Recently, the agriculture economy is developing very fast. Agricultural comprehensiveproduction capacity has been significantly improved. As the agriculture is widely distributed, itsenvironment, resource, efficiency and other problem become more and more obvious, especially incountryside, how to develop in green, environmental protection, energy saving, pollution-free way,Lin’an should base on its own condition, actively promoting the agricultural circular economy,formed a variety of agricultural cycle mode. The research on the development mode of circularagriculture in Lin'an is helpful to clarify the applicable conditions of all kinds of patterns, and hasimportant promoting function and practical significance to promote the further development ofcircular agriculture in Lin'an county.
This study takes the theory of sustainable development, agricultural circular economy andagricultural ecological economy as the main theoretical basis, Methods of combining qualitativeanalysis and field survey. Close to the development of agricultural circular economy in Lin'an County,has researched the classical mode of Lin’an agricultural circular economy, put forward the solution ofLin’an agriculture’s sustainable development . The main conclusions of this study are as follow:
Analyzed the achievement of Lin’an agricultural circular economy in the area of agriculturalresource saving, waste utilization and the innovation of agricultural system and the establishment ofclassical modes like regional comprehensive utilization of resources, waste recycling, combinationand local consumption of agriculture and animal husbandry;Analyzed the two typical modes of Lin’an agricultural circular economy, It is considered thatthese two models are applicable to the local, and have a strong demonstration effect;Put forward the solution from six parts of top-level design, increasing policy support andimproving the service system, optimization development environment and Choosing agriculturalcircular economy development mode according to local conditions, promote the sustainabledevelopment of agriculture in Lin'an County.
Key words: Agriculture, Circular Economy, Typical Mode, Lin'an.
目 录
1 引言
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.2 国内外研究综述
1.2.1 农业循环经济理论发展
1.2.2 农业循环经济实践进展
1.2.3 农业循环经济特点
1.3 研究目标与内容
1.3.1 研究目标
1.3.2 研究内容
1.4 研究方法与技术路线
1.4.1 研究方法
1.4.2 数据来源
1.4.3 研究技术路线
2 农业循环经济主要模式与经验借鉴
2.1 农业循环经济主要模式
2.1.1 减量化为主的模式
2.1.2 再利用为主的模式
2.1.3 资源化为主的模式
2.1.4 生态产业园模式
2.2 国外典型案例的经验借鉴
2.2.1 开展立法保障工作
2.2.2 政府财政支持有力
2.2.3 培养民众参与意识
3 临安市农业循环经济的发展状况
3.1 临安市农业循环经济发展基础
3.2 临安市农业循环经济发展现状
3.2.1 临安推广农业循环经济的必要性
3.2.2 临安市农业循环经济取得进展
3.2.3 临安市农业循环经济发展中存在的问题
3.2.4 临安市农业循环经济的发展方向
4 临安市农业循环经济模式及典型案例分析
4.1 临安市农业循环经济现有的模式
4.1.1 畜禽—粪/沼—菜(渔)循环模式
4.1.2 农林废弃物综合利用模式
4.1.3 农林牧结合立体种养模式
4.1.4 竹产业综合利用模式
4.1.5 复合型循环经济模式
4.2 典型案例分析
4.2.1 畜禽—粪/沼—菜(渔)循环模式案例
4.2.2 农林废弃物综合利用模式
5 结论与建议
5.1 结论
5.2 建议