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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-02-02 共2869字

【第1部分】 人格利益的精神赔偿问题研究

  摘 要

  我国最高人民法院于 2001 年 3 月 10 日出台《精神损害赔偿解释》,该解释中首次出现了一个新的概念用语--具有人格象征意义的特定纪念物品,这着实是一个创造性的举动。然而,具体到司法实践中如何适用该解释,如何认定某物是具有人格象征意义的特定纪念物品,没有具体标准。国内外学者对于此种特定物的具体概念用语和范围外延众说纷纭:有学者称其为“人格物”、“人格财产”、“具有人格利益的财产”、“包含人身利益的财产”、“‘必要的’个人财产”等,在综合对比分析的基础上,人格物的这一概念得到笔者的青睐。不仅仅是学术界,司法界对人格物这一概念亦不陌生,如结婚戒指、祖传画像、祖坟等等。人格物区别于一般物的特性就在于其上所承载的人格利益,承认该人格利益并给予其精神损害赔偿的保护就显得顺理成章。





  关键词:人格, 人格物, 人格利益, 精神损害赔偿


  March 10, 2001, Supreme People's Court announced the determination of tort liability fordamages the spirit of a number of issues of interpretation ( hereinafter referred to as interpretation ) .

  The interpretation of Article 4 creatively put forward with a particular personality symbolicmementos concept. But what should be applicable in practice, such an interpretation, the judgehow to identify what things are symbolic with personality specific commemorative items, notspecified. Domestic and foreign scholars for specific compounds herein specific concept terms andscope extension guess: Some scholars call Personhood Property, character property, havingpersonal interests in property, contains the personal interests of the property, necessary personalproperty, in the comprehensive comparative analysis, based on the concept of personality matter toget the author 's favor. than just academia, the judiciary nor the concept of personality unfamiliarobjects, such as wedding rings, ancestral portrait, graves etc. personality thing different from thegeneral properties of matter lies in its bearing on the personal interests, personal interests andrecognition of the spiritual damages to its protection becomes a matter of course .

  The first part of the paper starts with the civil law concept of people and objects and theirrelationships evolve, as well as civil entities and civilian objects perspective to explain and objects,binary distinction between personality and property and integration, and thus leads to the conceptof personality thing appears inevitability and briefly describes the emergence of academic andjudicial personality thing.

  The second part of the paper intended to define the connotation of the concept of personalitymatter and scope extension. First, define the concept of personality and physical analysis of thelegal characteristics of personality thing; Second, comparative analysis of physical and personalitysimilarities and differences between similar concepts, establish this legal concept derived Ought;Finally, on the extension of the scope of personality thing , try from a different perspective on thepersonality type of material to define and focus on analysis of the current theorists have disputedseveral typical personality thing, put forward their own views.

  The third part, respectively, from the particularity of personality thing itself, and its inherentsense of social ethics and locks reflect three aspects of the legal value, giving personalitydemonstrate the legitimacy of material compensation for moral damage, providing strongtheoretical support.

  The fourth part, through comparative analysis of physical damages and damages thepersonality and the different general physical damages spirit and personality and makerecommendations for mental damages the personality matter judicial action.

  Key Words:Personality, Personhood Property, Personality Interest,Compensation for moral damage

    目 录

  引 言……1

  1 人格物的源起……2

  1.1 传统人与物的二元区分…… 2

  1.1.1 民法中的人与物的概念及演变…… 2

  1.1.2 民法中主体的人与客体的物 …… 7

  1.2 现代人与物的交融 …… 8

  1.2.1 人格的物化…… 8

  1.2.2 物的人格化…… 10

  2 人格物的界定……12

  2.1 人格物的概念及法律特征 …… 12

  2.1.1 人格物的概念内涵 …… 12

  2.1.2 人格物的法律特征 …… 14

  2.2 人格物与类似概念的辨析 …… 15

  2.2.1 人格物与人格财产 …… 15

  2.2.2 人格物与具有人格利益的财产…… 17

  2.2.3 人格物与具有人格象征意义的特定纪念物品…… 18

  2.3 人格物的范围外延 …… 19

  2.3.1 人格物的种类 …… 19

  2.3.2 几种特殊的人格物 …… 20

  3 人格物精神损害赔偿的法理分析……23

  3.1 人格物中蕴藏着浓厚的社会文化意义…… 23

  3.1.1 人格物中映射的伦理价值 …… 23

  3.1.2 公众对人格物中的人格利益的普遍认同 …… 23

  3.2 人格物中蕴涵着浓厚的人格因素 …… 25

  3.2.1 传统意义上对侵害人格行为的救济方式 …… 25

  3.2.2 人格物中的人格与传统意义上人格的关系……26

  3.3 人格物精神损害赔偿的法律价值考量 ……27

  3.3.1 精神损害赔偿制度的本质要求 ……27

  3.3.2 受害人权益保护与侵权人责任承担之平衡需要 ……30

  4 人格物精神损害赔偿的赔偿标准……32

  4.1 人格物精神损害赔偿与人格精神损害赔偿……32

  4.1.1 人格精神损害赔偿中的法律客体 ……32

  4.1.2 人格物精神损害赔偿中的法律客体……33

  4.2 人格物的损害赔偿与一般物的损害赔偿……34

  4.2.1 人格物中人格利益的价值大小 ……34

  4.2.2 人格物中人格利益的价值判断 ……35

  4.3 人格物精神损害赔偿的赔偿数额 ……36

  4.3.1 国内外关于精神损害赔偿数额的确定 ……36

  4.3.2 人格物精神损害赔偿数额的确定 ……38

  5 结语……40


  致 谢……46

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