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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-07 共2445字


【第三章  第四章】单亲儿童问题分析与专业介入 


  通过社区学堂半年来的实习与调研,发现在常来的 30 个儿童中,约有 25人来自单亲家庭。有的儿童父母双方均已经再婚,有的儿童跟着爷爷奶奶或姥姥姥爷一块生活。不难发现这些单亲家庭的儿童在日常行为上大部分表现出的是胆小、忧郁、不积极。通过儿童平时学习的座位分配和小组游戏活动的成员组成发现,来自相似家庭背景的儿童往往更喜欢凑在一起,他们通常沉默寡言,只有在游戏进行的异常有趣时才会忘却烦恼正是因为在社区学堂中发现大部分来自单亲家庭的孩子或多或少存在以上问题,所以想通过提高单亲家庭儿童抗逆力的角度出发,去帮助这些弱势群体中的单亲儿童如何处理人际关系,积极乐观的与人沟通,健康快乐的成长。


  关 键 词 : 抗逆力 , 单亲家庭 , 沉默寡言 , 社区学堂


  Through community school half a year's practice and investigation,in 30 childrenoften come in,about 25 people from a single parent family.Some children with bothparents had remarried,some children with grandpa and grandma or Grandpagrandmother a piece of life.It is not difficult to find the single parent families ofchildren in their daily behavior most shows is timid,melancholy,not active.Childrenusually learn by members of the seat allocation and group games and composition ofactivities found,from the similar family background of children are often more liketogether,they usually be scanty of words,only in the game were exceptionallyinteresting will forget their troubles.

  Because in the community school found that the majority of children from singleparent families are more or less the existence of the above problems,so want toincreasing single parent families children resilience perspective,to help thesedisadvantaged groups in the single parent children how to handle interpersonalrelationships,positive communication with people, grow up healthy and happy.

  Society pay more and more attention to children from disadvantaged familiesand material concern,the government also introduced a policy to protect the quality oflife and the educational rights.Even so,the education of children from many aspects:

  school education,social education,community education,family education and soon.To some extent,the government can only guarantee the school education,but thesingle parent families children social education,community education,familyeducation is a serious lack of,in the process of growing up without social humanisticcaring and spiritual companion.And the construction of the children in the singleparent family resilience research is not only conducive to government on the future ofsocial care tends to be more humanized and more conducive to these vulnerablegroups of children of single parent to be positive and optimistic in the face of life,rather than with the sad state of mind to the society.In the service process of thecommunity school half a year through contact with these lovely children of singleparent draws the following conclusion:don't give single parent children paste on thelabel;face family changes in good faith in the face of the child;try not to give childreninstill who is right and who is wrong;don't cherish the compensation sense childobedience;strengthen the child's own role.

  Key words: Resilience, Single-parent family, Be scantyof words, Community School


  第一章 绪论





  (三) 儿童抗逆力

  (四) 文献述评










  (一)D 社区概况




  第二章 D 社区社区学堂单亲留守儿童状态评估





  第三章 服务对象问题分析与专业介入



  三、 专业介入开展小组活动

  (一) 安全防护小组



  (四) “舌尖上的青杨”社区学堂厨艺大比拼

  第四章 服务对象的评估

  第五章 结论



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