Notarization is one important judicial system of China and granting theeffectiveness of the enforcement of notarization is special force of law with theenforced execution notarial deed as one of the basis of execution as Chinese civillaw regulated. With the rapid development of China's market economy, all sorts ofconflicts of interest gets prominently day by day and the litigious cases related todisputes on claims and debts increased dramatically, bringing enormous pressure tothe grassroots people's court trial work and ask them to seek persified legal systemto help coordinate. Because of its advantage in convenience, economy, effectiveness,enforced execution Notarization system played an irreplaceable role in guarantee ofthe social credit system, maintain the security of transaction and reduce the cost ofthe realization of the creditor's rights. while at the same time targeting at therealization of balance between fairness and efficiency, effectively saved judicialresources and had an effect on reducing the pressure of court litigation cases.
Giving effectiveness of enforced notarization system is developed graduallyafter China's economic system reform, which initially established in ProvisionalRegulations of notarization and is relatively a new legal system. For quite some time,the academic circles always have considerable differences on justifiability and scopeof giving enforced notarized documents effectiveness and in the judicial practice,notarization institution and court hold different views on the verification andexecution procedure of giving notarized documents enforced effectiveness, somescholarships even questioned the Legitimacy and rationality of giving notarizeddocuments enforced effectiveness that require for further improve in legislation toand standardize in operation procedure.
This article will analyze and research on the domestic prominent hot issuesreferring to the present notarization development of China by using the method oflegal analysis and comparative analysis. Despite that giving effectiveness to theenforced notarized documents do not have Res Judicata, still it's not disputable sinceit embodies the autonomy of the parties. Appropriately expanding the scope ofenforced execution notarization documents meets the need of the development ofmarket economy in China and benefits the promotion of civil transaction safety. Inorder to improve the effectiveness of notarized documents to enforce the executionrate and effectively reduce court's litigation pressure, it's necessary to clarify theexamination function of notarization institution and the court, further standardize theenforcement procedures, while at the same time paying attention to protect thelegitimate rights and interests of the parties, giving full play to the executiondocuments as the role of transitional examination and providing procedure reliefchannel to the obligor.
To promote the development of giving effectiveness of enforcementnotarization system is the requirement from innovation of social management patternand seek persified channels to resolve civil disputes, which needs legal protectionand quality notary. Furthermore, it's necessary to perfect domestic legislation,strengthen construction of notary team to promote the healthy development of thenotarization system.
Key words: Notarization system Document evidencing creditorsEffect of enforcement Practical cases of enforced executionImprovement suggestions
目 录
导 言
第一章 赋予强制执行效力公证制度概述
第一节 赋予强制执行效力公证制度概念
第二节 赋予强制执行效力公证的特点
第三节 赋予强制执行效力公证制度的价值
第四节 赋予强制执行效力公证制度的演变
第二章 赋予强制执行效力公证制度中的争议 问题辨析
第一节 赋予强制执行效力公证债权文书的可诉性之争
第二节 赋予强制执行效力公证债权文书范围的扩张
第三节 公证债权文书执行审查程序及问题分析
第四节 公证执行证书之存废辨析
第三章 完善赋予强制执行效力公证制度的建议
第一节 适当扩大赋予强制执行效力公证债权文书的范围
第二节 完善执行证书制度立法
第三节 规范公证机构过渡性审查程序
第四节 减少法院执行审查的随意性
第五节 加强公证队伍建设
结 语
后 记
自改革开放之后,我国公证制度得以恢复重建,随着市场经济体制改革不断深入,如今公证制度已有了长足的进步,目前我国正进入快速的社会转型期,社会经济呈现出飞速发展的势态,同时社会各种利益矛盾,尤其是物质利益矛盾凸显,民事诉讼案件呈几何级增长,公证在维护经济秩序、预防纠纷、减少诉讼方面显现出日益重要的作用,逐渐被广大人民群众所认知和接受。强制执行效力作为公证制度三大效力之一,是社会经济发展的产物,是司法权部分社会化的结果,赋予强制执行效力公证制度体现了公证的职能优势,以其便捷、经济、高效的特点,通过非诉的方式为当事人解决民事纠纷又提供了一条新的途径。近年来,人们通过选择赋予强制执行效力公证的方式保障债权实现的案件也逐渐增多,上海某区法院在 2011 年至 2013 年期间受理强制执行公证债权文书案件共有 375 件,且每年案件数都呈迅速上升趋势,其中仅 2013 年就执行了 199 件,已占到三年案件总量的一半以上。