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来源:山东财经大学 作者:王林
发布于:2017-03-15 共3268字

【题目】 ZN公司营运资金管理困境分析
  摘 要
  本文通过案例研究的方法,对案例企业 ZN 公司的营运资金管理流程进行了细致的了解。通过对其经营现状的梳理,明确了该公司在货币资金、交易性金融资产、流动负债三方面的管理上存在问题,并对问题进行了归纳总结,分析了问题存在的风险。
  Under the condition of socialist market economy , the effect of the SME's developingin the national economy is becoming more and more obvious, the quality of the SME'sdevelopment is directly related to the operational state of the national economy. Based onits own conditions, our country in view of the SME's working capital management startedlate, the professional knowledge are relatively scarce and resulting various problems andshortcomings in the management process of the SME, it's serious influence to thedevelopment of the SME, so it's have a strong practical significance to find the existingproblems in time and give a propose optimization solution and avoid or eliminate theproblems caused by risk factors.
  Through the method of case study.We have a detailed understanding of the Zncompany working capital management processes. By combing the current situation of thecase's management, we cleared the problems of the management in the monetary funds,trading financial assets and current liabilities and summarized the problem, then analysis ofproblem in the presence of risk factors. Then through the study of the countermeasures andthe analysis of the optimization effect.we has been clear about the importance of selectingcorrect working capital management policy, we also confirms the guiding significance ofthe theory in the management practice Finally,through elaborating of the security measuresof the government, banks and enterprises, combining the internal and external factors, weformed a set of completly strategy system for the optimization of SME's working capitalmanagement.
  The innovation of this paper: (1) combining the characteristics of SME with workingcapital management theory ,taking the actual data as the support, theory with practice,wemake the conclusions of the study has a strong practical. (2) from the point and face,through the study of the optimization strategy and effectiveness of the case enterprise,giving idease to solve the problem of the general problems in the management of workingcapital of the SME in our country. (3) take the working capital management's safeguardmeasure of the enterprise, the government and the bank into SME working capitalmanagement system, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the optimizationstrategy.
  The significance of this paper is to provide a lot of ideas of solving the problems ofpuzzling the development of SME through the study of the SME's working capitalmanagement optimization strategy, it is conducive to comprehensive use and rationalallocate the resources of enterprises, improve the efficiency. And it's also good for asufficient and reasonable planning of various forms of working capital arrangement toenterprises in different size and different stages,And to change from passive toactive,reduce costs and improve efficiency , realize the Value-Maintained andValue-Added of the assets. By taking the government and the bank's safeguards into thesystem of working capital management can provide strong support for the healthyoperation of the SME, and provide guarantee for the orderly and healthy operation of thesocialist market economy ultimately.
  Key words: SME; Working Capital; Management Strategy; Optimize

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 文献综述
  1.2.1 国外研究综述
  1.2.2 国内研究综述
  1.2.3 国内外文献评述
  1.3 研究内容
  1.4 研究方法
  1.5 创新点
  第 2 章 概念的界定与基本理论
  2.1 营运资金的概念及分类
  2.1.1 营运资金的概念
  2.1.2 营运资金的分类
  2.2 营运资金管理策略
  2.2.1 匹配型策略
  2.2.2 冒险型策略
  2.2.3 保守型策略
  2.3 风险与收益权衡理论
  2.4 本章小结
  第 3 章 ZN 公司营运资金管理现状分析
  3.1 ZN 公司的基本情况概述
  3.2 ZN 公司营运资金管理现状
  3.2.1 货币资金管理现状
  3.2.2 交易性金融资产管理现状
  3.2.3 流动负债管理现状
  3.3 ZN 公司营运资金管理现状的原因分析
  3.3.1 内部原因分析
  3.3.2 外部原因分析
  3.4 本章小结
  第 4 章 ZN 公司营运资金管理的优化对策及效果
  4.1 货币资金管理的优化对策及效果
  4.2 交易性金融资产管理的优化对策及效果
  4.3 流动负债管理的优化对策及效果
  4.4 本章小结
  第 5 章 优化中小企业营运资金管理的保障措施
  5.1 企业方面的保障措施
  5.2 政府方面的保障措施
  5.2.1 发挥好宏观调控的作用,将政策有目的的倾向于中小企业
  5.2.2 合理运用各种调控工具,将政策的效力发挥到实处
  5.2.3 大力推进全社会的信用体系建设
  5.3 银行方面的保障措施
  5.3.1 严格落实国家的各项信贷扶持政策
  5.3.2 建立全面合理的信用风险评估体系,降低准入门槛
  5.3.3 创新针对中小企业的产品设计,使之更具“人性化”
  5.3.4 简化流程,降低费率,降低中小企业的筹融资成本
  5.4 本章小结
  第 6 章 结论与展望
  6.1 研究结论
  6.2 研究不足与展望
  致 谢
原文出处:王林. 优化中小企业营运资金管理的对策研究[D].山东财经大学,2016.
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