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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-29 共2344字

【第1部分】 保险行业险种创新发展研究

  摘 要

  我国保险行业经过 30 余年的高速发展,在取得了举世瞩目成就的同时,也逐渐暴露出越来越多的问题。随着国民经济的飞速发展,保险行业也在逐渐走向成熟,保险企业一方面要满足客户越来越丰富和细致的产品和服务需求,另一方面也要承受来自内外部的种种压力。如何更好地适应深刻变化的经营环境,在残酷的市场竞争中得以生存和发展,已成为保险公司必须深入思考的课题。

  2013 年 8 月,阿里小微金融与安联财产保险联合推出的“赏月险”一经问世便引起了巨大争议。一时间各大媒体纷纷报道,在相当长的一段时间里成为人们关注的热点,可谓赚足眼球。这款产品体现出一定积极意义的同时更多的却是折射出我国保险行业令人担忧的创新现状。保险行业的高速发展时期也是粗放发展的一段时期,多年以来的这种发展已经使许多保险公司形成了重销售规模渠道,轻产品服务创新的粗放经营模式。保险公司的产品和服务创新能力低下,造成了保险产品结构单一,市场有效供给不足,保险服务严重滞后,已经越来越不能满足人们日益多样化的保险需求。面对越来越大的同业竞争压力,走差异化道路已经成为保险企业尤其是中小保险企业得以生存和发展的必然选择。而能否实现有效的产品和服务创新,创新成果能否得到社会和公众的认可,能否满足企业的可持续经营和发展,则决定了保险企业能否走上差异化经营的道路,最终在残酷的市场竞争中得以生存和发展。


  关键词: 赏月险 产品创新 服务创新 天气保险


  After 30 years of rapid development,China's insurance industry has maderemarkable achievements, but also gradually exposed more and more problems. Withthe rapid development of the national economy, the insurance industry is graduallymature, the insurance companies on the one hand to meet customers' increasingly richand detailed product and service needs, we must also withstand the pressures from theoutside. How to adapt to the profound changes in the business environment , survivaland development in the brutal competition in the market , has become a topic theinsurance company must think deeply .

  In august 2013,the“Moon Insurance” which Ali small micro financial and Allianzproperty insurance company jointly launched caused a huge response when it justcame out, became the focus of attention in a long period of time by all kinds of majormedia's report. This product reflects a positive meaning, while it is more a reflectionof the worrying situation of innovation of China's insurance industry. During a periodof rapid development of the insurance industry is also rough development. Thisdevelopment has been so many years that Insurance companies have formed a patternthat attaching importance to sales channels but slighting innovation of product andservice. Low ability of innovation of product and service has caused Single structureof insurance products, lack of effective supply in the market and serious lag ofinsurance service. Insurance products and service has become increasingly unable tomeet the diverse needs of people. Facing increasing competitive pressure, take thedifference way has became a inevitable choice which insurance companies, especiallysmall and medium enterprises can survive and develop. Whether achieve effectiveproducts and service innovation, whether recognized by community and public,whether meet the sustainable management and development of enterprises, which willdetermine whether a insurance company can embark on the road of differences inmanagement, ultimately survive and develop in the brutal competition in the market.

  This paper starts from the case of “moon insurance” and uses basic methods andmodels of case study and game theory. we want to find the reason why insuranceindustry lack of innovative power by depth analyzing the case itself and innovationstatus of insurance industry, then give suggestions for the case and from the view ofthe government and the enterprise to make the insurance industry to improve theenvironment for innovation and give insurance companies a better development.

  Key Words: Moon Insurance Product Innovation Service InnovationWeather Insurance

  目 录

  摘 要 ……I


  0 绪 论…… 1

  0.1 研究背景和意义…… 1

  0.2 研究方法…… 2

  0.3 论文结构与内容…… 2

  0.4 创新与不足…… 2

  1 案例介绍…… 3

  1.1 案例介绍…… 3

  1.2 案例补充…… 4

  2 案例分析…… 6

  2.1 案例基本分析…… 6

  2.2 案例细则分析…… 7

  2.3 我国保险业产品创新现状…… 9

  2.4 保险公司缺乏创新动力的博弈分析…… 10

  2.5“赏月险”等噱头保险的积极意义…… 15

  3 对策与建议…… 18

  3.1 产品的改进建议…… 18

  3.1.1 “赏月险”的产品创新改进方案…… 18

  3.1.2 在天气保险领域进行保险产品创新的可行性 …… 19

  3.1.3 在天气保险领域进行保险产品创新的必要性 …… 20

  3.1.4 天气保险的创新之处…… 23

  3.2 对于保险企业和政府的建议…… 24

  3.2.1 对保险企业的建议…… 24

  3.2.2 对政府的建议…… 26


  致 谢……30

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