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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-31 共2877字

【题目】 二维码广告的发展与应用探究
【4.2 - 4.5】二维码广告的发展与安全性保障

  摘 要

  互联网产业的飞速发展,网速的大幅提高,WiFi 以及智能手机的日益普及,使二维码技术得以广泛的应用,从而使人们的生活方式也潜移默化的发生着变化。



  本文通过对二维码广告发展历史及现状的研究,分析了二维码广告发展的基本要求以及制约因素,研究了二维码广告在当代广告设计中的各种运用,以及二维码广告未来的发展趋势。本文从色彩设计、图形创意、版式设计的角度展开分析了二维码的设计途径和方法,并从媒体融合的角度展开分析了二维码广告带来的线上线下的互动营销。二维码广告是传统媒体广告与新媒体广告的融合者,许多平面广告借助二维码实现了跨媒体传播,二维码广告突破了传统媒体传播的时空局限,丰富了传统媒体广告的形态,为传统媒体创造了互动的新形式,使信息传播过程由平面静态转向立体动态的多级化,实现了传统媒体和新媒体的共生融合的传播格局。二维码广告在我国还处在发展的初级阶段,其广告形式还比较单一,对广告的解说文字依赖程度较高,随着 4G 网络普及,二维码广告设计将会有更大的发展前景。



  The rapid development of Internet industry, the large increase in speed of WiFi,and the rising popularity of smartphones and makes possible the wide application of qrcode technology, which makes people's life style also exert a subtle influence onchanging. Qr code advertising appeared to advertising a new stage, its unique attraction,good interactive, the audience enjoy the initiative characteristics caused the userpreference for it. Because of qr code through the physical separation between the mediaadvertising, broke through the print media space limit, so the favour of advertisingindustry. With the continuous development of mobile communication technology, the qrcode advertising form is also in rapid development and perfection, provides theadvertisements more ways of expression, provide more choice space for businesses.

  Qr code advertising is qr code technology and the advertising industry havemerged into a new form of advertising. Qr code advertising as a mobile Internet portal,connecting the online and offline. Qr code scanning ads requires the user to take theinitiative to accept and code, open the Internet links. Compared with traditionaladvertising, the passive accept to read actively, the user's psychological recognition ofadvertising will be higher. Without any increase in the cost under the premise of the qrcode advertising is one of the best interactive communication with consumers.

  Therefore, businesses are launched enterprise qr code as the focus of the enterprisepublicity, in a variety of flicking code set off a temptation code war, formed the qr codeadvertising design visual feast.

  In this paper, based on the research of the qr code advertising development historyand present situation, analyzes the basic requirements and constraints of qr codeadvertising development, studies the qr code in all sorts of use in modern advertisingdesign, advertising and qr code and the trend of the development of advertising. Basedon the color design, graphics, creativity, analyzes the Angle of the format design and thedesign way and the method of qr code, and analyzes from the Angle of mediaconvergence, the qr code of advertising online interactive marketing. Qr codeadvertising is the fusion of traditional media advertising and new media advertising, alot of print ads with the aid of qr code to achieve the spread across media, qr codeadvertising broke through the traditional media, the limitation of time and space, enrichthe forms of traditional media advertising, for traditional media to create a new form ofinteraction, the information dissemination process by the three-dimensional plane staticto dynamic means, realize the symbiotic integration of traditional media and new mediacommunication pattern.

  Qr code advertising in our country are still at the primary stage of development, itsadvertising form is relatively single, high degree of dependence on advertising theexplanation of the text, with 4 g network popularization, the qr code advertising designwill have greater prospects for development.

  Keywords: QR code advertising, interactive, graphic design

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  第 1 章

  引 言





  第 2 章 二维码广告相关理论研究

  2.1 二维码的概念

  2.1.1 二维码的种类及特征

  2.1.2 QR 码的符号结构

  2.2 二维码的推广广告的概念

  2.3 二维码的推广广告的发展现状

  2.4 二维码的推广广告的特征

  2.4.1 二维码的推广广告的优势

  2.4.2 二维码的推广广告的劣势

  第 3 章 二维码在广告设计中的运用

  3.1 二维码在平面媒体广告中的运用

  3.1.1 二维码广告里的扫码诱惑

  3.1.2 二维码广告里的名片创意设计

  3.1.3 二维码广告里的品牌创意设计

  3.2 二维码在新媒体广告中的交互性体验

  3.2.1 以双向传播为目的的交互性体验

  3.2.2 以用户需求为中心的交互性体验

  第 4 章 二维码广告的发展趋势及对策

  4.1 二维码广告设计的创意性发展方向

  4.1.1 从色彩设计角度出发,让单调的黑白格丰富起来

  4.1.2 从图形创意角度出发,让二维码更有视觉冲击力

  4.1.3 从版式创新的角度出发,让二维码广告鲜活起来

  4.2 线上宣传和线下消费的结合体

  4.3 传统媒体与新媒体的融合者

  4.4 二维码广告的娱乐性发展

  4.5 二维码广告的安全性保障

  第 5 章 总结


  致 谢

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