摘 要
“莱阳梨”作为国内久负盛名的特色农产品也没有在市场中找准定位。康熙《莱阳县志》中有记载,莱阳盛产梨,至少已有 480 多年的栽培史,由于品质极佳,明清起被列为皇家贡品,在国内外享有极高的知名度和美誉度。近年来,莱阳梨获得国家“地理标志”产品保护,注册国家级、省级证明商标,获批“中国文化遗产标志”,并由农业部制订了莱阳梨部级生产标准,标志着莱阳梨品质和品牌在积累中不断得到提升。
The brand strategy of the agricultural product can make the agricultural productsthrough the brand value, and it will be a popular luxury in the market competition, whichwill lead to the development of local economy.At present, China's agricultural products,especially agricultural products sales price is underestimated, many of which are unique tothe old name, due to the lack of brand awareness, facing the characteristics, no brand, nobrand, no value dilemma, has been advocated and followed by the improved varieties,scale, standardization, regionalization, industrialization of Chinese agriculture, branddemand is growing strong.
"Laiyang pear" as the characteristics of agricultural products have long enjoyed agood reputation in the market did not identify the location. Emperor Kangxi "Laiyangcounty annals" records, Laiyang pears abound, at least more than 480 years of cultivationhistory, because of excellent quality, the Ming and Qing Dynasties is listed as a royaltribute, both at home and abroad enjoy a high visibility and reputation. In recent years,Laiyang pear access to national geographical indications product protection, registerednational level, provincial certification mark, approved the Chinese cultural heritage logo,and by the Ministry of agriculture to develop a Laiyang pear production standards, markingthe Laiyang pear quality and brand in the accumulation of continuous improvement.
Laiyang pear fruit quality development has been greatly improved, but there are also aseries of problems, specific performance: in the process of production, low average perunit area yield, commodity fruit rate is low in, kind of the value of the scale is limited; inthe sales process, sales channels for a single, door to wait for buyers, quality, market, brand,marketing consciousness is weak, stereotypes, many regional market, especially high-endmarket and foreign market blank, to be developed; in excavate the product added value,there is a lack of deep processing of, the industry chain is not long, associative supportingindustries achieve, industry intensive degree not higher status.
From the perspective of brand strategy, this paper analyzes and studies the existingproblems of Laiyang pear, and puts forward some pertinent and operable planning andsuggestion to promote the construction and development of pear brand in Laiyang. It canalso provide important references for the relevant government departments. It can alsoprovide important references for the relevant government departments.
KeyWord: Laiyang Pear; CharacteristicAgricultural Products; Brand Strategy
目 录
第 1 章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究内容和论文框架
1.3 研究方法及创新点
1.3.1 研究方法
1.3.2 创新点
1.3.3 不足
第 2 章 相关理论概述
2.1 相关理论
2.1.1 市场营销理论
2.1.2 品牌营销理论
2.2 国内外经验理论综述
2.2.1 国外相关研究综述
2.2.2 国内相关研究综述
第 3 章 莱阳梨品牌管理现状与存在问题
3.1 莱阳梨简介
3.1.1 莱阳梨品牌悠久
3.1.2 莱阳梨品牌价值
3.1.3 莱阳梨品牌发展现状
3.2 莱阳梨品牌拓展的 SWOT 分析
3.2.1 莱阳梨品牌拓展的潜在资源优势和竞争能力
3.2.2 莱阳梨品牌拓展的劣势和缺陷
3.2.3 莱阳梨品牌拓展不可错过的外部机会
3.2.4 莱阳梨品牌拓展面临的外部威胁
第 4 章 莱阳梨新形势下品牌运营对策
4.1 目标客户定位
4.2 莱阳梨品牌核心价值
4.3 莱阳梨品牌规划
4.3.1 建立品质标准,确保产品品质
4.3.2 推动产业化经营 抓好衍生品深加工
4.3.3 创新销售模式 全方位展现“莱阳梨”品牌风采
4.3.4 寻求法律保护 加强品牌创新
4.4 莱阳梨品牌对外传播
4.4.1 传播内容与形式
4.4.2 传播手段和效果
4.4.3 品牌延伸的模式
第 5 章 莱阳梨品牌营销策略的保障机制
5.1 产品
5.1.1 建立质量监管体系,严格把控标准化流程
5.1.2 实行等级包装策略,提高商品化处理水平
5.1.3 发展精深加工,创造新的产品组合
5.1.4 实施绿色产品策略
5.1.5 大力发展品牌营销
5.2 定价
5.2.1 折扣定价策略
5.2.2 分区定价策略
5.2.3 差别定价策略
5.3 分销
5.3.1 直接分销渠道
5.3.2 间接分销渠道
5.3.3 创新渠道,连锁经营
5.3.4 绿色渠道策略
5.3.5 网络营销
5.4 促销
5.4.1 知识促销策略
5.4.2 广告策略
5.4.3 文化促销策略
5.4.4 绿色促销策略
第 6 章 结论与展望
6.1 结论
6.2 展望
致 谢