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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-08 共2987字

【第1部分】 大庆市中小科技企业员工培训方案研究

  摘 要

  近年来,中小科技企业在全球迅速地发展和壮大,表现出了极强的生命力。随着大庆市政府提出“二次创业”发展战略,要求对石油产品进行深层加工,大庆市中小科技企业的数量不断的增长,中小科技企业发展势头强劲,仅去年,大庆市就新增中小科技企业 2300 余家,拥有省级中小科技企业共计 2511 家,高新技术产值达到 1800 亿元,在全省居于前列。中小科技企业发展的主导力量是人才,只有拥有了优秀的人才,才能在竞争中脱颖而出。中小科技企业获得人才的途径主要有两种途径,在市场上招聘和培训现有人才,在不同的时期中小科技企业对人才的需求不尽相同,而在市场上招聘来的人才也需要经过培训才能上岗。因此,要想获得符合要求的人才,中小科技企业必须高度重视员工培训,开展有针对性的培训活动。




  In recent years, with the development and rapidly growing of global technology, thesmall and medium enterprises shows strong vitality. With Daqing Municipal Government putforward the "second pioneering" development strategy requires deep processing of oilproducts, the number of small technology companies Daqing continued growth, strongmomentum of development of small and medium-tech enterprises last year alone, it addedsmall Daqing Science and Technology More than 2300 companies, small and mediumtechnology enterprises with the provincial 2511, high-tech output value reached 180 billionyuan, among the highest in the province. Leading force in the development of small andmedium technology companies is talent, only to have the talent to stand out from thecompetition. There are ways to get small and medium technology companies are two mainways of talent, recruitment and training of existing talent in the market at different times ofsmall technology enterprises demand for talent is different, but the market also needs torecruit personnel to be trained to posts. Therefore, in order to get to meet the requirements oftalent, small technology companies must attach great importance to staff training, targetedtraining activities.

  Based on the training of employees of small and medium technology at home and abroadto conduct research and analysis, while the status of small and medium technology enterprisesin Daqing City staff training conducted meticulous research, summarized the characteristicsof small and medium-tech enterprises in Daqing City staff training and from training theory,the training system and training development to explore how science and technology for smalland medium enterprises in Daqing City staff training, thus contributing to the developmentand growth of small and medium-tech enterprises in Daqing City. First, the background andsignificance, through the analysis of the domestic and foreign enterprises access toinformation staff training, research content and methods introduced in this paper; Second, itintroduces the theory of small technology enterprises staff training, including staff trainingpurposes, content, principles, role and methods of training;Third, through questionnaires wayto introduce the current situation of small and medium technology enterprises in Daqing City,staff training, through the status quo, small technology companies analyzed problems in stafftraining, including needs analysis is not in place, training objectives are not clear, assessmentand evaluation unsound neglect other aspects of local characteristics; Finally, the status ofsmall and medium-tech enterprises in Daqing City, staff training and problems put forwardcountermeasures and suggestions of small and medium-tech enterprises in Daqing City stafftraining, including the establishment new training ideas to strengthen the training needsanalysis, improve training, refresher training methods, evaluation of training effectiveness andto seek all parties support.

  Key Words: Daqing; Staff training; small and medium technology enterprises

    目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪 论

  1.1 选题背景与研究意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 研究的意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究内容与方法

  1.3.1 技术路线

  1.3.2 研究方法

  第 2 章 中小科技企业员工培训的相关理论

  2.1 培训的目的

  2.2 培训的内容

  2.3 培训的原则

  2.4 培训的作用

  2.5 培训的方法

  2.5.1 传授式培训

  2.5.2 实践性培训

  2.5.3 参与式培训

  2.5.4 综合素质培训

  2.6 本章小节

  第 3 章 大庆市中小科技企业员工培训现状

  3.1 调查问卷的调查过程

  3.1.1 问卷的编制

  3.1.2 样本选择

  3.1.3 数据处理

  3.2 问卷调查数据分析

  3.2.1 培训认识分析

  3.2.2 培训计划分析

  3.2.3 培训组织分析

  3.2.4 培训内容分析

  3.2.5 培训方式分析

  3.2.6 培训资源分析

  3.2.7 培训评估分析

  3.3 调查结论

  3.3.1 培训观念落后

  3.3.2 需求分析不到位

  3.3.3 培训内容范围狭窄

  3.3.4 培训方法落后

  3.3.5 缺乏对培训效果的评估

  3.3.6 不重视地方资源的利用

  3.4 本章小节

  第 4 章 大庆市中小科技企业员工培训的对策

  4.1 树立新的培训观念

  4.1.1 培训效果的隐藏性

  4.1.2 培训投资的生产性

  4.1.2 培训效果的隐藏性

  4.1.3 培训内容的综合性

  4.1.4 培训过程的互动性

  4.1.5 培训作用的局限性

  4.2 加强对培训需求的分析

  4.2.1 找差距

  4.2.2 找原因

  4.2.3 定方案

  4.3 完善培训内容

  4.3.1 员工职业生涯培训

  4.3.2 团队培训

  4.3.3 全员培训

  4.4 更新培训方法

  4.4.1 运用新技术培训

  4.4.2 培训“外包”

  4.5 加强对培训效果的评估

  4.6 重视利用地方资源

  4.6.1 利用好政府提供的培训资源

  4.6.2 主动与地方院校合作

  4.7 本章小节

  结 论


  致 谢

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