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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-11-24 共2344字

【题目】 A公司的物流运营现状及其优化策略
  A 公司每年都会开展净推荐值(NPS)客户调查。在近几年的客户反馈中,客户总是投诉物流服务。A 公司自身也面临着库存过高,库存结构不合理,运营效率低下等问题。公司由此成立了专门的项目组,以提升 A 公司物流服务水平。
  本篇论文主要研究了 A 公司的物流运营现状,应用多个物流指标定量地测量物流服务水平,然后应用相关的物流理论知识来解读这些指标,通过数据分析找出物流系统中存在的问题。最后根据发现的问题制定物流优化策略,提出具体的优化方案,最终将方案实施,以达到降低 A 公司总体的物流成本,同时提高现有物流网络的效率,维持相对较高的客户服务水平。
  本文的研究方法主要使用定量分析方与实验法。研究借鉴了 6 西格码与 4Q 的方法论,通过 ERP 系统进行大量的数据采集,设计不同的指标找出优化的方向,通过各物流指标的目标设定来进行物流优化。优化主要侧重在物流运作的三个重要环节:库存管理,仓储管理,需求预测管理。本文根据帕累托法则,选取这些环节中几个问题最为严重的节点作为优化内容,通过数据分析寻找低效物流的主要原因。在优化方法中采用实验法,改变现有的流程进行试点,并对优化后的试点结果进行再测量,通过统计学的显着性分析对优化结果进行验证,得到理想的稳定结果后,再来对作业流程进行系统的改进,以保证优化方案的正确性与科学性。
  全文共分七章:第一章:绪论,主要简述了此篇论文的选题背景,目的,意义,主要内容,研究方法与论文结构体系;第二章,相关理论综述,介绍不同的物流优化观点,相关物流优化理论,包括库存管理,仓储管理,需求预测管理等。第三章至第六章为本论文的主体部分。第三章,主要是论述了 A 公司的物流现状,通过物流指标的设立与测量全面了解 A 公司物流现状。物流指标从二个视角提出,客户交货与公司的成本。第四章,应用数据分析 A 公司物流服务若干问题产生的原因,并提出 A 公司优化的三大方向为库存管理,仓储运营与需求预测管与相关优化策略。第五章,针对A 公司物流库存管理,仓储运营,需求预测管理三大瓶颈,提出优化方案。第六章,在 A 公司实施提出的优化方案。第七章,全文总结,主要总结了全文的框架结构与研究成果。并指出本文的局限性,同时指明了笔者今后在这些领域的研究方向。
  关键词: 物流优化;物流标指,库存管理;销售运营计划;仓储管理
  Logistics has taken an important role in company daily operation. High efficientlogistics is regarded as “Third profile Center”, which can reduce company's cost andimprove competence.
  A Company do NPS survey annually and the most frequent negative feedback inrecent year is the complaint of logistics performance. At the same time, A company arefacing high inventory, large aging stock, low efficiency. An optimization team wasestablished to improve the logistics service.
  In this thesis, the 4Q methodology (Measurement, analysis, Improvement, Sustain),which is similar with 6 Sigma is used to solve the lower logistics service provided tocustomer. In Measurement phase, A series logistics KPI will be established, which willreflect the performance of delivery, order fulfillment, inventory in overall logistics systemperformance. The measurement include the ERP(SAP) system second development thatcan easily help optimization team to acquire the raw data of daily operation and the resultof each KPI by the specific formula. In analysis phase, the data analysis will help us tofigure out the bottom neck of current logistics system and define the improvementopportunity in three key facets: the inventory management, the warehouse operationalmanagement and the rolling forecast process. In each of these processes, the root reason ofthe inefficient logistics will be determined. In improvement phase, 3 projects will kick-offto solve these issues. In sustain phase, the result will be shown from the improvementactivities, which can verify the effectiveness of the improvement.
  The paper is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1: Introduction of background,purpose, current status, benefits, methodology and outline this thesis. Chapter 2: theintroduction of the related study in three opinions and the conception of inventorymanagement, rolling forecast management, warehouse operation. Chapter 3: Theintroduction of A company logistics status and the method how to measure these. Chapter4 , data analysis to find the direction of logistics optimization. Finally 3 processes havebeen defined as the bottom neck to be improved in future. Chapter 4: Root reason analysis of the bottom neck and make the strategy of these improvements. Chapter 5, the relatedsolutions are given to solve these logistics issues. Chapter 6, the solution are implementedin daily operation. Chapter 7 is the conclusion of this thesis, including the improvedlogistics performance and the study's shortage as well as the study direction in future .
  Keywords: Logistics Optimization; KPI ; Inventory Management; S&OP; WarehouseManagement
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