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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-16 共3478字
  中国共产党第十八届五中全会把 “加强生态文明建设”列为国家“十三五”规划重点,并提出了“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的五大发展理念。***总书记在一系列重要讲话中,也多次强调加强生态文明建设问题。这标志着我国生态文明建设已经进入到了一个新的阶段。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口众多,农村生态文明建设是我国生态文明建设的重要组成部分,直接影响我国生态文明建设的总体进程。城镇化的快速发展,给农村生态文明既带来了机遇也带来了挑战。面对城镇化建设中出现的资源浪费、环境质量恶化、水土污染严重、城市污染转移等问题,推进新型城镇化建设势在必行。新型城镇化是坚持以人为本和科学发展观的城镇化,也是引领农村生态文明建设向着绿色可持续方向发展的城镇化。加强新型城镇化进程中的农村生态文明建设研究,有着重要的理论与实践意义。
  本文以马克思主义生态观为指导, 在学习研究生态文明建设相关理论的基础上,总结借鉴国内外生态文明建设的经验和教训,深入分析农村生态文明建设中存在的问题及其原因,有针对性地探求以新型城镇化引领农村生态文明建设的路径与对策。要以新型城镇化带动农村生态文明建设,以城市工业发展反哺农村农业,转变农村经济发展方式,加大环境保护力度,建立有效的监管体系,加强农村生态文明法治化建设,在新型城镇化的背景下有序地推进我国农村生态文明的发展。
  Chinese Communist Party Eighteenth Fifth Plenary will “strengthen ecologicalcivilization” as a national “Thirteen Five” key planning, and put forward the“innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing” five development concept. GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping in a series of important speeches, but also repeatedly stressedthat strengthening the construction of ecological civilization problem. This marks theconstruction of ecological civilization, China has entered a new stage. Our country isa large agricultural country, many of the rural population, the rural ecologicalcivilization is an important part of the construction of ecological civilization, a directimpact on the overall process of the construction of ecological civilization. The rapiddevelopment of urbanization, to rural ecological civilization brought bothopportunities and challenges. Urbanization face appears in the waste of resources,deterioration of the quality of the environment, water and soil pollution, urbanpollution transfer and other issues, to promote the new urbanization construction isimperative. New urbanization is to adhere to people-centered scientific concept ofdevelopment and urbanization, is leading the construction of rural ecologicalcivilization development direction toward green and sustainable urbanization.
  Strengthening Construction of rural ecological civilization new urbanization process,has important theoretical and practical significance.
  In this paper, the Marxist concept of ecology as a guide, based on researchrelated to learning ecological civilization construction theory, summarize drawdomestic and foreign ecological civilization construction experience and lessons,in-depth analysis of the rural ecological civilization existing problems and theircauses, targeted to explore new urbanization lead to the construction of ruralecological civilization path and countermeasures. To promote the new urbanization ofrural ecological civilization construction, urban industrial development financed ruralagriculture, transformation of economic development in rural areas, increaseenvironmental protection efforts to establish an effective regulatory system,strengthen the construction of rural ecological civilization and the rule of law in thenew urbanization background orderly manner under the development of ruralecological civilization.
  This paper is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the background,significance of the topic, the current research, thesis research methods andinnovations. The second part focuses on the two new urbanization and ruralecological civilization connotation, features and mutual relations, a brief summary ofthe basic findings of the historical development of the rural ecological civilization ofthinking and the current construction of rural ecological civilization and theimportance of the construction of rural ecological civilization. The third part focuseson the construction process of urbanization of rural ecological civilization problemsand in-depth analysis of the causes of the problems. The fourth part discusses the newpath to achieve the process of urbanization of rural ecological civilizationconstruction, propose appropriate countermeasures against the problems and reasonsexisted to promote the healthy development of rural ecological civilizationconstruction.
  Key words:New town,Rural ecological civilization,Construction path

  目 录
  目 录
  第一章 引言
  第二章 新型城镇化进程中农村生态文明理论的相关阐述
  第三章 农村生态文明建设过程中存在的问题和原因分析
  第四章 新型城镇化进程中农村生态文明建设的实现路径
  结 论
  致 谢
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