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时间:2016-09-28 来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠 本文字数:5895字
  目 录
  摘 要
  第一章 引言
  第二章 幼儿自我管理能力发展现状比较分析
  第三章 影响幼儿自我管理能力发展因素的相关性分析
  第四章 提高幼儿自我管理能力发展水平的建议
  结 语
  参 考 文 献
  致 谢

  摘 要

  Early childhood is the budding period for the children to develop their self-controlability. In this period their mental and physical development are growing rapidly. Theability of walking, self-consciousness, emotion, willpower and thinking make it possiblefor the children to develop their self-control ability. It's necessary to cultivate theinfants' self-control ability from the early childhood, which is both the requirement ofnational policy and the expectation of teachers and parents. Besides, it is the innerrequirement of the children's own coordinated development. Its development andenhancement may meet the requirement of the infants' mental and physicaldevelopment, which may also save their teachers and parents much time and energy.
  Given the special characteristics of children, the basic structure of children'sself-management include self-care ability, simple cognitive ability, preliminary emotionmanagement ability, simple self-control and perseverance ability, low self-organizationability and innocent self-adjustment ability. The factors affecting children'sself-management ability are mainly generic factor, environmental factor of familyeducation, environmental factor of kindergarten education, and other social factors. Thefamily and kindergarten education factors which we can take under our controleffectively are the main fields we study the children's self-management ability.
  We get some data by making empirical investigation of development status ofchildren's self-management ability combining the family and kindergarten educationenvironment where they grow up and analyze the data using SPSS statistical dataprocessing software. The overall results are as follows. The development of children'sself-management ability differs in the age obviously and the level of development isrising along with the age. But the difference in sex is not obvious. The level ofself-management ability of boys are general the same with that of girls. In the first stageclass, the development of girls is better than that of boys, but this is not obvious in themiddle and last stage class. The affection of family education environment is alwaysobvious, especially in the first stage class and the first half of middle stage class. Theaffection decreases overall. In the development of self-management ability, the familywith relatively good economic condition is more conductive to the children comparedwith the poor and particularly good situation, but this is not significant. The situation offamily with more than one child is obviously better than that of family with only onechild. The democratic and free ways of family education are more favorable. Fair familyrelationship is good for the development. The higher education background of a motherhas more significant influence on children than that of a father. The longer the parentsaccompany the children and the more frequently the children participate in communityactivities, the better the development of children's self-management ability. Theaffection of kindergarten education environment occupies an important position in thedevelopment of children's self-management ability. Its influence shows a rising trendwith the increment of the grade. In the development of children's self-managementability, the public kindergartens with better conditions and the kindergartens affiliated toorgans are more favorable to the development, but this is not obvious. Those on theregular payroll and contractual staff are more conducive to the development. Smallerclass and smaller ratio of the teacher to student are more conducive to the development.
  Through the investigation and analysis, in the process of developing and cultivatingearly childhood's self management ability, there are following problems in the familyeducation environment: the difficulty in forming a unified educational resultant force,the hardness of targeted training, the lack of stability in the process, the limited space ofearly childhood's self-control ability development, the shortage of time for children toparticipate in the community. Parents often do everything on behalf of children, andwrongly treat the problems in children's development. The content and form of familyeducation are too simplex. The causes of these problems are various, mainlyconcentrated in the backwardness of parents' educational idea, the limitation oftraditional culture and knowledge, the lack of effective parenting approaches and so on.
  The main problems existing in the kindergarten education environment: the unclearteaching goal of kindergarten teachers, incomprehension of the education content,inflexible education method, chaotic activities; lack of free space for the development ofearly childhood's self-management ability; lack of systematic and targeted educationactivities module in kindergarten education planning. In the process ofkindergarten-family collaboration, targeted cooperation is lacked. The mainly causes ofthese problems are the kindergarten culture background and rules, the requirements andpressure of the parents, the limitation of the preschool teachers'quality levels , etc.Based on the analysis of the existing problems and causes in the development andcultivation of early childhood's self-management ability, this thesis puts forward thetraining strategy for parents and kindergarten teachers from the aspect of familyeducation and kindergarten education. In the family education environment, the adultsshould norm the family member's thoughts and behaviors, ensure the unity, consistencyand stability of family influences, and try to form a unified educational resultant force;Parents should set an imitate example for the development of young children's self-management ability, and pay more attention to the role of the model. Parents should gointo the children's world, keep good communication with children, provide moreopportunities for children to do things by themselves, and provide more opportunitiesfor children to communicate with peers; Parents should treat the problems appeared inchildren's development scientificly; Parents should also pay attention to strengthen thekindergarten-family collaboration, in order to improve the level of parenting. In thekindergarten education environment, the kindergarten teachers should build normativeof developmental documents, to make the development of self-management abilitymore systematic; Pay attention to the conventional construction and strengthen the rules;Carry on the reasonable model of preschool education and build the “bar”; Create acorrelation suitable environment, promote the osmosis of self-management; Use allkinds of games rationally and carry out regional activities related; Pay attention to theoptimization of kindergarten-family collaboration to form educational resultant force;Promote the internalization of self-management and make good preparation fortransiting to primary school.
  Key Words: preschool children; self-management ability; development; influencefactors; difference; relativity; family education; kindergarten education
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