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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-02-29 共2861字

【第1部分】 四川名山茶叶交易市场拓展战略探究

  摘 要



  名山茶叶年交易量巨大,参与交易的商户众多,但目前的两个茶叶市场规模小、分布零散、管理混乱,无法满足市场交易需求,商家对商铺的需求较为迫切。政府急需引资、引智,迅速改变因产业力量分散,而形成的抱着金山受穷的被动局面。于是近年来政府极其重视其发展,未来发展前景广阔。目前市场竞争项目较少,竞争能力与四川名山茶叶交易市场发展本项目相比存在明显的劣势,为项目未来发展预留了较大的提升空间 ,因此迫切需要研究四川名山茶叶交易市场发展战略。




  As a subfieldof agricultural products market, tea trade share general charactersofagricultural trade, but also has its particularity. Tea trade used to possess a crucialposition in ancient China business system, but restricted bydevelopmentform,marketsize and influence,Chinese modern tea market is experiencing an earlydevelopment stage at present. Trading patterns remains relatively simple andtraditional. To ensure successful operation of the project (which?teatradeproject?),(we must) grasp the future market development trend, and held anexhaustive perspective of global agricultural trade patterns. Furthermore,tea tradepatterns should beextend to the range of bulk agricultural products withstrategicimportance,andin order to provide a more strategic level referenceto project, futuredevelopment of the tea market should be explored.

  Ming Mount is the birthplace of tea artificial cultivation,with high quality andlarge amount of tea output,it possessed a pivotal position in tea industry developmentrecently, but there has been in depression of tea values in Ming Mount. Yet it has apromising future since government paid attention to its development. As MingMounttea has huge transaction volume and a large number of traders,the current twotea markets are too small in scale to meet the needs of market transactions,scattereddistribution and management confusion are also problems of its present teamarkets.Lacking of projects, the marketis less competitive than Sichuan famous teamarketcurrently, leave aside a larger room for project improvement. Developmentstrategy of Sichuan famous tea market should be studied. Sichuan famous tea tradingestablished an overall concept and scheme of the project,namely, create a set oftea-themed corporate office headquarters, corporate culture exhibition, commoditytrading and leisure of tea culture as a complex real estate projects, and took theproject as a platform for reformingbrilliant Mengding tea and boosting “famous MingMounttea source” development. The market occupies a scale advantage:withthe totalsize of about 500 acres, pre-construction area of 125 acres and 14 cubic metersconstruction area, is a large-scale tea market development project in the area ofYa'anand will have a greater regional radiation and influence. Additionally, Sichuan famoustea trading project is located beneath the “World Tea Culture Holy Mountain”, has anadvantage ofresources in climate, culture andtourism, providesa good environmentfor the overall development and background positioning.

  This paper firstsummarized theMing Mounttea market present status andpotential problems via fieldworks; and then summarized the advantages anddisadvantages of Sichuan famous tea market based on comparative analysisofdrawbacks in domestic wholesale market, and seek solutions for existing problems.

  Study and future research of this subject helps to build a set of transactions, display,storage, auctions, electronic trading, cultural experiences and related services in onecomprehensive industry service platform,and further integration ofMing Mountscattered teamarket.Upgrade of Mengding tea brand value provides a broader spacefor development of various types of businesses, helps to enter the internationalhigh-end market, and to enhance the ability of industry premium. Also,promotion ofMengdingtea helps to build one of the world's best tea brand and the world's mostreputable brand tea market, enlarge long-term benefits and maximize value.

  Keywords:Tea market, Market demand analysis, Strategy research

  目 录

  摘 要……I


  第 1 章 绪论……1

  1.1 选题背景 ……1

  1.2 选题意义 ……2

  1.3 研究方法 ……4

  1.4 研究内容与目标 ……4

  第 2 章 名山茶叶市场现状诊断与问题分析……6

  2.1 产区茶叶市场经营状况分析……6

  2.2 名山茶叶市场存在的问题……8

  2.3 项目核心问题梳理及发展战略研判……10

  第 3 章 名山茶叶交易市场特征分析……12

  3.1 茶叶批发市场产品特点分析……12

  3.2 国内典型产区茶叶批发市场比较分析……16

  3.3 名山茶叶市场供需特征分析……29

  第 4 章 名山茶叶交易市场发展战略与实施保障……33

  4.1 项目发展目标解析 ……33

  4.2 市场功能设计与战略选择……34

  4.3 发展战略的实施保障……36

  结 论……38


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