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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-11-24 共2492字

【第1部分】 民事虚假诉讼方法律担责问题探究


  民事诉讼已经成为公民维护合法权益和解决争议的重要手段之一。民事案件的数量亦与日俱增。但近年来频繁出现的双方当事人以诉讼这一合法形式谋取不正当利益的民事虚假诉讼却使“诉讼”这一 “正义化”象征蒙上了一层阴影。它在严重侵害利害关系人合法权益的同时亦造成了司法资源的浪费、挑战了司法公信力。由于立法固有的滞后性特点,我国现行民事诉讼立法中尚缺乏系统性、针对性的法律条文对此进行规制,极易导致各地法院在个案中对于民事虚假诉讼的处理方式各行其是。本文恰以此为契机,针对民事虚假诉讼问题展开研究。文章将在遵循解决问题常规脉络的基础上,突出民事虚假诉讼在司法实践中的典型表现,深度挖掘引发民事虚假诉讼的内外因素,以期通过识别机制和应对机制的构建,规范诉讼当事人及其他诉讼参与人的诉讼行为,维护司法的权威性、公正性。




  Civil litigation has become the important resolution of citizen legitimate rightsand maintenance dispute. The number of civil cases has proliferated. But recent years,frequent parties to seek improper interests the legal form of litigation civil false actionmakes the “justice” symbol “litigation” cast a shadow over. It is severely infringingupon the lawful rights and interests of stakeholders also caused the waste of judicialresources,challenged the judicial credibility. Due to the inherent hysteresischaracteristics of legislation in our country present civil procedure law is still lack ofsystematic, specific laws to regulate,easily lead to local court for civil false action inthe case of handling chart. This article just take this opportunity to study for civil falselawsuit problem. Article will be followed to solve the problem,on the basis ofconventional context, prominent civil false lawsuit in the judicial practice istypical of deep mining causes civil false action of internal and external factors, inorder to through the recognition mechanism and the construction of a copingmechanism,regulate the behavior of the parties and other participants in theproceedings of the litigation, safeguard judicial authority and impartiality. This articleis divided into analysis of the false civil lawsuit and form, definition of civil, falseSlawsuit:, civil false lawsuit legal flaws in the country,the comparative study aboutfalse civil litigation laws and civil false litigation legislative Suggestions, the essaydiscusses five parts. The first part of the false civil lawsuit, this paper researches andexpression form. First enumerated civil false lawsuit typical cases to illustrate theperformance of the false civil litigation form; Second will lead to civil false actiongenerated by the comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors,to seek thebeneficial to solve the problem of false civil lawsuit breakthrough. The second partthe paper definition of civil false action. First of all, as the paper selected topic aroundthe civil false lawsuit semantics analysis, reveals the essence of civil false lawsuit; Onthis basis, through the civil false lawsuit connotation and characteristics ofinterpretation, intention to deepen the understanding of the nature of civil false lawsuit;Secondly, through the comparative analysis between the related concepts, trying toclarify the boundaries between each other,clear the research object of this articleagain. The third part from the aspects of civil,criminal and judicial fields explicitlypointed out that our country law of civil false lawsuit regulation defects,to illustratethe necessity of regulation. The fourth part though the paper about the comparativestudy of false civil litigation law by national governments. Thesis part v civil falselawsuit legislation Suggestions, aims to build a diversified civil false copingmechanisms of action.

  Keywords: Civil litigation, false lawsuits, definition, legal responsibility





















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