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来源:甘肃农业大学 作者:雷冰
发布于:2017-04-10 共4421字
  摘 要
  Enforce the law to make peace and stability of a country, lax laws make a countrybecome chaotic.Law is an important guarantee for the development of a country is thebasic way of managing state affairs. Rigorously enforce the rule of law is a universalprinciple of political and social behavior norms of modern society, and also a finaldestination of the social and political development of China. Unlike major administrativedecision-making of general administrative decision-making, because of its broad, globaland comprehensive features make it a key link in the administration, more and moreattention in the community. Increasingly expansion in the government executive powertoday, major administrative decisions facing increasingly complex decision-makingenvironment, also increases the difficulty of the decision, which the local government tomake major administrative decisions put forward higher requirements. However, In thecase of actual decision-making activities, patting his head to make decisions, boldlyexecuted decision, but decision-making is a problem that no one is responsible for thecommon. In order to achieve scientific, democratization and the rule of law ofadministrative decision-making, reduce the losses caused by wrong decisions, and ensureorderly administration of the State, there must be a sound major administrativedecision-making process as a guarantee, and let this program in the form of law finalized,only the formation of major administrative decision-making process to improve the rulesand regulations in order on this basis, according to the law to protect major administrativedecision-making, implementation of law, rule of law in order to achieve majoradministrative decision-making process. Therefore, for the local government,implementation decisions according to the law, to promote the legalization of majoradministrative decision-making process, whether it is for the Government to ensure thesuccessful completion of the work, or to create a solid basis for governmentdecision-making of public opinion, promote the rule of law or a government building has avery Significance.
  By combing the major administrative decision-making process on the existing laws,regulations and administrative normative documents, clear the status of majoradministrative decision-making process of the legislative level, combined with the status ofimplementation of major administrative decision-making process on major administrativedecisions of local government law program of the overall status have a more clearunderstanding. At the same time summarizes the major administrative decision-makingprocess of the legalization process problems and analyzes the reasons for this, and thenproposed to promote local major administrative decision-making process of building therule of law countermeasures. This paper is divided into the following parts: The first part isthe introduction, it is to study the significance of the article, current research, researchmethods and innovations and deficiencies. The second part is the theoretical support andrelated concepts. It describes the theoretical support of the article,and defines the majoradministrative decision-making process related to the concept of the rule of law. The thirdpart is about the status of our local government major administrative decision-makingprocess of the rule of law.Mainly from the implementation of major legislative andadministrative decision-making process both paper. Legislation is mainly based on thecurrent major administrative decision-making process of normative legal texts comb;implementation mainly through the establishment of Lanzhou urban household water priceladder system hearings empirical study combining these two aspects drawn majoradministrative of Local Government decision-making process of the overall status of therule of law. The fourth part is the major administrative decision-making process of thelegalization process problems and cause analysis. According to current situation of majoradministrative decision-making procedures under the rule of law,summed up the absenceof legislation, lax enforcement, poor decision-making information channels and citizenparticipation in public decision-making is not comprehensive, the lack of governmentinteract with information and other aspects of the public and so on, and analyzes thereasons.The fifth part is some suggestions to promote the major administrativedecision-making process under the rule of law and Legal Construction of LocalGovernment. Including the legal system to promote the construction of majoradministrative decision-making process, enhance the rule of law major administrativedecision-making process, strengthen the supervision of major administrativedecision-making process and to guarantee effective public participation in the majoradministrative decision-making and so on.
  Key Words:Major administrative decision-making Processes; Under the rule of law; Localgovernment; Program specification

  目 录
  摘 要
  第一章 绪论
  第二章 理论支撑及概念界定
  第三章 我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化现状
  第四章 我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化的主要问题
  第五章 推动地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化建设的对策建议
  第六章 结语
  致 谢
原文出处:雷冰. 我国地方政府重大行政决策程序法治化研究[D].甘肃农业大学,2016.
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