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来源:江汉大学 作者:刘璇
发布于:2019-03-20 共2132字

【题目】 手部湿疹外用卤米松三氯生乳膏的疗效研究
  摘 要
  目的 。
  1. 手部湿疹皮损处金黄色葡萄球菌定植率情况调查2. 含有抗菌药物的激素软膏(卤米松三氯生)治疗手部湿疹的临床疗效观察3. 皮肤镜在观察手部湿疹临床疗效观察中的应用方法。
  选取 2017 年 10 月到 2018 年 1 月在我院门诊就诊的 20 例手部湿疹患者,作为本次实验的实验组,同时随机选择 10 名正常对照组。两组均做手部分泌物细菌培养实验。实验组给与卤米松三氯生乳膏外用治疗,每日两次,为期 14 天的治疗。实验组在治疗前后分别采用 HECSI 评分、HEES 评分、受试者瘙痒症状自我评价法(10cm 视觉模拟标尺法 VAS 评分)。治疗结束后对实验组(治疗前手部分泌物培养阳性患者)再次做手部分泌物细菌培养实验。
  结果 。
  1. 手部湿疹组与正常对照组手部分泌物细菌培养实验结果有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
  2. 手部湿疹组外用卤米松三氯生乳膏治疗前后 HECSI 评分有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
  3. 手部湿疹组外用卤米松三氯生乳膏治疗前后 HEES 评分有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
  4. 手部湿疹组外用卤米松三氯生乳膏治疗前后 VAS 评分有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

  5. 手部湿疹组(手部分泌细菌培养阳性者)外用卤米松三氯生乳膏治疗后,细菌定植率显着降低。
  6. 皮肤镜下,手部湿疹组治疗后,手部湿疹的皮损处扩张的毛细血管显着减少。
  结论 。
  1. 金黄色葡萄球菌的定植与手部湿疹的发病具有相关性。 2. 含抗菌药物的激素软膏(卤米松三氯生乳膏)治疗手部湿疹疗效肯定。
  3. 含抗菌药物的激素软膏(卤米松三氯生乳膏)可有效降低手部湿疹金黄色葡萄球菌定植率。
  4. 皮肤镜对手部湿疹治疗过程中临床疗效的观察有意义。
  关键词:手部湿疹 过敏性接触性皮炎 刺激性接触性皮炎 金黄色葡萄球菌菌药物 皮肤镜 毛。
  Objective 。
  1. Investigation of staphylococcus aureus fixation in hand eczemaskin lesion.
  2. The clinical efficacy of the hormone ointment (halogenatedtriclosan) containing antibacterial agents in the treatment of handeczema.3. The application of skin microscopy in the observation of clinicalefficacy of hand eczema.
  Methods 。
  Twenty patients with hand eczema were selected from the outpatientdepartment of our hospital from October 2017 to January 2018.,as theexperimental group of this experiment, 10 normal control groups wererandomly selected.Both groups were given a bacterial culture experimentof hand secretion.The experimental group was treated with halogenatedtriclosan cream, twice a day for 14 days.In the experimental group, HECSIscore, HEES score and self-evaluation method of itch symptom (10cm visualsimulation scale method VAS score)were used when patient were before andafter treatment .At the end of the treatment, the bacteria cultureexperiment of hand secretion was performed for the experimental group(before treating the positive patients with hand secretions).
  Results 。
  1. The experimental results of The hand eczema group an The normalcontrol group were statistically significant (P<0.05).
  2.The HECSI score was statistically significant before and after thetreatment of the hand eczema group (P<0.05).
  3.The HEES score was statistically significant before and aftertreatment of the hand eczema group (P<0.05). 4.The VAS score before and after treatment was statisticallysignificant (P<0.05).
  5.In the experimental group (hand secreted bacteria culture positive),the bacterial colonization rate was significantly reduced after thetreatment with halogenated triclosan.
  6. Under the Skin mirror ,after the treatment of the hand eczemagroup, the skin lesion of the hand eczema was significantly reduced.
  Conclusion 。
  1.The fixation of staphylococcus aureus was associated with theincidence of hand eczema.
  2.The curative effect of a hormone ointment containing antibacterialagents(halometasone triclosan cream )on hand eczema was confirmed.
  3.A hormone ointment containing antibacterial agents(Halogenatedtriclosan cream) can effectively reduce the rate of staphylococcus aureusin hand eczema.
  4.The observation of clinical efficacy in the treatment of eczema ofthe skin mirror is significant.
  Keywords: hand eczema, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contactdermatitis, staphylococcus aureus, antibacterial agent, skin mirrorcapillaries
  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 国内外研究的背景

  1 . 2 本文研究的主要内容、目标与方法
  1.2.1 研究的主要内容
  1.2.2 研究的目标
  1.2.3 研究的方法
  第 2 章 临床研究
  2.1 资料和方法
  2.1.1 病例选择标准
  2.1.2 剔除标准
  2 . 1 . 3 临 床 疗 效 评 估 指 数
  2.1.4 手部湿疹组数据分析
  2.1.5 对照组数据分析
  2 . 2 材 料
  2. 3 实验方法
  2 . 3 .1 取材
  2.3.2 分泌物细菌培养
  2.4 统计与分析
原文出处:刘璇. 含抗菌药物的激素软膏治疗手部湿疹的临床疗效观察[D]. 江汉大学 2018
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