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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-03 共2651字
  摘 要
  With the rapid development of information technology、the Internet has becomeincreasingly flourish, network tourism information for tourists behavior more andmore significant, the influence of the Internet has become an important mode oftransmission tourists travel information. Research on network tourism informationhow to influence tourists' decision-making、analysis the influence degree of thenetwork tourism information to tourists tourism decision-making, put forward specifictourism marketing strategy countermeasures, is of great significance.
  This research mainly including introduction, literature review, theoretical basis,research ideas and research design, network tourism information impact on tourismdecision-making analysis, conclusion and prospect of six parts. In the chapter oftourist information network impact on tourism decision-making analysis, mainlyincluding five aspects: the demographic, network travel information search behavior,search, search content attention and network tourism information credibility. Analyzesthe network tourism information the influence and the role of tourists travel decisions.
  The studying tell us we should strengthen communication and collaboration betweenthe government and other departments to participate; Increasing investment funds,improve the means of network technology to build a perfect network informationservice platform; Know tourists demand, build an for the tourists can provide accurate,comprehensive and perfect comprehensive tourism information network tourisminformation service platform, to provide tourists really need travel information, only isadvantageous to the network information service platform and healthy development oftourism in jiangxi province.
  On the research methods, this paper is through the questionnaire survey, andcombining with opinion mining, content analysis and data statistics analysis, tried tobreak through a qualitative research pattern of past experience, judgment, combinequalitative research and quantitative research, explains the network tourisminformation in the tourists travel decisions play a role in the process, to explorenetwork tourism information is how to influence the tourists travel decisions, fortourism enterprises in jiangxi province and the related travel website marketingstrategy to provide scientific decision basis and corresponding countermeasures andSuggestions.
  Key Words:network; tourism; tourist information; travel decisions; informationsearch

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  1 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.1.1 信息技术的突飞猛进
  1.1.2 互联网的蓬勃发展
  1.1.3 网络旅游信息对旅游者行为影响日趋显着
  1.2 研究目的和研究内容
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究内容
  1.3 研究意义
  1.3.1 理论意义
  1.3.2 实践意义
  1.4 研究方法和研究思路
  1.4.1 研究方法
  1.4.2 研究思路
  1.5 创新之处
  1.5.1 研究视角创新
  1.5.2 研究内容提升
  2 文献综述
  2.1 旅游信息研究
  2.1.1 旅游信息
  2.1.2 网络旅游信息
  2.2 旅游信息需求研究
  2.2.1 旅游信息需求
  2.2.2 网络旅游信息的需求
  2.3 网络旅游信息搜索行为影响因素研究
  2.4 旅游者决策理论研究
  2.4.1 旅游者决策及其影响
  2.4.2 旅游者决策的过程
  2.5 网络旅游信息对旅游决策的影响研究
  3 影响旅游决策因素的分析
  3.1 网络旅游信息
  3.1.1 网络旅游信息的表现形式
  3.1.2 网络旅游信息特点
  3.2 旅游者的旅游决策
  3.2.1 旅游决策概念
  3.2.2 影响旅游决策因素
  3.3 网络旅游信息在旅游决策中的作用
  3.3.1 网络旅游信息是旅游决策的基础
  3.3.2 网络旅游信息是科学有效决策的依据
  3.3.3 网络旅游信息的反馈是完善旅游决策的手段
  4 研究构思与研究设计
  4.1 研究构思
  4.2 研究设计
  4.2.1 研究对象
  4.2.2 问卷设计原则
  4.2.3 问卷内容设计
  4.3 获取数据的方法
  5 网络旅游信息对旅游决策的影响分析
  5.1 人口统计学特征的差异分析
  5.2 网络旅游信息搜索行为的分析
  5.2.1 获取旅游信息途径分析
  5.2.2 通过网络获取旅游信息的时间支出分析
  5.2.3 获取网络旅游信息原因的分析
  5.2.4 获取网络旅游信息类型的分析
  5.3 网络旅游信息搜索渠道的分析
  5.3.1 通过网络专业旅游信息平台获取信息的分析
  5.3.2 通过网络自媒体旅游信息平台获取信息的分析
  5.4 搜索内容关注度的分析
  5.4.1 旅游信息价格的分析
  5.4.2 最具吸引力的旅游信息分析
  5.5 网络旅游信息可信度的分析
  6 结论和展望
  6.1 研究结论与启示
  6.2 研究不足和展望
  致 谢
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