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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-23 共3905字


【3.1  3.2】怀柔区小学生体质水平的状况分析及评分情况 
【3.3  3.4】怀柔区小学体育教学的现状及存在的问题分析 




  1 前言

  1.1 选题依据

  1.2 研究目的与意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究任务

  1.4 文献综述

  1.4.1 关于“体质”概念的界定

  1.4.2 国内、外关于青少年体质的研究

  1.4.3 关于学生体质与体育教学的研究

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 专家访谈法

  2.2.3 问卷调查法

  2.2.4 数理统计法

  2.2.5 比较研究法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 北京市怀柔区小学生体质水平状况分析

  3.1.1 怀柔区小学生身体形态状况分析

  3.1.2 怀柔区小学生身体机能状况分析

  3.1.3 怀柔区小学生身体素质状况分析

  3.2 北京市怀柔区小学生体质水平评分情况

  3.2.1 怀柔区小学生体质测试单项得分

  3.2.2 怀柔区小学生体质测试综合评分

  3.3 北京市怀柔区小学体育教学的现状分析

  3.3.1 学校对体育教学的重视程度分析

  3.3.2 学校体育教学对学生体质健康促进的影响

  3.3.3 影响学生体质健康的学校体育教学因素分析

  3.4 北京市怀柔区小学体育教学存在的问题分析

  3.4.1 体育课运动负荷安排方面的问题

  3.4.2 体育课教学内容安排方面的问题

  3.4.3 学生差异化教学中存在的问题

  3.4.4 体育教学反馈中存在的问题

  3.5 改善怀柔区小学生体质状况的学校体育教学应对策略

  3.5.1 合理安排体育教学中学生的运动负荷

  3.5.2 丰富教学内容,提高学生的学习兴趣

  3.5.3 加强对体育运动能力较差学生的指导

  3.5.4 及时、正确、有效地对学生进行反馈

  4 结论与建议

  4.1 结论

  4.2 建议

  5 参考文献

  6 致谢



  本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、调查问卷法、数理统计法和比较分析法,通过对怀柔区小学生 2011-2012 年体质监测数据的分析,在系统了解当前怀柔区小学生体质健康状况的基础上,通过对怀柔区部分小学体育教学现状的调查与研究,分析当前小学体育教学中存在的问题,探讨改善小学体育教学的对策,为教育主管部门和学校体育政策的制定和体育教学改革提供参考。


  (1)从体质测试结果看,在身体状况方面,2012 年 3-6 年级小学生身高、体重指标都有不同程度增长,但营养不良、体重较低检出率及超重、肥胖检出率皆有不同程度增长;在身体机能方面,怀柔区小学生肺活量水平则出现了下降拐点,情况不容乐观;在身体素质方面,3-6 年级爆发力素质、耐力素质不同程度下降,3、4 年级学生的柔韧素质有所改善,但 5、6 年级女生柔韧素质有所下降。

  (2) 从体质测试的评分看,连续两年中怀柔区小学生身体形态指标较好,身体机能和身体素质指标不佳,身体素质中柔韧、耐力素质下降尤为突出;虽然怀柔区 3-6年级小学生的平均体质测试结果经评估后没有不及格现象,但都没有达到优秀这一等级,其中 3、4 年级小学生的体质健康状况要比 5、6 年级小学生好,5、6 年级小学生中男生仅仅达到了及格水平,说明当前怀柔区学生的体质水平并不高。




  关键词:怀柔区 小学生 学生体质 体育教学 应对


  Teenagers are the future of the motherland, their health is related to the rise and fall ofa state. The student physique continued to decline in recent years, the problem has causedextensive concern of domestic education, sports professionals.

  This article uses the literature material law, expert interview, questionnaire,mathematical statistics and comparative analysis, through the analysis of the students2011-2012 years physique monitoring data of Huairou District, Huairou district basedunderstanding of the current primary students physique health conditions in the system,through the investigation and Research on the part of the current situation of physicalEducation Teaching Primary School of Huairou District, analysis the current existingproblems in the teaching of primary school physical education, to explore thecountermeasures to improve the primary school physical education teaching, and providereference for the formulation and physical education teaching reform of the administrativedepartment of education and the school's sports policy.

  Conclusion this study has the following several aspects:

  (1) the results from the physical fitness test, on a physical level, height, body weightindex in 2012 4-6 grade students have different degrees of growth, but malnutrition, weightlow detection rate and detection rate of overweight, obesity has increased in various degree;the function of the level of Primary School of Huairou District, vital capacity decreasedinflection point, the situation is not optimistic; in the physical quality aspect, the outbreakof 4-6 grade quality, endurance quality force decreased in different degrees, 3, 4 gradestudents pliability quality has improved, but the 5, 6 grade girls pliable and tough qualitydecreased.

  (2) from the physique test score, for two consecutive years the body shape index inprimary school students Huairou district is better, body function and the quality index ofpoor flexibility, endurance quality, physical quality decline is particularly prominent;although the average physique test result in Huairou District 3-6 grade pupils afterassessment did not pass the phenomenon, but have not reached good at this level, includingphysical health status in 3, grade 4 students than in 5, grade 6 students, 5 grade 6 students,boys can only achieve a passing level, that flat constitution water current Huairou Districtof students is not high.

  (3) From the present situation of primary school sports teaching in Huairou District,Huairou District primary school leadership on physical education teachers have a highdegree of attention, awareness and understanding more clearly on the physical health ofstudents, most of the recognition of physical education in promoting the physical level, butto enhance the students' physical health effect is not obvious.

  (4) Teachers pay more attention to the exercise load, but in sports teaching load issmaller; the teaching content can not effectively mobilize the students' interest in learning,mainly due to the students of teaching content are not high interest focused on the fouraspects of students, teachers, security equipment capacity and syllabus of PE Teachers; forthe sports teaching ability of poor students a higher degree of concern, all teachers are saidwill take certain measures to counseling movement ability of poor students, mainlycultivate students' interest and enhance their confidence; teachers are not high degree ofrecognition for the importance of feedback in the teaching of physical education, from thefeedback way, the proportion of applying immediate reaction is the highest.

  (5) Coping strategies of school physical education to improve the physique of studentsin Huairou District, is a reasonable arrangement of exercise load in high school physicaleducation, two is to enrich the teaching content, improve the learning interest of thestudents, the three is to strengthen the sports ability of poor students guidance, four isfeedback to students timely, correct, effective.

  Key words: Huairou area; Primary school students; Student physique; Physicaleducation teaching; Coping strategy

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