关键词: 人类中心主义 非人类中心主义 自然观
AbstractNowadays, the environment problem has become increasingly serious, and manypeople think that the anthropocentrism is the root of this crisis. They assert that the viewof “Dominating Nature” of human causes the exceeding of the endurance limits of theEarth, and finally leads to the terrible revenge. Some scholars maintain that we shouldabandon the anthropocentrism and put the non-human beings and human beings in theequal place. However ,the defects of non-anthropocentrism has gradually revealed. Humanbeings possess more higher intelligence and they have the ability to lead the developmentof nature. But we should realize that it doesn’t mean that human beings are the overlord ofthe Earth. Thus the modern anthropocentrism advocates we should understand the effect ofthe relationship of human and nature on the development of the society. The article startedfrom introduction of main concepts of nature in the history, and discussed the thoughtorigin of the environmental problems. At the end of this article , the author expressed herview that anthropocentrism can’t be denied completely and we should search for a newkind of anthropocentrism.
Part I introduced the research condition of this topic in domestic and foreign and thegoal and framework of this topic.
Part II introduced the main concepts of nature in the history.
Part III discussed the concept and position of human.
Part IV mainly introduced the non- anthropocentrism, including main theories and thecriticism to anthropocentrism.
The last part was around the anthropocentrism, analyzed the defects of the traditionalanthropocentrism.
Key word: anthropocentrism non-anthropocentrism concept of nature
摘 要
1 绪 论
1.1 问题的提出
1.2 国内外研究概况
1.3 论文行文思路
2 人类自然观的历史演变
2.1 原始社会的自然观——自然崇拜
2.2 古希腊自然观
2.3 中世纪自然观
2.4 文艺复兴时期自然观
2.5 马克思的自然观
2.6 中国传统的自然观——天人合一
3 人在自然中的地位
3.1 人的观念
3.2 人类在自然中的地位
4 非人类中心主义
4.1 非人类中心主义的主要理论
4.2 关于非人类自然物的争论点——内在价值
4.3 非人类中心主义对人类中心主义的批判
5 现代人类中心主义
5.1 关于人类中心主义的各种思想
5.2 导致环境危机的观念——控制自然
5.3 正确审视人与自然的关系
5.4 以人类为中心的必要性
5.5 现代人类中心主义
5.6 走进真正的人类中心主义
致 谢