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学术堂专业论文学习平台您当前的位置:学术堂 > 管理学论文 > 组织行为学论文


来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-17 共4196字



  目 录




  1.1 问题的提出

  1.2 国内外研究综述

  1.2.1 国外研究

  1.2.2 国内研究

  1.2.3 简要述评

  1.3 研究目的、意义和创新

  1.3.1 研究目的

  1.3.2 研究意义

  1.3.3 研究创新


  2.1 研究设计

  2.1.1 理论依据

  2.1.2 核心概念界定

  2.1.3 研究内容与研究思路

  2.1.4 研究方法

  2.2 样本情况


  3.1 调查地点简介

  3.2 林县合作社发展概况

  3.3 林县合作社个案特征

  3.3.1 合作社组织概述

  3.3.2 农民对合作社认知情况


  4.1 农民对合作社组织信任指标体系的构建

  4.1.1 指标划分

  4.1.2 指标操作化

  4.1.3 信度、效度检验

  4.1.4 因子提取

  4.2 农民对合作社组织信任现状

  4.2.1 变量描述

  4.2.2 因子描述

  4.3 小结

  5 合作社组织信任与农民参与的关系研究

  5.1 农民参与变量分析

  5.1.1 农民参与合作社的意愿

  5.1.2 农民参与合作社的行为

  5.2 组织信任与农民参与变量的相关性分析

  5.2.1 组织信任与农民参与意愿的相关性分析

  5.2.2 组织信任与农民参与行为的相关性分析

  5.3 组织信任对农民参与合作社的影响性分析

  5.3.1 组织信任对农民参与合作社意愿的影响性分析

  5.3.2 组织信任对农民参与合作社行为的影响性分析

  5.4 小结


  6.1 依托组织载体,提高农民组织化水平

  6.2 合理继承传统,整合合作社信任结构

  6.3 完善制度建设,重建合作社信任体系

  6.4 培育农民信任,加强农民本体安全感

  7. 结论与不足

  7.1 研究总结

  7.2 研究不足








  关键词 合作社组织;信任结构;人际信任;系统信任;农民参与


  Organizational trust problem has always been the hot spot of the internationalacademic research. Trust is the important embodiment of organizational effectiveness,relates to the benign operation and coordinated development of the organization.

  Farmers' Professional Cooperatives is a kind of rural economic organization, itsdevelopment depends on the trust of the farmers. However, our country cooperativeorganization trust situation is not optimistic at present, affects the farmers' willingnessand behavior of participating in cooperative, and blocks farmers to form a stablelong-term effective mutual cooperation. The trust of the farmers' cooperative hasgreat significance on facilitating the cooperation among farmers, and it is theimportant basis for ensuring the effective operation and long development ofcooperative organization.

  In the framework of Giddens Trust Theory, the cooperative organization trust ofthis study is divided into interpersonal trust and system trust. Interpersonal trustconsists of longitudinal trust from famers' to the cooperative President and thehorizontal trust among famers. System trust consists of famers' trusting in thecooperative overall and famers' trust in the village public power. On the basis of those,this study has built an index system famers' trusting in the cooperative. Therefore, thespecific content of this study includes the following aspects: Firstly, the analysis oftheory of cooperative organization trust ; Secondly, the study of organizationcharacteristics and current situation of the development of the cooperative; Thirdly,the building of the index system famers' trusting in the cooperative and the analysis oforganization trust; Fourthly, analyze the relationship between cooperativeorganization trust and famers' participation; Fifthly, put forward some suggestions onthe development of cooperative trust in the sight of Giddens Trust Theory.

  This study uses the empirical research method that combines quantitativeresearch with qualitative research, and the study mainly analyzes by questionnaire andinterview while literature research is complementary. In the study, the main methodsfor data collection are literature method, questionnaire survey method, interviewmethod. The literature method is mainly used in researching organizational trusttheory and analyzing the research progress of cooperative organization trust. Thequestionnaire method mainly analyzes the relationship between organizational trustand farmers' participation and changes of cooperative organization trust structurethrough understanding of farmer's perception on cooperatives, famers' trust andfarmers' participation. The interview method mainly understands the developmentand trust of cooperative organization by interviewing the cooperative president,technician, village cadres and some farmers.

  The study has found that: Firstly, the index system famers' trusting in thecooperative mainly consists of longitudinal trust from famers' to the cooperativepresident, the horizontal trust among famers, famers' trusting in the cooperativeoverall and famers' trust in the village public power; Secondly, the overall level offarmers' trusting in cooperative organization is not high, the interpersonal trust level isoptimistic, and system trust level is low; Thirdly, famers' participation intention isrelatively high, and participation behavior is very little, and famers' participationwillingness and behavior mainly focuses on the business engagement; Fourthly,system trust has a significant effect on famers' participation willingness andparticipation behavior while interpersonal trust had no significant effect on either.

  Fifthly, system trust of the cooperative organization plays an important role onfarmers' participation, and taking off the domain mechanism based on the separationof time and space make cooperative organization structure change which is from theinterpersonal trust to trust system. Sixthly, make suggestions on the development ofcooperative trust in the sight of Giddens Trust Theory. To realize equilibrium of thestructure of the cooperative trust, alleviate the conflict of tradition and modern, andovercome the cooperative trust crisis, we should raise farmers' organizational levelbased on organization carrier, integrate cooperative trust structure by inheriting thetradition reasonably, restore trust cooperative system by perfecting the systemconstruction and strengthen farmers' ontology of security by cultivating farmers' trust.

  Key words: Cooperative Organization; Trust Structure; Interpersonal Trust; SystemTrust;Famers' Participation

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