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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-25 共3429字

【第1部分】 《物权法》中排除妨害请求权的研究

  摘 要

  排除妨害请求权是物权请求权的一种,其历史渊源可以追溯到罗马法上的所有权保全之诉,是指物权人于其物权之圆满状态,被占有以外之方法妨害时,对于妨害人得请求其除去之权利也。这一概念学界通说,但对于如何在立法中如何规定却存在争议。就我国而言,1986 年颁布的《中华人民共和国民法通则》








  The petition right on removal of interference, the property is in a satisfactorystate of the property occupied by methods other than prejudice, the prejudice peoplehad the right to request its removal. This concept is clean in the field of law in ourcountry.

  However, Scholars have controversial ideas whether it should be provided incivil law. We can see the petition right on removal of interference was provided in thedraft civil code, but it disappeared in General Principles of The Civil Law of ThePeople's Republic of China. The words of “Removal of Obstacles” only be found in“Neighboring relationship” and “Methods of Bearing Civil Liability”. It is not enoughto protect real right. The Real Right Law of the People's Republic of China whichwas hereby promulgated for effect as of October 1, 2007 makes up the lack ofprotection. It clearly provides the petition right on removal of interference. Thisprovision is not only conformed to international practices, but also can meet thedemand of justice practice in our country.

  “The Real Right Law of the People's Republic of China”, while Article 35provides the petition right on removal of interference, but it does not definite theconstitutive elements of the petition right on removal of interference. So people havedifficulty in using this article to protect their right.

  Generally, the constitutive elements of the petition right on removal ofinterference are petitioner, obstruction and tortfeasor. Clearly the petition right onremoval of interference elements, and it is great significance in practice. The thesisanalyzes the common law system of private nuisance elements that constitute anunreasonable prejudice. The irrationality of prejudice is a very complex issue. Weshould be considered highly sensitive and property prejudice to the location factors,the time factor, and prejudice duration and so on. Then, the thesis analyzes Germanpetition right on removal of interference elements that thesis analyzes Germanpetition right on removal of interference elements that the wrongfulness of prejudice.

  In German law, the petition right on removal of interference request that prejudiceagainst the law. The wrongfulness of prejudice request that public law aspectanalyzes owners tolerance obligations, and focuses on tolerance in the relationsbetween the neighboring obligations. Finally, the thesis has a comparative analysis totwo cases of the Legislative, and gives China's Property Law and constitutingelements of the perfect put forward suggestions.

  The petition right on removal of interference has the function to protect real rightin common with the petition right on returning of the original object, the petition righton terminating of the danger and Adjacent relation system. Sometimes, it is difficultto distinguish them in practice. Especially, from the cases which happened in ourdaily life, we can found not only common person can't fully understand thedistinctions of them, but also some judges make mistakes when they apply the law.So it's necessary to analysis their similarities and differences in order to reduce themistake.

  Based on the above, the thesis illustrate the development of the petition right onremoval of interference, the constitutive elements of the petition right on removal ofinterference and the relationship between this and others rights of protecting real right.

  From using the comparison analysis, historical analysis and case study researchmethods, the author hopes to let everyone understand the petition right on removal ofinterference and this thesis will be benefiting the Chinese legislature in the end.

  Key words:The Petition Right on Removal of Interference, Tolerance Obligation, Nuisance,Jus Rerem

  目 录

  摘 要


  引 言

  一、 排除妨害请求权概述

  (一) 排除妨害请求权的历史渊源

  (二) 排除妨害请求权的内涵界定

  二、 排除妨害请求权的构成要件

  (一) 请求权人享有物权

  (二) 妨害物权的事实

  (三) 物权人无容忍义务

  三、 排除妨害请求权的法律效力

  (一) 动产被移至不动产而生妨害之情形

  (二) 不动产间而生妨害之情形

  四、 排除妨害请求权与返还原物请求权的竞合问题

  (一) 排除妨害请求权与返还原物请求权“一同发生”

  (二) 排除妨害请求权与返还原物请求权“冲突并存”

  结 论

  参 考 文 献

  致 谢

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