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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-16 共2939字

【第1部分】 我国对专利权的限制制度探究


  专利技术是发明创造人智慧尤其是创造性的结晶,为了尊重和鼓励发明创造人的智力成果,各个国家的法律纷纷赋予发明创造人一定的权利--专利权,即未经专利权人的同意或许可,任何人不得以生产经营目的实施其专利技术。国家进行专利法立法在鼓励、保护发明创造人的创造积极性的同时,更重要的目的是推动发明创造的应用,提高创新能力,促进科学技术进步和经济社会发展。专利权是一种垄断权,这种垄断权是以牺牲社会公众对专利技术自由使用为代价的。为了平衡专利权人与国家、社会以及专利产品所有人之间的利益,促进专利技术和专利产品在全社会中的利用和流通,很多国家对专利权人的权利设置了不同程度的限制。英国采用默示许可(implied license)理论来对专利权进行限制,美国却综合运用首次销售穷竭原则(first sale exhaustion)和默示许可(impliedlicense)理论对专利权进行限制,而德国主要运用专利权用尽原则,在实践中也不排除适用默示许可理论来运作。我国对专利权进行限制的制度吸取了德国经验,却没有完全借用德国模式。






  [关键词] 专利权用尽原则 适用条件 默示许可理论 方法专利


  The patent technology is created by the inventors who use their wisdom. In orderto respect and encourage their intellectual property, the law of every countryauthorizes inventors some right which is called patent right. If a person or a legalperson possesses patent right, the person has the right to prohibit others from utilizinghis patent technology with purpose of manufacturing and selling except who gets theauthorization.

  The legislation of patent law is to encourage and protect the patentee'senthusiasm of creativity, and even more important aim is to enhance innovative abilityand science technology. The patent right is one kind of monopoly, and the monopolyis at the expense of the society's free knowledge utilization. In order to balance theinterests between the patentee and the general public, and promote the utilization andcirculation of the patent technology and patent product, many countries have imposedrestrictions on the patent right. For example, England adopts implied license theory,America adopts first sale exhaustion principle and implied license theory, and Germanadopts Patent Exhaustion Principle but in the judicial practice also adopts impliedlicense theory.

  China learned the experience of Germany to set up the system of restrictingpatent right, but does not adopt the same system as Germany. China sets up the PatentExhaustion Principle in the Patent Law of China. The Patent Exhaustion Principlelimits the effect of patent right in essence, its theoretical basis are the “impliedlicense” and “patent exhaustion” theories, and China only adopts patent exhaustiontheory. Now, Chinese people pay much more attention to Intellectual Property Rightsand meanwhile there are also many new situations appearing in the legal practice,however we can't find out legal basis to settle “Related patents” Patent Law. At thesame time, we should broaden the sources of the objects applying to PatentExhaustion Principle in China.

  This article consists of three parts:

  The first chapter describes the applying status of Patent Exhaustion Principle.

  This chapter lists detailedly about the concept of Patent Exhaustion Principle,development of legislation, theoretical basis and application condition of PatentExhaustion Principle, and put forward the problems which are found in the applyingof Patent Exhaustion Principle in China.

  In the second chapter, applying of Patent Exhaustion Principle is analyzed byreference to two cases happened in America, and finally bring out the attitude ofChinese learners about Patent Exhaustion Principle from one case about compulsorylicense suiting for Patent Exhaustion Principle which happened in Europe.

  The third chapter sums up the author's suggestion of improving the applicationof Patent Exhaustion Principle in China.

  [Key words] Patent exhaustion principle; application condition;implied license theory; method patent

  目 录

  引 言……1

  第一章 我国专利权用尽原则的适用现状……2

  第一节 专利权用尽原则的概念及立法发展……2

  一、 专利权用尽原则的概念……2

  二、 专利权用尽原则的立法发展……3

  第二节 专利权用尽原则的理论基础……4



  (一) 默示许可理论的局限性……6

  (二) 专利权用尽理论概述……6

  (三) 两种理论的比较……7

  第三节 我国专利权用尽原则适用条件……8

  一、 “专利产品或者依照专利方法直接获得的产品”……8

  (一) 专利产品……8


  二、 “由专利权人或者经其许可的单位或者个人售出”……10

  三、 “使用、许诺销售、销售、进口的行为”……11

  四、 适用的地域性范围……12

  第四节 我国专利权用尽原则适用出现的问题……13



  第二章 专利权用尽原则的适用分析……14

  第一节 专利权用尽原则的适用扩张--方法专利的用尽……14

  一、 United States v. Univis Lens Co.案件……14

  二、 Quanta Computer, Inc. V.LG Electronics, Inc.案……15

  第二节 强制许可……17

  第三章 我国专利权用尽原则适用的完善……18

  第一节 扩大专利权用尽原则的适用范围……18

  第二节 产品获得渠道合理化……20



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