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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-23 共2985字









  In the 1990s, the outbreak of the Japan's bubble economy crisis brought disastrouseffect on Japan's economy. Japan's central bank put price stability as the ultimate goal ofmonetary policy, and put central bank rediscount rate as the main tool of monetary policy.

  But theindependence of Japan's monetary policy whichattached to the political will of thegovernment authorities in the long-termand suffered too much intervention from theUnited Stateswas low.Whatultimatelyresultedtowrong monetary policy hadbeenimplemented and triggered the bubble economic crisis was Japan's central bankcouldn't estimate the exact problem of economic situation and blindly pursued thestability of exchange rate.

  From the point of view of the economic cycle, misguided monetary policy whichdirectly cause bubble economic crisis followed economic cycle twice. In the first time,Japan's central bank increased the strength of the expansion of the monetary policy underthe condition of the economic recovery, and kept the expansionary monetary policy innext time during the boom period. That led to the formation and expansion of the bubbleeconomy. In the second time, the central bank drastically tightened monetary policy in ashort time during the period of economic contraction. That rapidly brought about thecollapse of the bubble economy. So the bubble economy crisis has eruptedas these twocrucial reasons.

  The main contents of this paper include the following five parts: The first part isintroduction, mainly illustratethe selected topic significance, the related literature review,and the structure and innovation of this paper; The second part mainly introduces theformation, the collapse and the influence of the Japan's bubble economy, andexpoundsthe evolution of Japanese monetary policy from post-war to the bubbleeconomy, and then to the recession of the 90s; The third part mainly introduces themeasurement of modern economic cycle, and divided into stages of economic cycle from1960 to 2010 in Japan through the HP filter and analysis method of “bottom to bottom”,and find out the bubble economy in which phase of the economic cycle;The fourth partdiscusses the correlation of the change of Japan's monetary policyand the fluctuation ofeconomic cycle throughthe qualitative and quantitative analysis, and explains thereasonof the outbreak of the Japan's bubble economy; The fifth partmainly gives somesuggestions to the monetary policy of China.

  From the study,we can find that, Japan's monetary policy lagged behind theeconomic growth to a certain extent, and this led to the effectiveness of monetary policycontributed to the fluctuation of economic cycle; Especially in the mid and late 80s, twowrong monetary policy respectively contributed to the expansion and contraction phaseof the economic cycle, leadinggreatly ups and downs of economy;And in this economiccycle, Japan's bubble economy rapidly expand with the expansion of cycle, and thenquickly breakdown with the contraction of cycle. There are many similarities betweenthe economic situation in China and the background of Japan's bubble economy, soChina must learn experiences and lessons from Japan's monetary policy.On the one hand,we should always insist on the independence of monetary policy. On the other hand, weshould establish an effective macroeconomic monitoring system, andmoderatelyimplement the monetary policy.

  Key Words:Japan's bubble economy Economic cycle Monetary policy





  0.1 选题意义和相关概念界定

  0.1.1 选题意义

  0.1.2 相关概念界定

  0.2 国内外文献综述

  0.2.1 对日本泡沫经济危机成因的文献综述

  0.2.2 对经济周期与货币政策相关性的文献综述

  0.3 论文的结构安排和创新之处

  0.3.1 论文的结构安排

  0.3.2 论文创新之处

  1 日本泡沫经济危机及日本的货币政策概述

  1.1 日本泡沫经济危机的概述

  1.1.1 日本泡沫经济的形成

  1.1.2 日本泡沫经济的膨胀

  1.1.3 日本泡沫经济的崩溃及对日本经济的影响

  1.2 日本货币政策的变化

  1.2.1 “广场协议”前日本货币政策的变化

  1.2.2 “广场协议”签订到泡沫经济破灭日本货币政策的变化

  1.2.3 泡沫经济破灭后日本货币政策的变化

  2 日本泡沫经济生成中的经济周期阶段

  2.1 现代经济周期波动的测度方法

  2.2 数据的选取和处理结果

  3 泡沫经济危机的货币政策因素分析

  3.1 日本的货币政策与经济周期的相关性分析

  3.1.1 定性分析

  3.1.2 定量分析

  3.2 泡沫经济危机的原因分析

  4 对我国货币政策的建议



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