主任的心理复原力各维度的差异分析
  3.2 访谈结果分析 .
  3.2.1 农村初中班主任心理复原力提升的有利因素 .
  3.2.2 农村初中班主任心理复原力提升的不利因素 .
  3.2.3 现状与期许 .
  4 提高农村初中班主任心理复原力的建议.
  4.1 对农村初中班主任的建议 .
  4.1.1 树立正确的自我观念,提高对自我的认同与肯定 .
  4.1.2 积极主动学习,提高工作效率与工作水平 .
  4.1.3 做事要有计划、善总结,提升问题解决能力 .
  4.1.4 学会合理运用多种心理调适方法,培养良好心态 .
  4.1.5 培养兴趣爱好,增加生活乐趣
  4.1.6 充分利用社会资源,建构良好人际关系 .
  4.2 学校可提供的支持
  4.4 相关部门可提供的支持 .
原文出处:龚晓梅. 农村初中班主任心理复原力的调查研究[D]. 四川师范大学 2017
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