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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-11 共2442字



  目 录








  第一章 沂水地名的语言特点分析

  第一节 语音分析

  第二节 词汇分析

  第三节 修辞格分析

  第二章 沂水地名中的地域文化内涵

  第一节 沂水地名所反映的地域特色

  第二节 沂水地名所反映的人文特色

  第三章 沂水地名的更替演变

  第一节 沂水地名的变更情况

  第二节 沂水地名更替演变的原因探究

  第三节 沂水地名更替演变的特点

  第四章 沂水地名的语言问题与规范化

  第一节 沂水地名中存在的问题

  第二节 对沂水地名规范化的建议















  Taking the place names of Yishui County Shandong Province as the research object, thispaper investigates their pronunciation, vocabulary and rhetoric characteristics of the from theangles of language and culture, enquires into their changes, evolution and the relationshipbetween the development and the regional culture. At the same time, this paper also conducts apreliminary study of the problems that exist in the place names, making suggestions for thestandardization of them.

  The paper is divided into five chapters:

  Introduction: this part briefly explains the general situation of the geography and history ofYishui, the current situation and trend of the research on this topic at home and abroad, and thestudy targets, objects, methods significance as well as the corpus sources of this paper.

  Chapter one: analysis of the linguistic features of the place names of Yishui. By making asystematic analysis of the speech sounds (mainly the number composition of the syllables,rhythm characteristics, and the tonal patterns), vocabulary (including the lexical features of thecommonly used names proper names, the structures of the place names) and the rhetoric (partialtone, metonymy, metaphor and hyperbole), this section draws a conclusion of the linguisticfeatures of the place names of Yishui.

  Chapter two: the regional culture connotation of the place names of Yishui. By analyzingthe regional and humanistic culture bearing in the places names of Yishui, this chapter revealsthe mountainous and Yishu river culture contained in the place names of Yishui and thepsychological factors of paying great attention to patriarchal clan and surname, thinking highlyof historical culture, attaching importance to good luck and taking economic culture seriouslyone by one, so as to make people get a deeper understanding of the cultural connotation of theplace names of Yishui.

  Chapter three: the replacement and evolution of the place names of Yishui. By analyzing thereplacement and evolution of the place names of Yishui, this part explores the causes for thisphenomenon, and summarizes its characteristics.

  Chapter four: the linguistic problems and its standardization of the place names of Yishui.

  This part analyzes the problems that exist in the place names of Yishui and makes suggestionsfor the standardization of them.

  The examination of the linguistics and culture of the place names of Yishui not only fills inthe gaps in the research on the vocabulary of the place names of Yishui, but also provides casesupport for the development and perfection of general linguistics, toponymy and culturallinguistics, promoting the development and perfection of Chinese toponymy and culturallinguistics.

  Key words: Yishui, place names, language, culture

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