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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-27 共3569字

【题目】 基于行政法的大陆电影分级制度探析
【引言 第一章】电影分级制度的行政法界定
  摘 要
  关键词:电影分级 控权 行政许可 平衡理论

  In many countries and regions, movie industry is regarded as social public affairswhich are concerned with public interests; as a result, it is often included in thecategory of administrative management. In some countries , the film managementbelongs to the affairs of interior ministry, the ministry of culture, or the department ofpublic information. In Chinese Mainland, the administrative institution of movieindustry is StateAdministration of Radio, Film, and Television which is directly underthe State Council. Censorship is executed by movie review committee which isorganized by StateAdministration of Radio, Film, and Television, and this committeehas the right to decide whether a film release. In this control mode, it is lack of theprotection of film property right for movie makers and creators. This also affects thefilm audience right to enjoy the movie.At the same time, due to the excessiveintervention of administrative power, China's film industry is also facing a lot ofrestrictions. Film classification is the international practice and has a great advantageon balance the executive power and civil rights, maximum limit the abuse ofexecutive power, and protects the rights of the relative person and the thirdperson.This essay is meant to bring in the movie rating system theoretically which is rooted in mainland China,and we are going to define the identity of the system in the views of administrative laws in order to corroborate its law theorum and systematic construction.
  The first part of the article introduced the film classification which is defined bythe administrative law system. Form the point of theoretic view, this part analysis thetwo properties of film classification in the perspective of administrative law,administrative management attributes and attribute analysis of administrative license.
  Moreover, criticism and correct the existing theories in this filed definition under thelevel of legal relationship are also included in Part 1.Then the author explores the twokinds of control mode in the film classification, and introduce the classification model combine with the administrative controlmodel,which lay theory foundation for the construction of the system in mainland China and also to make debates about the choices of movie rating construction mode.
  In the second part of the article, from the actual situation in China, the authordiscusses the necessary of constructing the system of film classification. First of all,expounding the superiority of the film classification system combined with thedisadvantages of the current film censorship system, under the four aspects, the censorsubject, the censor procedures, grading standards and right relief. Secondly, from theperspective of the administrative main functional object, this part discusses that thefilm makers and the film audience can obtain more benefit from the film classificationsystem.
  The third part has carried on the analysis to the feasibility of establishing thesystem of film classification. In reality, film industry development is relatively maturein China, the audience is becoming more and more widely.At the institutional level,there is a relatively complete system of laws and regulations to censor film.AndChinese household registration system also provide a necessary support for the filmclassification.
  The fourth part of the article will be a summary in a level of administrativelegislation.Firstly we shall debate the basic administrative principles which should beobeyed in the construction of movie rating system on the basis of standardized formatwith the thought of combining balance and efficience at the same time.Secondly,we shall design and outline the movie rating subject,movie rating standards and movie rating procedures.Finally, from the professional autonomy perspective, the authordiscusses the present situation of film industry, such as how to coordinate theadministrative power and autonomy of the industry in order to construct a better filmclassification system.
  Key Words: Movie Graduation System, Power control, AdministrativePermission, Balance Theory

  目 录
  引 言
  1 电影分级制度的行政法界定
  1.1 电影分级制度的行政属性
  1.1.1 电影分级制度的行政管理属性
  1.1.2 电影分级制度的行政许可属性
  1.2 电影分级的行政控权模式
  1.2.1 放任的电影分级控权模式
  1.2.2 折中的电影分级控权模式
  2.1 完善现行电影审查制度的需要
  2.1.1 促进审查主体的适格化
  2.1.2 促进分级标准的明确化
  2.1.3 促进审查程序的合法化
  2.1.4 促进权利救济途径的多元化
  2.2 保护行政相对人及第三人权益的需要
  2.2.1 保护行政相对人的电影产业权利
  2.2.2 保护第三人的电影享受权利
  3 构建中国大陆电影分级制度的可行性
  3.1 实行电影分级具备现实基础
  3.1.1 电影产业发展相对成熟
  3.1.2 电影受众群体多元化
  3.2 实行电影分级具备制度保障
  3.2.1 电影管理的“双许可证”制度
  3.2.2 居民身份证管理制度
  4 构建中国大陆电影分级制度之设想
  4.1 构建电影分级制度应遵循的行政法原则
  4.1.1 合法行政原则
  4.1.2 程序正当原则
  4.1.3 合理行政原则
  4.2 构建电影分级制度的具体建议
  4.2.1 确定电影分级的主体
  4.2.2 制定电影分级的标准
  4.2.3 规范电影分级的程序
  4.3 协调行政权力与行业自治
  5 结语
  致 谢
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