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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-17 共3452字



  摘 要


  与我国尚未完全统一的情形相似,在二战结束之后,由于美苏冷战等因素的影响,德国也经历了被人为割裂为联邦德国与民主德国两个部分的阶段。分裂也并非德国人民之所愿,在两德人民的共同努力下,1990 年 10 月 3 日,民主德国的五个州通过“加入”的方式并入联邦德国,德国至此完成统一大业。在这一过程中,两德在宪法领域的诸多做法,为国家的统一打下了法理基础。例如,在《基本法》中即规定有“加入”与“制宪”的国家统一途径等内容。两德统一过程中曾采用过的方法和途径或许不能直接为我国所用,但其中体现出的以宪法机制作为国家统一框架,通过国家协议缓和双方关系,借由宪法解释方法推动国家统一进程等理念和经验,却可以为我国台湾问题的解决提供有利的借鉴。


  关键词:台湾问题 两德统一 宪法途径


  Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China's sacred territory, and thereunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of the Chinesenation. In the rule of law environment, the solution of the Taiwan issue isno longer a pure political problem, which means it also need constitutionaldocuments to provide legal basis for solving this problem, to standardizeand to guide the specific behavior during this cause. Therefore, in order topromote cross-strait exchanges and the reunification of the motherland,China has made the “Anti-secession Law” and agreement were signedbetween ARATS (Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits) andSEF (Straits Exchange Foundation) under the frame of constitution. Allthese provide the basis and legal safeguard for the development ofcross-strait relations. At present, the regulatory documents on cross-straitrelations in China remain omissions, thus cannot fully meet the needs of thedevelopment of cross-strait relations. We still need to start from theperspective of constitutional law and use the constitutional resources, tosolve new problems and dilemmas emerging constantly during thedevelopment of cross-strait relations.

  Similar to the division of China, after the end of World War II, due tothe impact of the U.S. - Soviet cold war, Germany had been fragmentedinto two parts: the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republicof Germany. Division is not what the German people want. Fortunately inOctober 3, 1990, under the joint efforts of both parts, the all five states ofGerman Democratic Republic, added into the Federal Republic of Germany,thus realized the reunification of Germany. In this process, the two Germancountries have made a lot of efforts in the field of constitution, to lay thelegal foundation for the reunification of the country. For example, the“Basic Law” has set rules of “add into” and “merging” as means tocomplete the reunification of country. The methods and ways of thereunification of Germanys may not be imitated directly, but theirexperience and idea can provide beneficial reference to solve China'sTaiwan problem, such as using the constitutional mechanism as theframework of reunification, easing relations through the national agreement,and promoting national unity progress by the constitutional interpretation.

  Based on what aforementioned, using historical research andcomparative method, this article carried out scientific survey on theexperiences and lessons in the process of the reunification of the twoGermanys in the field of constitutional law, and analyzed the feasibility ofthe experience and lessons in the settlement of Taiwan issue rationally, inorder to provide some ideas to solve China's Taiwan problem. The structureand contents of the article develop as the following logic: first, the articlewill clarify the regulatory documents on the Taiwan issue, and analyze theirshortcomings and solutions. Although China mainland and Taiwan havepublished some regulations about the cross-strait relation, the ARATS andthe SEF also have signed a lot of agreements, but the problem still exist,that the regulations are lack of concrete guidance and the agreements arenot specific enough. Secondly, analyze the nature of the relationshipbetween the mainland and Taiwan, and make clear the intension of “twoone China”. Finally, this paper will, based on the analysis of the Taiwanissue, relative theories on the reunification of both sides, and the lessonsfrom the reunification of Germany, put forward some suggestions topromote the reunification across the strait in the constitutional dimension.

  KEY WORDS: Taiwan Issue, German reunification, constitutionalapproach

  目 录

  引 言




  第一章 关于两岸关系的法律制度现状

  第一节 两岸法律制度现状



  第二节 海协会、海基会签订的协议



  第二章 两德统一前的法律制度情况及两德协议

  第一节 联邦德国《基本法》与联邦宪法法院的判决



  第二节 两德签订的协议

  第三节 借鉴两德经验分析关于两岸关系法律制度存在的问题

  第三章 “一个中国”的“中”之涵义

  第一节 两岸关于只有“一个中国”的共识--“九二共识”

  第二节 两岸关于“中”之涵义的分歧



  第三节 “一个中国”之“中”的应有之义

  第四章 台湾问题解决方式与两德统一的经验借鉴

  第一节 两德统一的经验




  第二节 两岸统一模式的相关学说

  第三节 “一国两制”台湾模式

  结 论


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