关键词:村民会议 议事制度 村民代表大会 基层民主
The Study of Rural Political Discussion System is such a democracy experimentthat be forced in the rural reform,As the practice exploration of villagers' autonomy.
The Study of Rural Political Discussion System adopt the 'bottom-up' Democraticreform path apparently because the past villagers congress cannot completely solve> '?--the problem which about decision-making evaded. Now, Government encouragesvillages combine with their own situation to set up the suitable management system tostrengthen the rural grass-roots regime and develop the rural economy. Every villagesaccording to their own situations that include environment and populationcomposition to set up the suitable system which under the constraint of “The villagerscommittee”, In the system,the Rural Political Discussion System is the mostimportant one. With villagers to breach the system building of village-levelgovernance mechanism framework, “generation people advocate” replace “by thepeople in charge,” Focus on “can also rights assign, villagers' autonomy”,inaccordance with the “three separation, two improved,an improved” train of thought,namely, decision-making power and executive power separation, separation of socialfunction and economic function;, the functions of the government and the autonomousfunction separation, strengthen the rural public service and the collective economicorganization management in operation and improve the leadership of the partyorganizations in the rural areas,at the same time of strengthening party leadership.
focus on villagers' autonomy, expand all kinds of social organizations and economiccommunity participation in the new rural construction, do, airing,cultivating,sovereignty to the people at the grass-roots level management innovation.
The paper have 3 parts to study the Rural Political Discussion System.
The first part begin with the produce of the Rural Political Discussion System,the Rural Political Discussion System is along with the development of the Villagersautonomy in the autonomous organization of villagers committee, its origin is thevillagers' autonomy. Then discuss its constitutional principle, basis and the meaning asa new breakthrough of the villagers' self-governance.
The second part introduce the development status in anhui area of the RuralPolitical Discussion System form,and connect with the current development situationto analysis reasons.
The third part focus on to introducing the United States that highly developedgrassroots self-governing nation, its present situation and the results.
Key word: village self-governance discussion system the villagersassembly democracy at the grassroots level
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