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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-12 共3146字

【题目】 无固定期限劳动合同法研究
【引言 第一章】我国无固定期限劳动合同法律制度现状
  摘 要
  Compared with the legal systems in other departments, labor law starts late andis still immature. Even in Britain and French which are the earliest countries tolegislate, labor law only appears just more than one hundred year. Compared withthose developed countries in the west such as Britain and French, the legislation andtheoretical research of labor in China is more backward. From the issue of LaborLaw and the implementation of Labor Contract Law, it has been more than ten years.
  Fixed-term labor contract is warmly welcomed by employers. It accounts for a largeproportion in the contracts signing of labor market and becomes the preferredcontract for employers. Meanwhile, with the less and less period, more and moretimes of signing, some labors have worked in a company for four or five years oreven more, the employers still choose to sign the contracts annually so that thelabors are always in the dangerous state of unemployment. Therefore, unfixed-termlabor contract plays a significant role in improving the stability of labor market.
  The issue of Labor Contract Law further unified the dimension of labor law'senforcement and judicature and promoted the research and development of labor lawin our country. However, the system of unfixed-term labor contract was exposed itsshortcomings shortly after its implementation. Because the system tends to protectthe labors' interests, the employers can't fire labors optionally. Only under theregulations and laws, can they terminate the contracts. The system breaks the equalstatus in laws of the two parties and increases the costs of employers largely so thatthese employers try their best to avoid signing the unfixed-term labor contracts. Theunfixed-term labor contract has become the most controversial issues discussed inthe theoretical research of labor laws and the juridical practice. So far, the theoreticalcycle has been arguing for the theoretical issues of the system of the unfixed-termlabor contract. Therefore, it's both the requirement of theoretical theory and socialsituation to analyze and research the legal system centered on the unfixed-term laborcontract.
  During the practice, we found there were two defects in our unfixed-term laborcontracts. The first is that the system hasn't provided stable jobs to those labors inthe middle-low classes. On the contrary, those labors are in the danger of beingunemployment again. The second is that the rights of terminating the contracts ofemployers are restricted so that they try their best to avoid signing. To solve theseproblems, the article makes a comparative research on the unfixed-term laborcontract in foreign countries and Taiwan in China, which mainly analyzes therelative systems in French, Germany, Britain and Sweden which start the systemearly, the free mode in America, lifetime employment system in Japan, and relativemodes of system in Taiwan. Through the analysis and research on the countries andregions above, the author believes that the modes of system in America and Japanconnect closely with their backgrounds of market economy and traditional culture.
  It's not suitable for us to use for reference because of our large differences. Therelative modes of system in European countries and Taiwan in China are close to ournational conditions. Therefore, intimating these systems and combining our nationalconditions, we can improve the signing and firing of unfixed-term labor contract andfurther expand the coverage of unfixed-term labor contract so that its leading rolecan be achieved. And it can adapt to the development of globalization.
  Key Words:
  Labor Law, Labor Contract Law, Unfixed-term Labor Contract

  目 录
  引 言
  一、 我国无固定期限劳动合同法律制度现状
  二、 我国无固定期限劳动合同法律制度存在的问题
  三、 我国无固定期限劳动合同法律制度的完善
  结 论
  致 谢
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