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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-24 共2910字

【第1部分】 环境污染责任保险试点工作研究

  摘 要



  20 世纪末,我国在包括大连、沈阳、长春等城市在内的东北地区进行了环境污染责任保险试点工作。在此次试点过程中,环境污染责任保险多处于无人问津的状态,最终不得不从保险市场上退出。总的来说,上述城市在开展环境污染责任保险业务方面取得了甚微的效果,甚至并未实现开展此类业务的初衷。在刚刚闭幕的2014 年的两会上,环境保护成为全国人大代表和全国政协委员关注的焦点,天蓝、地绿、水清的生态环境亦是每个百姓最大的梦想。在当下,发展我国环境污染责任保险业务有助于实现每个百姓心中的梦想。

  关键词:环境侵权 损害赔偿责任 环境污染责任保险


  Since the reform and opening-up policy has been implemented for 30 years, ourcountry's economy maintains growth momentum, gradually walks into the fastdevelopment track and creates a remarkable economic miracle. At the same time,high-speed economic growth also brings environmental pollution problems, causing thepersonal injury or property damage to people in the environment. Nowadays our countryhas to set out damage compensation questions. The experience of the developedcountries shows that the environmental pollution liability insurance is a good solution.

  The article is divided into four parts. The first part of the article introduces somerelated knowledge and some basic theories about the environmental pollution liabilityinsurance. These basic theories include environmental tort, negative externalities andno-fault liability principle. Finally the part expounds the significance of implementingthe environmental pollution liability insurance to related participants. From the view ofthe world, the United States, Germany and France are successful at the environmentalpollution liability insurance business and other countries often study the situation ofthese countries. The second part of the article will do the research about the abovecontent. The third part of the article introduces the development history and thedevelopment situation of the environmental pollution liability insurance in our country,and emphatically analyzes the factors which hinder the environmental pollution liabilityinsurance. The fourth part of the article creatively puts forward the general idea ofdeveloping the business, that is establishing a system about the environmental pollutionliability insurance. In the system, the internal construction takes up the main position andthe external construction takes up the secondary position.

  At the end of the 20th century, the environmental pollution liability insurance pilotwork has been carried out in Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun and other northeastern citiesin China. In the process of the pilot, the environmental pollution liability insurance wasin a bad state and eventually had to exit from the insurance market. Generally speaking,the environmental pollution liability insurance has achieved little effect and the businessdidn't implement the initial purpose. At the National People's Congress and the ChinesePolitical Consultative Conference which were just concluded, environmental protectionbecame the focus which was discussed among the representatives. Blue sky, green landand clear water are also the biggest dream of every person. At the present, developing theenvironmental pollution liability insurance business helps to realize the dream of everyperson.

  Key Words: Environmental tort Damage compensation liabilityEnvironmental pollution liability insurance

  目 录



  绪论…… 1

  0.1 选题背景及意义 …… 1

  0.2 文献综述 …… 2

  0.3 研究内容与研究方法 …… 3

  0.4 创新之处与不足 …… 4

  1 环境污染责任保险的理论基础…… 6

  1.1 环境污染责任保险的内涵 …… 6

  1.2 环境侵权理论 …… 9

  1.3 负外部性理论 …… 10

  1.4 无过错责任原则 ……11

  1.5 环境侵权损害赔偿责任的社会化 ……11

  1.6 我国发展环境污染责任保险的必要性分析 …… 12

  1.6.1 环境污染责任保险有助于及时弥补受害者的损失 …… 12

  1.6.2 环境污染责任保险有助于分散企业的经营风险 …… 13

  1.6.3 环境污染责任保险有助于减轻政府的负担 …… 13

  1.6.4 环境污染责任保险有助于增加环境保护的参与主体 …… 14

  2 国外环境污染责任保险的发展状况…… 16

  2.1 美国环境污染责任保险的发展状况 …… 16

  2.2 德国环境污染责任保险的发展状况 …… 17

  2.3 法国环境污染责任保险的发展状况 …… 18

  2.4 国外环境污染责任保险的比较与经验借鉴 …… 19

  2.4.1 国外环境污染责任保险的比较 …… 19

  2.4.2 国外环境污染责任保险的经验借鉴 …… 20

  3 我国环境污染责任保险的发展状况及存在的问题…… 22

  3.1 我国环境污染责任保险的发展状况 …… 22

  3.1.1 我国环境污染责任保险的发展历史 …… 22

  3.1.2 我国环境污染责任保险的发展现状 …… 23

  3.2 我国环境污染责任保险存在的问题 …… 24

  3.2.1 环境污染责任保险的相关法律处于缺位状态 …… 24

  3.2.2 环境污染责任保险的投保模式有待进一步明确 …… 25

  3.2.3 环境污染责任保险的承保范围不能满足企业的需求 …… 25

  3.2.4 环境污染责任保险的费率、赔付率不合理 …… 26

  4 我国发展环境污染责任保险的对策…… 28

  4.1 完善环境污染责任保险的法律体系 …… 28

  4.2 积极建设环境污染责任保险市场 …… 28

  4.2.1 采用以强制性保险为主和以自愿性保险为辅的投保模式 …… 28

  4.2.2 将累积的环境污染事故造成的损害赔偿责任纳入承保范围 …… 29

  4.2.3 合理制定费率,实行差别费率机制 …… 30

  4.3 政府积极支持环境污染责任保险业务的开展 …… 30

  4.4 在全社会范围内启动环境污染责任保险宣传工作 …… 31

  参考文献…… 33

  致谢…… 35

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