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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-22 共2745字


【引言  第一章】合同解除制度概述 

  摘 要


  自由派学者胡适曾经提出学术研究要“大胆假设,小心求证”.对任何现已存在的制度体系都应当存在一种怀疑精神,去探究、发现。这一观点有契合了马克思主义认识论当中的否定之否定观,即扬弃。同样,真理亦是一个发展的过程。随着经济社会不断开放的趋势,对于合同解除制度的理论支撑亦应当予之丰富,不仅仅局限于诚实信用与意思自治原则。廓清合同解除制度这把钥匙的体系,前提是对当前的划分模式进一步完善,明确“有效但未生效”合同,更有益于“成立-事实评价”与“效力-价值评价”通说体系的完善,能够对最高院《关于适用<合同法>若干问题的解释 (二)》第 26 条规定的情势变更原则的适用条件作出进一步丰富和周延,对司法实践提供帮助。本文尝试在宏观上的边际效用分析,以及微观的博弈的分析方法对合同解除制度的正当性理论作出阐述,以期从合同解除制度的效用为视角,为完善我国合同解除制度提供新的视角。


  关键词 合同解除 制度研究 微观经济


  Rescission is an important basic system of contract law. If a contract be semed as amethod of lock, the legal system of rescission of contract is the key to the lock.In this paper,throught the connotation of the concept of the system, analyse the method of economicanalysis to the aim of contract rescission system demonstration. Based on the related theory ofmacro and micro economics and the game theory as a foundation, perfect the system ofcontract rescission for the support of theory. The present stage of chinese contract spirit of therelevant judicial documents as the background, it can be a more pertinent suggestion, topromote “give full scope to the talents,make the best use of everything” to improve the macrolevel of our economic and social development .

  Liberal scholar Hu Shi once put forward to academic research to “bold hypothesis,carefully verify”. There should be a kind of spirit of doubt to the system of any existing, toexplore and discover. This view according to Marx'sepistemology of the negation of negation,namely the sublation. Similarly, the truth is a process of development. As the economycontinues to open up the trend of society, the theory system of contract rescission shall also berich, not only limited to the honesty and credit and the principle of autonomy. At first,weshould quickly clarify its approach to the pattern of the the contract, a status named “efficientbut not effective” is available. This paper tries to analyze the marginal utility at the macro, andmicro analysis method of gametheory of legitimacy on the system of contract rescissiondescribed, in terms ofthe contract dissolution system utility as the angle of view, and provide anew perspective for perfecting the system of contract rescission.

  This article through to the rescission of the contract system concept, connotation,characteristics, classification, analysis and elaboration, and the rescission of contract withinclusion relations on the legislation of the rescission of the contract shall be divided and thenentered rescission of the contract system and contract rescission system caused byretrospective problem; Second, according the principle of macro and microeconomics relatedcontract authority issues, and tries to make clear to the basic principle of lifting system andposition, looking for a more solid theoretical support; Third, through to the rescission of thecontract system of different countries and regions of a comparative study, combined withChina's national conditions and judicial practice, and lay a good foundation for legaltransplantation and inheritance; Fourth, through the analysis, put forward the constructiveSuggestions of perfecting our country's system of rescission of the contract.

  Key words Rescission of Contract Microeconomic System research

    目 录

  引 言

  第 1 章 合同解除制度概述

  1.1 合同解除制度的概念

  1.2 合同解除制度的特征

  1.2.1 订立合同的合法有效性

  1.2.2 解除行为的相对条件性

  1.2.3 解除行为的相对明确性

  1.2.4 解除后果的相对溯及性

  1.3 合同解除制度的分类

  1.3.1 单方解除与双方解除

  1.3.2 法定解除与协议解除

  1.3.3 公力解除与私力解除

  第 2 章 合同解除制度的经济学分析

  2.1 合同解除制度的边际效用分析

  2.2 合同解除制度的博弈分析

  第 3 章 合同解除制度的比较分析

  3.1 英美法系合同解除制度

  3.2 大陆法系合同解除制度

  3.3 比较分析

  第 4 章 我国合同解除制度的现状、不足与完善

  4.1 我国合同解除制度的历史沿革与现状

  4.2 我国合同解除制度的不足与完善

  4.2.1 协议解除规则中增加对国家、社会以及第三人利益的保护

  4.2.2 法定解除规则中实现客观标准与主观标准的有机结合

  4.2.3 合同解除的溯及力内容的细化

  4.2.4 解除权行使补偿性原则

  4.2.5 解除权行使的排除规则

  结 论


  致 谢

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