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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-20 共2725字



  摘 要

  随着中国高等教育的普及与大众化,大学生就业难已经成为了政府、社会、学校、家庭关注的热点,其中,来自农村的女大学生因“地域困扰”和“性别歧视”的双重弱势,在就业问题上则面临着更加严峻的考验。有调查显示,我国高等职业院校有 1327 所,高职院校学生中,有近半数的学生是来自农村的女大学生,这个群体既庞大又特殊,可以说她们的就业状况不仅关系到女性自身的发展,而且关系社会的文明与进步,直接影响社会的和谐与稳定。所以,解决农村籍女大学生就业问题,是解决整个大学生就业问题的关键,因此对这一双重弱势群体的关注和研究就显得更加重要。





  With popularization of China's higher education, difficulty in employment of collegestudents has become a hot spot of attention concerning government, society, school,family. Especially, female university students from countryside are faced with moresevere tests due to the double weakness of “regional problems” and “genderdiscrimination”. A survey shows that there are 1327 higher vocational colleges in Chinaand nearly half of the students are female from countryside. It can be indicated thatemployment situation of this large and special group is not only related to their owndevelopment and the social civilization and progress, but also has a direct impact on socialharmony and stability. So, the key to solving the problem of difficulty in employment ofcollege students lies in solving their problems, which highlights the great importance tothe focus and research of this double disadvantaged group.

  In order to understand the employment situation of this special group, this researchproject conducts investigation on objects--female college students from countrysidein higher vocational colleges in Xiangtan area, by using the methods of questionnairesurvey, data analysis and individual interview, and comes to realize all kinds of problemsof their employment, the cause of which is analyzed from the point of government, society,schools and their own level. It also summarizes the formulation and implementation ofemployment policy about female college students from countryside, comparing withsupport policies of the United States, Britain, Germany and finds out the crux, furtherdiscussing concrete measures and suggestions to crack this problem under China's nationalconditions and policy environment.

  As long as we start from the long-term interests of the state and society, from the realneeds of the masses, focus on psychology and employment reality of female universitystudents from countryside, perfect the system of laws and regulations, build perfect socialsecurity system, form good service mechanism, and carry out the definite social serviceresponsibility, we will be able to effectively break through bottleneck of the problem ofdifficulty in employment of female university students from countryside and create a newsituation to the work of university students' employment.

  Key words: higher vocational colleges; female university students from countryside;employment

    目 录

  第 1 章 绪 论

  1.1 选题的背景与意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究思路及研究方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 创新点

  第 2 章 农村籍女大学生就业存在的问题及对策研究的核心 概念和理论基础

  2.1 核心概念

  2.2 理论基础

  2.2.1 人力资本理论


  2.2.3 社会性别理论

  第 3 章 高职院校农村籍女大学生就业存在的问题与原因分析--基于对湘潭地区


  3.1 湘潭地区农村籍女大学生就业现状调查

  3.1.1 调查基本情况

  3.1.2 调查的内容

  3.1.3 调查结果及分析

  3.2 高职院校农村籍女大学生就业存在问题的原因分析

  3.2.1 政府、社会原因

  3.2.2 学校层面原因

  3.2.3 自身层面原因

  第 4 章 解决高职院校农村籍女大学生就业困境的途径

  4.1 借鉴主要发达国家促进大学生就业的先进经验

  4.1.1 美国的做法

  4.1.2 英国的模式

  4.1.3 德国的经验

  4.2 完善就业政策、加强立法,以适应社会发展需要

  4.2.1 健全就业法规体系,就业政策有保障

  4.2.2 健全生育保险制度,女性权益有保障

  4.3 净化社会环境,促进公平就业

  4.3.1 倡导先进的性别文化,引领新风尚

  4.3.2 加强基本公共就业服务建设

  4.3.3 规范就业中介的管理,提高服务意识

  4.3.4 大力宣传就业政策,拓宽就业渠道

  4.3.5 强化企业社会责任,畅通就业渠道

  4.4 提升高职院校就业指导力,增强实效性。

  4.4.1 优化人才培养模式,增强针对性

  4.4.2 合理设置高职专业,增强适应性

  4.4.3 缓解就业心理压力,提高自信心

  4.4.4 完善就业指导服务体系,提高就业质量

  4.4.5 加强综合素质培养,增强就业技能

  4.5 提高自身综合素质,树立就业信心

  4.5.1 转变就业观念

  4.5.2 树立就业信心

  结 语


  致 谢

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