【3.2 3.3】消费时代审美图像化的内涵与特征
关键词:消费主义 审美 转向 演化 特征
Abstract:Since twenty-first Century, with the rapid development of networktechnology, information technology, great changes have taken place in the production ofhuman life, social and economic development also appeared a turning point in history.
From the consumer perspective, the economic life of the people gradually from aproduction centric to consumer as the center, from the aspect of social consciousness,people's aesthetic activities and aesthetic idea is also undergoing profound changes.
The Consumerism Era have a great effect on people's consumption concept. Andthere is close relationship between the change of modern people's aesthetic andconsumption concept. In the present era, aesthetic and consumption to a certain extent,coupling, homogeneity inside, they are together in the construction of human socialforms of production, consumption patterns and living context, discourse pattern, and hasinfluenced the mode of thinking and behavior of modern people, to the aesthetic andconsumption is also increasingly highlights the characteristics of the times, societyfeature and characteristic value.
In this paper the aesthetic image and popularity as an opportunity, in-depth analysisof the Consumerism Era under the modern aesthetic to internal causes, evolutionprocess, characteristics, results, and further clarify the new trend of modern aesthetics,deeply explore a series of connotation and aesthetic generalization, the aesthetic turninginto in the field of art history, aesthetics, art, comprehensive analysis of the relationshipbetween commodity, life, with a view to the growing market, diversification andglobalization in the context of consumption, the benefit or enlightening views on currentand future study of modern aesthetics.
At the same time, provide theoretical guidance for the existence of real lifeconsumer and aesthetic issues, and promote our culture of consumerism and aesthetic ofnormalization and order.
Key words:Consumerism; aesthetic; turn; evolution ; features
目 次
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究意义
1.2 国内外研究综述
1.2.1 国外研究综述
1.2.2 国内研究综述
1.3 研究方法与可能的创新点
1.4 研究思路与研究内容
2 消费时代审美转向产生的社会背景
2.1 消费的概念及其主要特征
2.1.1 生产者为主向消费者为主的转变
2.1.2 消费行为的内涵与特点的发展过程
2.2 消费文化与审美转向的内在关联
2.2.1 对消费活动的审美界定
2.2.2 艺术逐渐呈现商业特征
3 消费时代审美转向的演变趋势
3.1 消费时代审美新转向的演变趋势
3.1.1 理性主义向感性主义的转变
3.1.2 独立观赏向积极参与的转变
3.1.3 高雅精美向反讽戏仿的转变
3.1.4 从美感向快感的转变
3.1.5 语言为主向图像为主的转变
3.1.6 精英群体向大众群体的转变
3.1.7 艺术活动向商业活动的转变
3.2 消费时代审美图像化的内涵与特征
3.2.1 审美图像化的界定
3.2.2 图像化与文本化的内在联系
3.2.3 审美图像化的内涵
3.2.4 拟像的概念以及审美的消费
3.3 消费时代审美大众化的概念与主体特征
3.3.1 审美大众化的概念与源起
3.3.2 大众角色与精英权力的内在关系
3.3.3 审美大众化的主要特征
4 消费主义时代的审美泛化及其思考
4.1 消费时代的审美泛化现象
4.1.1 泛化后审美的深层演化
4.1.2 生活与艺术之间的审美层级
4.2 消费时代审美转向的思考
4.2.1 审美转向带来的深层次影响
4.2.2 审美转向的局限与超越
4.2.3 审美转向的新发展